Posts Tagged ‘controversial’

Belgium and Hungary Launch Controversial Digital IDs, Vaccine Passport, Ahead of EU Regulations

Belgium and Hungary are leading the way in launching digital ID wallets ahead of EU’s eIDAS (“electronic identification and trust services”) 2.0 regulation and EUDI Wallet coming into force later this month. In Belgium, the app, covering all of the country’s federal public services, was launched on Tuesday, with the government promoting the digital identity as […]

16 Democrats join GOP to pass controversial Israel Security Assistance Support Act

In a surprising bipartisan move, 16 Democrats break ranks to support a GOP-led bill compelling U.S. military aid to Israel, despite President Biden’s veto threat and significant human rights concerns. Source

EU’s Controversial Digital ID Regulations Set for 2024, Mandating Big Tech Compliance by 2026

The push for online ID. Source

Controversial genetically modified tomato set to invade American gardens

(NaturalNews) A new genetically modified tomato seed has been released for sale to gardeners, despite receiving little scrutiny from the FDA. Critics worry that… Source

Chinese Scientists Engineer Mutant Ebola Virus in Controversial Experiment, Causing Severe Symptoms and Deaths in Lab Hamsters

Chinese Scientists Engineer Mutant Ebola Virus in Controversial Experiment, Causing Severe Symptoms and Deaths in Lab Hamsters Source

Controversial Ukraine-Israel aid bill provides $3.5 billion to support mass migration to America from the Middle East

(NaturalNews) Much of the criticism of the controversial $95 billion military aid package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan has rightfully been focused on the huge… Source

FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial ‘Stop It’ Post

The FDA participated in mass murder. Nobody from FDA went to jail for that. Via: Epoch Times: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged people to stop taking ivermectin to treat COVID-19, according to a settlement dated March 21. The FDA has already removed a […]

Controversial mine project sues over EPA veto

Presented by Panasonic — {beacon}   Energy & Environment Energy & Environment     The Big Story  Company behind Pebble Mine project sues over EPA rejection  The company behind the controversial Alaskan Pebble Mine project sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Friday for blocking the project last year. © AP Photo/Al Grillo In a statement… […]

Canada halts controversial assisted suicide program for mentally ill due to lack of doctors willing to participate

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House Republicans poised to add controversial riders to annual spending bills

House Republicans are focusing their gaze on securing partisan policy changes that Democrats are decrying as nonstarters as a fight over government funding heats up on Capitol Hill.   Both chambers are ramping up talks on the 12 annual government funding bills after top negotiators struck a bipartisan deal on how to divvy up dollars for… […]

In Win For Hindu Nationalists, Modi Opens Controversial Temple Built On Mosque’s Ruins

The Indian prime minister hopes the temple in Ayodhya, where Hindu mobs destroyed a mosque three decades ago, will help him win a third term. Source

The Biden-Du Pont Nexus: From A Prestigious Golf Club To A Controversial Child Rape Plea Deal

A fascinating article in the Washington Post on Thursday explored a little-known relationship between the Bidens and the du Pont family, which is related to a 2001 case in which then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) was elected as a notable new member of a prestigious golf club in Wilmington, Delaware, which was founded by a du […]

Bill Gates & his controversial connections to Epstein

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House votes for Israel aid linked to controversial IRS and tax cut measures

In a contentious decision, the House approves $14 billion in aid to Israel, offset by cuts to the IRS budget, despite predictions of increased deficit and a veto from President Biden. Source

CULTURAL MARXIST MADNESS! California Assembly Passes Controversial Bill Granting Judges Authority to Remove Child Custody from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity: Newsom to Make Final Decision (VIDEO)

California Assembly Passes Controversial Bill Granting Judges Authority to Remove Child Custody from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity: Newsom to Make Final Decision (VIDEO) Source

Western reactions to the controversial Benin Bronzes

Western reactions to the controversial Benin Bronzes Top image: Benin Bronze plaque In the closing years of the 19th century, an extraordinary exhibit in London showcased the art of a culture considered foreign and “savage” by the prevailing Western mindset. This exhibit consisted of the  Benin Bronzes , intricately crafted pieces from the ancient West African […]

Western Reactions to the Controversial Benin Bronzes (Video)

In the closing years of the 19th century, an extraordinary exhibit in London showcased the art of a culture considered foreign and “savage” by the prevailing Western mindset.  Read more Section:  News Videos Read Later  Source

White House backs transfer of controversial cluster bombs to Ukraine Washington approved the move despite knowing the risk to civilians, the US national security adviser has said

Head CEO of the USA/DC Corporation Hands All Over Little Girls Biden has approved the supply of banned weapons of mass destruction against civilians cluster bombs to to the USA/DC’s puppet “government” of Ukraine as part of the Murdergon’s newest steal from the American Tax Slaves to send kill supplies for Kiev’s kidnapped off the […]

Scientists Release Controversial Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In High-Security Lab

“The females become a bit more male,” Mueller says. “A kind of hermaphrodite.” Source

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate charged with rape and human trafficking

The British-American former boxer has been indicted in Romania “for organizing a criminal group, human trafficking and rape”. Source

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