Posts Tagged ‘jabbed’

Fully Jabbed 17-Year-Old Chinese Player Drops Dead Mid-Game

A fully jabbed 17-year-old Badminton star collapsed mid-game on Sunday and died after suffering a fatal heart attack. Zhang Zhijie was playing against Kazuma Kawano of Japan at the Badminton Asia Junior Championships on Sunday […] The post Fully Jabbed 17-Year-Old Chinese Player Drops Dead Mid-Game appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Killer Jabbed Shed Toxic Particles & Spike Proteins to Non Killer Jabbed, Expert Reveals

I had to fix the headline as there is no one anywhere on this rock can produce a verified, isolated, purified, reproducible sample of the mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus”. 220 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever If one does not have a verified, isolated, purified, […]

Killer Jabbed Shed Toxic Particles & Spike Proteins to Non Killer Jabbed, Expert Reveals

I had to fix the headline as there is no one anywhere on this rock can produce a verified, isolated, purified, reproducible sample of the mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus”. 220 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever If one does not have a verified, isolated, purified, […]

Killer Jabbed Shed Toxic Particles & Spike Proteins to Non Killer Jabbed, Expert Reveals

I had to fix the headline as there is no one anywhere on this rock can produce a verified, isolated, purified, reproducible sample of the mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus”. 220 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever If one does not have a verified, isolated, purified, […]

People who got COVID jabbed now displaying major personality changes stemming from vaccine-induced neurological damage, experts warn

People who got COVID jabbed now displaying major personality changes stemming from vaccine-induced neurological damage, experts warn At an International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) session held earlier this month, a handful of experts on the subject, many whom you well know, discussed the matter of personality changes that have occurred in people who got “vaccinated” […]

DEATH SENTENCE: 1 Million Killer Jabbed Have Died in England Compared To Just 61k PureBlood Unjabbed In 2 years; Despite 30% Of The Population Refusing a Single Dose Of The Assisted Suicide Killer Jab

\ 220 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic No Worries No Virus “What’s extremely concerning about these official figures is that the vaccinated surpass the unvaccinated by far in terms of […]

Fully Jabbed Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante Collapses Mid-Speech

The world’s media captured the moment on Tuesday when the mayor of Montreal, Canada, Valérie Plante, suddenly collapsed halfway through a press conference. Plante was answering reporters’ questions at a news conference when she dramatically […] The post Fully Jabbed Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante Collapses Mid-Speech appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

U.S. Army Begs Soldiers They Kicked Out For Not Gettin Killer Jabbed to Return-We Need Cannon Fodder For US’s Wars For IsraHell

After generations of the VA f##king the vets up the ass, after generations of trannies, homosexuals, females and feminized politically correct ass kissing males getting promoted ahead of real warriors, after generations of Americans being used as cannon fodder in wars to benefit Israel which tried to sink the USS LIBERTY in 1967 and brought […]

Killer Jabbed Sheep Suffering Psychosis, Panic Attacks and Hallucinations

Have you been wondering why necked women are walking down a Kalifornia freeway shooting at random cars, killer jabbed zombies are trying to attack and eat other people, sheep are doing totally stupid and outlandish things all over the world? Ever notice it is the killer jabbed doing this shit and not Purebloods? It is […]

Moment KILLER JABBED thief steals motorbike form elderly rider – then drops dead from “sudden illness” seconds later in Brazil

HALF of all young men who got jabbed for COVID and developed myocarditis now have PERMANENT heart damage

(NaturalNews) In a recent appearance on Megyn Kelly’s podcast, Dr. Drew Pinsky talked about the “breathtaking” findings of a new study showing that 50 percent of… Source

TGA FOI 4077 Batch Numbers & Dose In Series for adverse events for those jabbed

See 5 page document: Source: Source

Top Doctors Warn Fully Jabbed Now Have PERMANENT Heart Damage

Two top American doctors have spoken out to warn the public about the “permanent heart damage” being inflicted on people who have received the Covid mRNA vaccines. According to a disturbing new study published in the […] The post Top Doctors Warn Fully Jabbed Now Have PERMANENT Heart Damage appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices

All around the world, people who used to be healthy are sicker than ever before after getting the COVID jab. Their symptoms are not just physical, according to experts. One fully jabbed person who can […] The post Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Brought To You By Pfizer- Sheffield United’s Killer Jabbed Maddy Cusack Dies “Suddenly & Unexpectedly”

‘Police not treating tragic Killer Jab death of Sheffield United’s Maddy Cusack as suspicious’ Police have confirmed that they are not treating the death of Sheffield United midfielder Maddy Cusack as suspicious. The club announced last week that the 27-year-old had tragically passed away. Cusack was the first player to reach 100 appearances for the […]

Those Who Get Jabbed Again are Committing Suicide

Those Who Get Jabbed Again are Committing Suicide! In fact anyone who takes ANY “vaccine” now is more than likely committing suicide. The Killer Jabbers have been very open about putting the mRNA experimental witch’s brew voodoo death dart into all “vaccines” now. At this point, there is a preponderance of evidence both the Scamdemic […]

CDC: If you’ve already been damaged by COVID “vaccines,” just keep getting jabbed with more “boosters”

(NaturalNews) Official documents obtained by the independent media show that the United States government repeatedly pushed people who had already gotten… Source

Fully Jabbed Whoopi Goldberg Misses ‘The View’ Season Premiere After Getting Covid Again

It must be that time of year….the Covid narrative is being forced down our throats yet again! “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg was absent from the show after coming down with the covid virus for […] The post Fully Jabbed Whoopi Goldberg Misses ‘The View’ Season Premiere After Getting Covid Again appeared first on The […]

Whistling Past The Graveyards Full Of Killer Jabbed Dead

Read an article this morning which gave the facts of huge increases in deaths all over the world since 2021, but just can not seem to to stop whistling past the graveyards full of killer jabbed dead. “The actuarial reports can only speculate on the factors causing these deaths, including oft-cited delayed health care, drug […]


Singer Tori Kelly is currently hospitalized and getting treatment for blood clots around her vital organs, with one source telling us the situation is “really serious.” Sources close to the Grammy-winning singer tell us she was at dinner in downtown L.A. Sunday night with friends when her heart started beating really fast. We’re told Tori […]

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