Posts Tagged ‘violent’

Meet the ‘homegrown violent extremism’ researcher behind the crackdown on pro-Palestinian students at USC

Erroll Southers is a top USC administrator facing demands to resign after canceling a valedictorian commencement speech and cracking down on protestors. He has also produced research labeling identifying with Palestinians as a sign of radicalization.  Source

Journalist faces felony charges amidst violent arrests at Texas University protest

Carlos Sanchez’s arrest during a student protest at the University of Texas at Austin highlights tensions over press freedom and police conduct. Source

INSANE: Palestinian calls for freedom against violent occupiers is now considered “hate speech” by treasonous U.S. Congress

(NaturalNews) The United States Congress recently declared the Palestinian slogan/chant: “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as anti-Semitic via an… Source

85-Yr-Old Grandma Neutralizes Violent Home Intruder With ‘Favorite’ .357 Magnum Revolver

An armed home intruder more than met his match after breaking into an 85-year-old woman’s house in the middle of the night, striking her in the head, and handcuffing her to a chair. Rather than accept her fate, East Idaho woman Christine Jenneiahn dragged the chair she was handcuffed to into her bedroom and retrieved […]

Polish farmer protests turn violent as terroristic European governments wage war against farms

(NaturalNews) Protests in Poland turned violent this week as tens of thousands of farmers and police clashed in the capital city of Warsaw.The farmers are… Source

Man arrested for making ‘violent threat’ to Arizona election official in 2022

A man was arrested in San Diego Thursday for allegedly leaving a voicemail on the personal cell phone of an Arizona election official in 2022. William Hyde left a violent threat on the voicemail of the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office employee’s phone “on or about November 29, 2022,” the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced. Hyde,… […]

The worst treason by the Trump cult? The politics of secession, the violent refusal to share power.

Only deviant voters want nutcases like Stephen Miller as attorney general, Steve Bannon as sec’y of state, or Rudy Giuliani as press propaganda secretary. Source

LIES: U.S. asserts no genocide was committed in Gaza amid violent Israeli military campaign

(NaturalNews) South Africa recently accused Israel of genocide in Gaza amid its violent military campaign against the militant group Hamas in a lengthy court… Source

Violent Riots Erupt in Serbia on Christmas Day after ‘Unfair Elections’

Shielded riot police barricaded themselves inside Belgrade’s city hall as they fired tear gas at hundreds of opposition supporters who were trying to enter the building. The demonstrators had gathered in the Serbian capital on Sunday as they called for the annulment of parliamentary and local elections which took place last weekend. International observers said […]

Emergency whistleblower: RED DAWN ALERT – South American violent CRIMINALS dispersed across U.S. cities in run-up to 2024 CHAOS

(NaturalNews) The following transcript is a partial accounting of an interview with a whistleblower “RedCell” who helped run security on the transport busses… Source

Violent Clashes Break Out In Central Dublin After Stabbing That Injured 3 Children

LONDON (AP) — Violent clashes broke out in central Dublin on Thursday evening, with vehicles torched and riot police attacked, after a 5-year-old girl was seriously injured in a knife attack earlier in the day that also saw a woman and two other young children hospitalized. Irish police said the girl was receiving emergency medical […]

Deported Syrian Illegal Returns to Switzerland to Commit More Violent Crimes

An illegal migrant from Syria who was ejected from Switzerland after serving multiple prison sentences managed to sneak back into the country and commit more crimes, according to reports. “Idriss” (name changed by Swiss media), a 30-year-old Syrian national with a “lengthy criminal record” who was well-known to cantonal authorities, was previously deported from the […]

Wray warns of rise in violent extremism amid Israel-Hamas war 

FBI Director Christopher Wray warned of a rise in violent extremism in a Saturday speech amid fighting between the militant group Hamas and Israel. “History has been witness to antisemitic and other forms of violent extremism for far too long. Whether that be from foreign terrorist organizations, or those inspired by them, or domestic violent… […]

GOP lawmakers tap victims of violent crime as witnesses in latest effort to show DC is soft on crime 

House Republicans called victims of violent crimes in Washington, D.C., to act as witnesses in a Thursday Judiciary Committee hearing as part of their latest effort to highlight the abundance of violence in the District. GOP members of the subcommittee on crime and the federal government continued their months-long attempt to highlight the pitfalls of… […]

Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices

All around the world, people who used to be healthy are sicker than ever before after getting the COVID jab. Their symptoms are not just physical, according to experts. One fully jabbed person who can […] The post Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Violent criminals allowed to roam free in Illinois thanks to no-cash bail policy

(NaturalNews) Illinois’ decision to end cash bail has left the state reeling due to the influx of violent criminals roaming the streets.The SAFE-T Act,… Source

Philadelphia Journalist Who Mocked Concern Over Violent Crime In Democrat Cities Shot Dead In Home

READ HERE:   Source

Stew Peters Advocates for a Violent Overthrow of the Government

Stew Peters is a far-right virulently anti-LGBTQ bigot who regularly uses his nightly “The Stew Peters Show” program, speeches, and social media accounts to promote white nationalists and antisemites and to spread wild conspiracy theories, bigotry, and calls for violence. Despite his bigoted views and unhinged rhetoric, Peters regularly manages to get Republican leaders, elected […]

Violent Criminals Continue To Pose as Migrant Children To Enter US; Congress Must Act Now

Violent Criminals Continue To Pose as Migrant Children To Enter US; Congress Must Act Now Authored by R.J. Hauman and Lora Ries via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Despite all the “victory laps” Biden administration officials have taken as they brag that their unlawful policies and processing programs have reduced illegal immigration, recent border data shows the opposite. […]

Cabal Members Kutcher & Kunis Support Violent Rapist Cabal Member Masterson

Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis Wrote Letters in Support of Danny Masterson Prior to 30 Year Sentence for Rape Comment:  Obviously these cabal members think no fellow cabal member should go to jail for rape.  Rape is fine with these sociopaths. 1 COS via Getty Images DAVID NG 8 Sep 202323 2:41 Hollywood couple Ashton Kutcher […]

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