Posts Tagged ‘monologue’

Bill Maher Drops Stunning Monologue on the COVID “Experts” Who Got It Wrong

“A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be correct,” political commentator Bill Maher declared on his latest episode of Real Time. “Yes, some very bad ideas were embraced as the conventional wisdom — ideas that haven’t aged well.” “We were told to wash our hands […]

Controversy grows over Dave Chappelle’s ‘SNL’ monologue


Dave Chappelle Stand-Up Monologue – SNL

Chappelle Talks Trump, Kanye, And “Observably Stupid” Herschel Walker In Viral SNL Monologue by Tyler Durden Sunday, Nov 13, 2022 Dave Chappelle has once again managed to trigger just about everyone during his opening monologue as host of Saturday Night Live this weekend – including SNL staff members who reportedly extremely unhappy about his appearance. […]

Dave Chappelle’s SNL Monologue Was All About the jews

I am not sure why Lorne Michaels would even allow this to air, as it really confirms to the audience that jews really do run the show. Source

Dave Chappelle Gives Anti-White Diatribe as SNL Monologue

jew Lorne Michaels is the creator and producer of Saturday Night Live and he likes to make sure that his show is chock full of anti-Whiteness. I have been tracking SNL’s jew-inspired attacks on White people for a while now, even though I do not watch the show. Back in 2012 I got something of […]

Bill Burr’s “Controversial” SNL Monologue Was All About Bashing White People

I do not actually watch SNL, but I saw a bunch of headlines about Bill Burr’s “controversial” stand up routine at the begging of SNL and it was anti-White garbage. He starts bashing White women and uses it as a way to bash the White race throughout history. Bitchute link Full monologue: [embedded content]

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