Posts Tagged ‘villagers’

Investigations of Reptilian attack on villagers


Earthquake Robbed Moroccan Villagers Of Almost Everything

The toll of the earthquake that devastated Morocco is on stark display in dozens of remote villages across the North African country’s disaster zone. Source

Peruvian Villagers Are Reporting Nightly Attacks by 7ft Shapeshifting Reptilians Resembling Green Goblin

Terrified villagers in a rural district of Alto Nanay, Peru, claim they are under attack by 7ft tall shapeshifting reptilians which they have dubbed “face peelers” or “pelacaras,” which are strange beings believed to feast […] The post Peruvian Villagers Are Reporting Nightly Attacks by 7ft Shapeshifting Reptilians Resembling Green Goblin appeared first on The […]

Gunmen Slaughter over 40 Villagers in Ethiopian Ethnic Conflict

Ethiopia’s civil war between the federal government and the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) is not the only deadly ethnic conflict raging in that turbulent country. On Friday, residents of the Oromiya region reported digging mass graves for at least 42 villagers slaughtered by a rival tribal militia.

Laotian widow under house arrest for leading villagers to Christ

Laos (Mission Network News/Christian Aid Mission) — A 45-year-old widow in Laos was sharing Jesus with her village — and paid for it with her freedom. Christian Aid Mission says Rina* began following Christ after police came to her Prai tribal village and announced on loudspeakers that they were banned from worshiping the Christian God. […]

Jihadists Massacre More Than 50 Villagers in Burkina Faso

Islamic extremists slaughtered more than 50 people this week in an attack in eastern Burkina Faso, AsiaNews reported this weekend.

Muslim villagers destroy church building, pastor’s house

Malakachomo Revival Church of God in eastern Uganda was destroyed on May 6, 2022. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI (Morning Star News) – Muslims furious that an Islamic leader and his wife put their faith in Christ destroyed a pastor’s house and church building in eastern Uganda on May 6, sources said. After Sheikh Musyoya Anasi and […]

Brutal attacks by police on the villagers of Dhinkia

While the Odisha State administration was continuously warning people to stay indoors to remain safe from the impending cyclonic storm, the Jagatsinghpur district police entered the village Dhinkia under Erasama Block to arrest some people around 4.30 a.m. on 4th December, 2021. People resisted the police attack and a bloody fight ensued. The media reported […]

Animist Villagers in India Force Christians to Exhume Body

Exhumed body of Laxman Markham in Gumadpal village, Bastar District, Chhattisgarh state, India. (Morning Star News) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Tribal animists influenced by Hindu extremists in central India last month forced Christians to exhume the body of a 25-year-old man buried on relatives’ private land because they didn’t want a Christian interred in […]

Rising sea level forces villagers to leave coastal areas

Bangladesh, the low-lying delta nation, is particularly vulnerable to flooding and extreme weather. As cyclones and tidal surges hit its coastal regions, agriculture is being lost and people are being forced to abandon their lands. In northwestern Bangladesh, the village of Protab Nagar has an unusual type of mosque: a praying hall on a boat. […]

The Villagers Are Storming the Castle!!!!

Mystery Babylon is falling!!  How much worse will the plandemic get? Rothschild castle in Switzerland attacked by Swiss citizens. Shades of 1848, when the crowds in Paris wanted to attack the French Rothschild mansion for financing communist insurrections all across Europe.  The French police protected the Rothschilds then.  How long before the police stop protecting […]

WATCH: Indian Villagers Attack & Chase Away Experimental COVID-19 Team

According to the police, a team of health workers was in the village to create awareness about the COVID-19 vaccination. Additional Superintendent of Police Akash Bhuria told reporters here that some villagers even verbally abused the members of the team and hit the husband of the medical secretary. “Some villagers verbally abused them and hit […]

Indian villagers use sticks and stones to chase out “vaccination” squad (Indians report the vaccinated are dying)

From via Posted Apr 30, 2021 by Martin Armstrong “I have been getting reports from readers in India that claim that the people who die are the ones who were vaccinated. I have not been able to verify this, but it seems to be a rising theme in India. There are recorded deaths […]

Hasidic pilgrimage worries Hungarian villagers under COVID strain

About a thousand Hasidic Jews from around the world made a pilgrimage to a small northern Hungarian village on Thursday, but their presence has made some locals nervous as Hungary fights a third, destructive wave of the pandemic. The village of Bodrogkeresztur has recently become a pilgrimage site for Hasidic Jews to commemorate a rabbi […]

In Myanmar’s hinterland, army uproots ethnic Karen villagers

In the jungles of southeast Myanmar, the army was shooting and otherwise oppressing civilians long before last month’s military coup. This largely unseen repression continues even now. In the country’s remote southeast, an army offensive has driven as many as 8,000 ethnic Karen people to flee their homes in what aid groups say is the […]

Coal Pollution Puts The Lives Of Villagers Into Misery And Land Them In Jail For Protesting It

On 19th March I along with Ananta , social activist, Advocate Pradosh Mohanty and Adv. Gaiendra Pradhan visited the villages like Kandadhuda, Beleimunda and Ratanpur in Hemagiri Block of Sundargarh District severally affected by acute pollution by MCL coal transport since 2012. We met with villagers including women who were ill treated, beaten by the […]

Shell Oil defeated by Nigerian villagers in oil pollution case

After a 13-year legal battle, a small group of Nigerian farmers won their pollution case against Shell Oil.  These four farmers, along with Friends of the Earth Netherlands, took Shell to court after the oil giant contaminated their lands with years of oil spills.  #Shell has today been defeated in court by Nigerian farmers. This […]

Villagers from Sanlizhuang village in Nangong, northern China’s Hebei Province waiting to take shuttle buses to quarantine center Jan. 13, 2021. (Screenshot/Video Provided to The Epoch Times by interviewee)

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Bulgarian villagers chase away evil with bonfire feast and dancing

Villagers in western Bulgaria donning large, frightening masks depicting mythical creatures took to the streets Wednesday, in an age-old Orthodox New Year carnival believed to ward off evil spirits. The traditional Kukeri dancers banged drums and shook loud copper bells around bonfires in the villages of Svetlya and Kosharevo, some 60 km (37 miles) west […]

Democracy: Israel delivers eviction orders to villagers in Negev desert despite the fact they are Israeli citizens

     Eviction and demolition orders posted on buildings in Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran that has been the subject of a years-long legal battle Residents of the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev (Naqab) desert in southern Israel on Wednesday received eviction and demolition notices which were posted on their doors by Israeli […]

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