Posts Tagged ‘maher’

Debunking Bill Maher’s Dehumanizing Caricature Of Gaza

A segment on Bill Maher’s HBO show, Real Time, has recently gone viral on social media and features him making a range of arguments about how Israelis “look like us, in most ways, values wise”, while the culture in Gaza is painted as backwards. He also compares Hamas and the Israeli government, presenting Tel Aviv […]

When hardcore cultural marxist Bill Maher really tell you what he’s thinking like he did here……

…you know he’s a strategically placed AGENT OF CHAOS, CONFUSION & CONFLICT. Source

Bill Maher Flips the Script on Biden’s Morehouse College Speech

Bill Maher turned heads on Monday night as he made a surprise appearance on Fox News’ Gutfeld. As expected, Maher expressed his deep disdain for Trump, but he took the internet by storm when he questioned what world Biden is living in. Earlier on Monday, Joe Biden delivered a commencement speech at Morehouse College, a […]

Katherine Maher is Worse Than a Leftist

Katherine Maher, NPR’s new CEO, has been in the spotlight for more than a week now as the straight-out-of-casting avatar of peak woke and peak institutional attainment. But Katherine Maher is not a liberal or a leftist. Though she apes identitarian thought bubbles you won’t find her on a picket line, or splitting any of […]

Bill Maher Drops Stunning Monologue on the COVID “Experts” Who Got It Wrong

“A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be correct,” political commentator Bill Maher declared on his latest episode of Real Time. “Yes, some very bad ideas were embraced as the conventional wisdom — ideas that haven’t aged well.” “We were told to wash our hands […]

Bill Maher SNAPS on Govt and Social Media Companies for Shutting Down COVID Debate

MAHER: “As the years roll by, now we see that the dissenting opinions on a lot of these things were quite the RIGHT ones.” SWISHER: “We’re not going to know perfectly, but go ahead.” MAHER: “Okay. But we should have been able to argue about whether it came from a lab, which we weren’t, things […]

Maher: “It’s Hard To Negotiate When The Other Side’s Position Is – You All Die And Disappear”

Comedian Bill Maher discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict on Friday, suggesting that Palestinians get used to the fact that Israel isn’t going anywhere, and there’s no way for Israel to negotiate with Palestine in good faith when the other side’s position is “you all die and disappear.” “Things change. Countries, boundaries, empires,” said Maher, citing various historical […]

Maher: There’s ‘Real Corruption’ in Hunter Biden Scandal and ‘A Lot of the Left-Wing Media Will Not Cover’ It

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Beat,” HBO host and comedian Bill Maher stated that while there is no Trump-Biden equivalency, the Hunter Biden scandal “stinks to the high heavens. That’s real corruption there, that a lot of the left-wing Source

Bill Maher: Striking Hollywood Writers Not Owed a Living Wage

Comedian and HBO late-night host Bill Maher said that the ongoing WGA strike came at the “wrong time,” adding that the Hollywood writers have “no leverage.” Source

“Black Lives Don’t Seem To Matter When Taken By Black Lives”: Maher, Rogan Go Off

“Black Lives Don’t Seem To Matter When Taken By Black Lives”: Maher, Rogan Go Off Joe Rogan and ‘old school Democrat’ Bill Maher have had it with progressive policies towards crime and policing, and the hypocrisy over ‘black lives’ when blacks are killing each other. “Murders have been happening way out of control in Chicago […]

Maher Al-Akhras says he will continue hunger strike until freedom

Aug 30, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen Maher al-Akhras is fed by his daughter Tuqa at a hospital in “Israel” on November 6, 2020. (Courtesy Al-Akhras Family) By Al Mayadeen English Palestine’s Mohjat Al-Quds Foundation confirms that Palestinian prisoner Maher Al-Akhras, a senior leader in the Islamic Jihad movement, continues his open hunger strike and refuses […]

Bill Maher Calls Out ‘Barbie’ for Pushing a ‘Preachy, Man-Hating Zombie Lie’ About ‘The Patriarchy’

Comedian Bill Maher is calling out the feminist box office smash “Barbie” for pushing what he calls a “preachy, man-hating zombie lie” pertaining to the movie’s incessant references to “the patriarchy.” Source

Maher: Violence in CA, Memphis Goes Beyond Race and Focusing Solely on Race Keeps from Solving the Problem

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that there has become a bizarre ritual where we wait to find out the race of perpetrators “like we’re waiting for the Oscar nominations, because that’s somehow, to a Source

Forgetting Journalism: MSNBC, Fox News & Bill Maher Interview Netanyahu

Mainstream US media outlets have given favorable interviews to former Israeli Prime Minister and candidate at the new Israeli elections next month, Benjamin Netanyahu, refusing to do their jobs and ask the Israeli far-Right politician any meaningful followup questions. What does this say about the state of US media? As the Israeli Likud Party leader, […]

The Anti-White Agenda Is So Obvious That Even Bill Maher Is Speaking Against It

I am in no way promoting Bill Maher here. I just want to show you all the zeitgeist of the day, where our ideas have spread so far and wide that media talking heads like Bill Maher have to express some of them to appeal to the audience. Source

Maher: Hollywood’s ‘Unbridled Romanticization of Gun Violence’ Influencing Mass Shooters

Comedian Bill Maher said Friday on HBO’s “Real Time” that Hollywood’s “unbridled romanticization of gun violence” in movies is influencing mass shootings.

Maher: New York Times ‘Buried’ Attempted Murder of Kavanaugh

Comedian Bill Maher said Friday on HBO’s “Real Time” that The New York Times “buried” on page A20 the story about the attempted murder of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Maher on Disinfo. Board: You Could Apply DHS’ Definition of Disinformation to Obama

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher criticized the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board and argued that the agency’s definition of disinformation could be applied to former President Barack Obama’s promise that people who liked

Bill Maher Rips Biden’s Build Back Better: Money will Be Wasted on Consultants ‘Snorting This S**t Up’

Bill Maher ridiculed President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan during a recent appearance on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” saying the president’s signature effort will primarily benefit consultants and other “pigs” who feed at the trough of government spending.

Bill Maher to Joe Rogan: Democrats ‘are Going to Get Their A** Kicked in November’

Comedian and HBO late-night host Bill Maher said Democrats have moved so far to the left by departing from basic common sense they will get their “ass kicked” in the mid-term this coming November.

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