Posts Tagged ‘kicked’

How Long Can This Last? 15 Months Ago, ChatGPT Kicked Off The AI Bubble

On Thursday, we polled our followers on X, asking them: “Have you used Grok, ChatGPT, Gemini or any other AI chatbot in the past week?” Three hours into the poll (with 20 hours left) and more than 8,300 respondents, a majority (62.5%) answered “No.” Only 37.5% answered “Yes.” Have you used Grok, ChatGPT, Gemini or any […]

10 yo Boy Killed in Hit-and-Run by Mexican Suspect Kicked Out of US 6 Times

An illegal alien from Mexico who was previously kicked out of the United States at least six times has been arrested for killing a 10-year-old boy in a hit-and-run drunk driving crash in Texas last week, according to reports. The horrifying incident unfolded just after 4 p.m. on Thursday in Midland. Midland police were called […]

Khazarian Jewish Florida State Rep. Randy Fine: ‘We Are a People That Has Been Kicked Out of Every Host Country Where We Raped & Sacrificed Their Children While Stealing The Widow’s Home With Usury & Starting Wars For 2000 Years’

Those “bad” peoples and countries which object to the Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult members stealing everything, raping the babies of the host country, using the children of the host country as sacrifices to their demonic “god” in their heathen rituals, trying to take over their […]

U.S. Army Begs Soldiers They Kicked Out For Being Unvaxxed to Return

The US Army is desperate to find cannon fodder for Israel’s wars. Source

U.S. Army Begs Soldiers They Kicked Out For Not Gettin Killer Jabbed to Return-We Need Cannon Fodder For US’s Wars For IsraHell

After generations of the VA f##king the vets up the ass, after generations of trannies, homosexuals, females and feminized politically correct ass kissing males getting promoted ahead of real warriors, after generations of Americans being used as cannon fodder in wars to benefit Israel which tried to sink the USS LIBERTY in 1967 and brought […]

“Iran” Kicked US’s Ass During 250 Million $$ 2002 War Games

Look how closely those Iranians put their country to USA/DC Military Bases! Trying to start trouble, those Iranians! How Dare They? Back when the Rothschild’s Bitch FDR was trying to drag Americans into another pre-planned Ratschild’s World War, when he backed the Japanese into a corner using “economic sanctions, he moved the 7th fleet from […]

The Kicked Red Russia Khazarian Street Mutt Howls

‘The Kicked Red Russia Khazarian Street Mutt Howls’ The kicked Red Russian Khazarian street mutt howls-The boot of Truth up their ass, causes consternation of the despicable ones bowels The Non Semitic degenerate fake holds it’s diarrhea encrusted front paws to it’s mange eaten ears-The truth is the cause of all of the putrid ones […]

Army Scrambling to Get Back Soldiers It Kicked Out over Biden’s Military Vaccine Mandate

The Army now appears to be trying to bring back into service soldiers it kicked out over the Biden administration’s policy to remove servicemembers who rejected the coronavirus vaccine mandate, according to a letter from the Army several former soldiers posted online. The letter, addressed to “Former Service Member,” states that there is new Army […]

Biden: Jordan ‘got his rear end kicked’ in Speaker bid

President Biden on Friday took a swipe at House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), after the congressman failed to secure the speakership following three separate votes. “He just got his rear end kicked,” Biden said at a fundraiser in Washington, D.C. The president recounted to supporters how Jordan failed to bring in the majority of… […]

Vindication: Patriotic 12-year-old who was kicked out of class for having a Gadsden patch on his bag prompts school board to overturn discriminating viewpoint

(NaturalNews) The 12-year-old Colorado kid who got kicked out of class for wearing a Gadsden patch has won big against the school’s viewpoint… Source

‘I get my butt kicked every 20 minutes’: Life in a state legislature’s superminority

The only two Democrats in the Wyoming Senate spend a lot of time talking. Up against a “super duper majority” of 29 Republicans, Democratic Minority Leader Chris Rothfuss spoke on the Senate floor nearly every day during this year’s legislative session. His counterpart, Sen. Mike Gierau, sits on a whopping nine committees, racking up mileage […]

GOP operative who allegedly kicked a dog hired as top aide to new congressman

A veteran Georgia Republican operative who is slated to be chief of staff for incoming Rep. Mike Collins was arrested last month for allegedly kicking a dog. Brandon Phillips was arrested on Nov. 17 on a misdemeanor charge of animal cruelty and held on a $1,200 bond, which he posted to get released, according to […]

Man Who Kicked, Punched Dog in Anaheim Turns Himself In: Police

The entry to the Anaheim Police Department Detention Facility in Anaheim, Calif., on Sept. 10, 2020. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times) ANAHEIM, Calif.—A 33-year-old man suspected of kicking and punching a dog at an Anaheim apartment complex surrendered to police early Thursday, Sept. 22. Albert Frank Abad Jr. surrendered at the Anaheim Police Department about 1:30 […]

Paris Gets Kicked Out of French Africa

Mali’s government spokesman Colonel Abdoulaye Maïga, who was the country’s prime minister in 2017, announced in a televised address that the African country was tearing up defense agreements with France. Although Paris has called the decision “unjustified”, France is nevertheless continuing to withdraw its military from Mali, following the Malian government’s earlier call for Paris to […]

Bill Maher to Joe Rogan: Democrats ‘are Going to Get Their A** Kicked in November’

Comedian and HBO late-night host Bill Maher said Democrats have moved so far to the left by departing from basic common sense they will get their “ass kicked” in the mid-term this coming November.

Video: Man Kicked Off Flight For Wearing ‘F*CK BIDEN’ Hoodie, Even After He Took It Off

Every issue covered by MSNBC’s Joy Reid is filtered through her race bait tinted spectacles, and the conflict over Ukraine is no different. In a broadcast Monday, Reid stated that more people care about what is going on in Ukraine than they usually do about crises in other foreign nations because the people there are […]

Over 90,000 Descendants Of Jews Kicked Out Of Spain And Portugal In 1492 Given Citizenship

(Israel National News) At least 90,000 alleged descendants of Sephardic Jews who were expelled during and after the Inquisition have been granted citizenship of Portugal or Spain since 2015, when those countries passed laws offering a naturalization process for such applicants as a form of “reparations” for past wrongs: The laws were meant to atone […]

Matt Gaetz: MTG Was Kicked off Twitter for Exposing the ‘New World Order’

Rep. Matt Gaetz claims that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green is suspended from Twitter because her presence threatens the ‘New World Order’ elites. “If misinformation got you off of digital platforms, then CNN wouldn’t be able to post anything after the Russia hoax,” Gaetz pointed out in an interview with Newsmax. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up […]

RINO Liz Cheney Officially Kicked Out of Wyoming Republican Party

RINO Rep Liz Cheney is no longer recognized as a Republican following a vote by the Wyoming GOP on Monday. This is the second formal rebuke of Trump-hating Cheney this year. In February, the Wyoming GOP voted to censure Cheney for voting to impeach Trump along with the Democrats. AP reports: The Wyoming Republican Party will […]

USMC Warns Marines Will Be Kicked Out for Refusing the Vaccine

The Marine Corps warned in a message to the force on Saturday that Marines will be kicked out if they do not get the coronavirus vaccine. The Marine Administrative Message (MARADMIN), signed October 23 and posted to the Marine Corps’ website, said: Marines refusing the COVID-19 vaccination, absent an approved administrative or medical exemption, religious accommodation, or […]

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