Posts Tagged ‘italians’



Over a Million Italians Fined For Breaking Vaccine Mandate Rules

1.2 million Italians are set to receive a fine as Italy continues its policy of mandating coronavirus vaccinations over the age of 50. 

Italians protest against village’s decision to grant Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro honorary citizenship

Hundreds of people have protested in Italy against a local village’s decision to grant honorary citizenship to Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro. Around 200 people rallied in the northeastern town of Anguillara Veneta, where Bolsonaro’s ancestors were from. The decision for the Brazilian President to become an honorary citizen of the village has been opposed by […]

Angry Italians Take it to the Streets to Protest Anti-Homophobia Bill

Home » Europe, Protests, Social » Angry Italians Take it to the Streets to Protest Anti-Homophobia Bill     Demonstrators took to the streets in Rome and Milan, following Italy’s Senate vote on an anti-homophobia bill. It proposed to equate anti-LGBT discrimination with racism, and raise sex orientation and gender topics at schools. The controversial […]

Hundreds of Thousands of Italians Fight Back Against ‘New World Order’ Vax Mandates

Hundreds of thousands of Italians are rising up and fighting back against the government’s attempts to mandate vaccines and vaccine passports. New videos out of Rome, Italy emerged over the weekend, showing protestors being brutalized by police. The capital city’s Piazza del Popolo was overflowing with hundreds of thousands of Italians protesting the tyranny of […]

Videos: Italians Fight Back Against Violent Police While Protesting Vaccine Mandates

Causing yet more confusion, the media is now claiming that “double jabbed” Brits suffering from bad colds are actually infected with COVID-19. Wait, what? One of the biggest newspapers in Britain, the Daily Mirror, is now reporting, “Brits suffering from miserable colds could actually be enduring breakthrough cases of Covid-19 without realising, potentially allowing the […]

Italians Hit the Streets to Protest Mandatory Vaccine Passports: ‘No Dictatorship!’

After the Italian government followed other European countries in announcing mandatory vaccine passports, Italians hit the streets to protest the measure, with demonstrators in Turin shouting, “No dictatorship!” Video Screenshot After France and the United Kingdom announced that proof of vaccination would be required to enter some venues, Italy followed suit. From August 6, Italian […]

Thousands of Italians Rise Up To Reject Mandatory Vaccine Passports

Italians are rising up against the facist government’s introduction of mandatory vaccine passports, with thousands of residents taking to the streets on Thursday, chanting, “No dictatorship!” After France and the UK announced plans to introduce vaccination passports as a requirement to enter venues, Italy decided to follow suit. From August 6, Italians will be forced […]

Italians Hit the Streets to Protest Mandatory Vaccine Passports

A leaked internal email from CNN’s Washington bureau chief complains that the “carrot” is no longer working in terms of convincing Americans to get vaccinated and that authorities need to start using the “stick.” The message, which was mistakenly sent to conservative activist Charlie Kirk, was only intended to be seen by other CNN colleagues. […]

‘This means so much’: Italians see Euro 2020 triumph as a new start

Italians celebrated the European Championship title as a new beginning not only for their youthful national team but for a country that’s been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. A cacophony of honking cars, fireworks and singing fans filled the night in Rome as thousands of people took to the streets after Italy beat England […]

Italians pelt police with stones, set off fireworks as hundreds descend on PM’s office to protest Covid curbs (VIDEOS)

Hundreds of protesters have traveled to Rome from all over Italy to vent their fury at Prime Minister Mario Draghi and his government’s strict Covid-19 measures, which are making life tough for small businesses like restaurants. At least one protester was injured as a 500-strong crowd gathered in the capital on Monday, some of whom […]

Growing number of Italians hesitant about taking COVID-19 vaccine

Italy is preparing to launch a massive vaccination campaign in January, according to Health Minister Roberto Speranza. The Italian government has appointed a task force to plan how and where the first doses will be delivered when international regulators approve a successful vaccine. Scientists estimate that 60-90 percent of a population needs to be vaccinated […]

Italians Revolt as Black Migrants Overwhelm Island

    Residents of Lampedusa are protesting against migrants arriving on their overwhelmed island after the Italian government facilitated the entry of 870 more in a single weekend, according to reports. A total of approximately 870 illegal migrants who departed from North Africa were brought ashore on Friday and Saturday under the supervision of Italian […]

Italians Revolt as Migrants Overwhelm Island

Residents of Lampedusa are protesting against migrants arriving on their overwhelmed island after the Italian government facilitated the entry of 870 more in a single weekend, according to reports. A total of approximately 870 illegal migrants who departed from North Africa were brought ashore on Friday and Saturday under the supervision of Italian authorities and […]

Italians Revolt as Migrants Overwhelm Island

Residents of Lampedusa are protesting against migrants arriving on their overwhelmed island after the Italian government facilitated the entry of 870 more in a single weekend, according to reports. A total of approximately 870 illegal migrants who departed from North Africa were brought ashore on Friday and Saturday under the supervision of Italian authorities and […]

Italians Revolt as Migrants Overwhelm Island

Residents of Lampedusa are protesting against migrants arriving on their overwhelmed island after the Italian government facilitated the entry of 870 more in a single weekend, according to reports. A total of approximately 870 illegal migrants who departed from North Africa were brought ashore on Friday and Saturday under the supervision of Italian authorities and […]

Culture Shock: Italians Aghast as Immigrants Barbecue Dog at Welcome Center

Animal rights activists are up in arms over attempts to barbecue a dog at an immigrant welcome center in southern Italy, with migrants insisting the practice is normal where they come from. Members of the Carabinieri, an Italian military police force, intervened immediately after receiving a call from an employee of the center who had […]

Italians ‘Horrified’ As Immigrants Barbecue Local Pet Dogs

Italians were left horrified after a group of African immigrants attempted to barbecue local dogs at a welcome center in southern Italy. Officers of the Carabinieri, an Italian military police force, apprehended the immigrants after receiving a call from an employee of the center who witnessed a 29-year-old Nigerian man begin the process of roasting a […]

Report: By 2080 Italians Will Become Extinct

According to an official report by Eurostat, Italians are likely to become extinct by the year 2080 as the number of indigenous citizens in Italy continues to fall at a dramatic rate.  Within the next 60 years, most of Italy’s inhabitants will be of African or Asian descent. reports: The figures found by our […]

Italians Take to the Streets to Protest New Mandatory Vaccination Law

Readers from Italy have been contacting us, asking to cover the massive demonstrations happening throughout Italy to protest a new mandatory vaccine law. This news has been censored from the U.S. corporate media. Francesca Alesse, who worked with the VAXXED film team to get the film shown in Italy last year, writes: In an unprecedented […]

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