Posts Tagged ‘stones’

Relatives Kill Christian Woman with Axe Blows, Stones in India

Christians at burial of Bindu Sodi in Dantewada District, Chhattisgarh state, India, June 26, 2024. (Morning Star News) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A tribal religion villager in India killed his 32-year-old niece with axe blows and stones last week, claiming she and her relatives had no right to ancestral farmland because they had become […]

How the Sea Turns Stones Into Pebbles

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL One of the favorite pastimes of my often competitive family growing up was seeing who could get the most “skips” from a stone thrown into the low-tide waters at the beach. This is a game that, as anyone who has played it knows, places a great deal of emphasis on […]

Huge Neolithic Cursus Linked with Isle of Arran’s Sacred Stones Revealed

In August this year, within the rugged southwest of Scotland’s Isle of Arran, researchers began excavating an ancient ceremonial monument dating back to between 4000 and 3000 BC.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

Unraveling the Mystery of the Carnac Stones: An Ancient Puzzle of Epic Proportions

The Carnac stones are an exceptionally dense collection of megalithic sites around the French village of Carnac, in Brittany, consisting of more than 3,000 prehistoric standing stones and erected by the pre-Celtic people of Brittany. These megalithic wonders are the largest such collection on the planet, however their purpose has never been discovered. A Patterned Landscape The Carnac […]

Roman Temples and Sacred Stones Unearthed in the Netherlands

The discovery of this ancient sacred site was described as “special” no less than seven times in the Dutch archaeologist’s press release. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

The Mysterious Deer Stones of Mongolia

Mongolia is steeped in rich, ancient culture. One of the most fascinating discoveries made in Mongolia is that of their mysterious deer stones. Read more Section:  News History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Bullets instead of stones in the West Bank resistance

TEHRAN- Under the real threat of ethnic cleansing from every point in the occupied West Bank, on top of the provocative violations against holy sites and betrayal by the international community, Palestinians have begun to conduct effective armed resistance operations.  While diversifying the methods in confronting the brutal Israeli occupation and the increasing number of […]

The Enigmatic Devil’s Arrows: The Tallest Standing Stones in Britain

In the heart of Yorkshire in northern England, near the town of Aldborough, lie three huge pillars of stone known as the Devil’s Arrows. Originally four, these are the tallest collection of standing stones found in the whole of the United Kingdom. But what remains of the stones is also all that is known about […]

The Mysterious Dropa Stones – Fact or Fiction?

The Dropa stones are said to be a set of 716 circular stone discs dating back 12,000 years on which tiny hieroglyphic-like markings can be found. Each disc is said to measure up to 1 foot in diameter and carry two grooves, originating from a hole in their centre, in the form of a double […]

‘The Missing Link’, Spiritual Powers & Teachings of Precious Stones

DIVINE PRESENCE: ‘The Missing Link’, Spiritual Powers & Teachings of Precious Stones – By Nicholas Pearson SM / 8 hours ago Source – “…In order to understand the depth of a stone’s gifts, one would need to learn how to interpret its composition, morphology, formation process, and other properties….you’ll find that silica has an […]

Charlie Watts: Rolling Stones drummer has died aged 80, says his agent

Charlie Watts, the self-effacing and unshakeable Rolling Stones drummer who helped anchor one of rock’s greatest rhythms sections has died, according to his agent. Bernard Doherty said on Tuesday that Watts “passed away peacefully in a London hospital earlier today surrounded by his family.” He was aged 80. “Charlie was a cherished husband, father and […]

Whistling Sling Stones: Psychological Warfare and the Roman Army

1800 years ago, Roman troops carried a very unusual kind of missile weapon for defeating their enemies. Those weapons were “whistling” sling bullets, and new research suggests these were employed as a kind of terror weapon against their barbarian foes. These small, distinctive lead bullets have been uncovered by an archaeological site in Scotland.  The […]

Ancient Stones of Australia: Rock Arrangements that Defy Conventional Historical Accounts

My son Evan and I have written extensively about the site Frederic Slater, President of the Australian Archaeological Education and Research Society, proposed was “Australia’s Stonehenge,” which we refer to as the Standing Stones site, and a complementary site we have named “Adam’s Garden.” What hasn’t been made clear, and nor is it still fully […]

Report: FBI Helped Thanos Get Six Infinity Stones In Attempt To Bust Him On Plot To Kill Half The Universe

Report: FBI Helped Thanos Get Six Infinity Stones In Attempt To Bust Him On Plot To Kill Half The Universe TITAN—Some surprising information has come out about Thanos’s scheme to obtain the six Infinity Stones and kill half of all life in the universe: The FBI initiated the plot. “We had suspected Thanos might one […]

The Lonely Stones That Square The Cosmic Circle

Both beneath and beyond Stonehenge in England, the Great Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre in Egypt, Machu Picchu in Peru, Chichen Itza in Mexico and Newgrange in Ireland, exists an underlying code that binds the distant builders. Distant, in both space and time, yet the constructions are fused in that they were all built in […]

Secrets Of The Stones: Malta’s Lesser-Known Megalithic Mysteries

Malta’s prehistory is as dazzling as it is opaque. The excavations and research by archaeologists and other academics have been incredibly thorough, and have helped to create fantastic insights into the culture behind some of the most incredible and unique megalithic architecture in the world. However, there are still many mysteries about the people who […]

Secrets Of The Stones: Malta’s Lesser-Known Megalithic Design

Malta’s prehistory is as dazzling as it is opaque. The excavations and research by archaeologists and other academics have been incredibly thorough, and have helped to create fantastic insights into the culture behind some of the most incredible and unique megalithic architecture in the world. However, there are still many mysteries about the people who […]

Indian villagers use sticks and stones to chase out “vaccination” squad (Indians report the vaccinated are dying)

From via Posted Apr 30, 2021 by Martin Armstrong “I have been getting reports from readers in India that claim that the people who die are the ones who were vaccinated. I have not been able to verify this, but it seems to be a rising theme in India. There are recorded deaths […]

Who Balanced The Brimhan Stones?

» Upcoming Pink Super Full Moon Scorpio/Taurus, April 26, 2021: BEWARE, i.e., BE AWARE . . .Today at 11:01 am by PurpleSkyz » Who Balanced The Brimhan Stones?Today at 10:14 am by PurpleSkyz » UFO NEWS ~ UFOs Sighted Over Bundesautobahn 27, Germany plus MOREToday at 10:01 am by PurpleSkyz » PSYCHEDELICS FOR MENTAL HEALTHToday at 9:50 am by PurpleSkyz » Tonight’s Sky: MayToday […]

Italians pelt police with stones, set off fireworks as hundreds descend on PM’s office to protest Covid curbs (VIDEOS)

Hundreds of protesters have traveled to Rome from all over Italy to vent their fury at Prime Minister Mario Draghi and his government’s strict Covid-19 measures, which are making life tough for small businesses like restaurants. At least one protester was injured as a 500-strong crowd gathered in the capital on Monday, some of whom […]

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