Posts Tagged ‘agrees’

OPEC+ Agrees to Extend Production Cuts in Bid to Boost Oil Prices

OPEC+ on Sunday agreed to extend all production curbs into next year, a deal that likely signals oil prices will remain elevated through the U.S. presidential election. The agreement comes on the same day the group’s kingpin, Saudi Arabia, launched a giant sale of shares in its national oil champion that will yield billions to […]

Harvard agrees to discuss divestment from ‘Israel’ following protests

May 15, 2024 Source: Agencies + Al Mayadeen English By Al Mayadeen English The student protest group Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine says that a pre-condition of the decamping is that the administration will take back suspensions. After Harvard agreed to discuss student concerns on the university’s endowment concerning “Israel”, protesters against the Israeli war […]

Hamas Agrees To Ceasefire, Israel Attacks Rafah In Response

Scenes of celebrations across the Gaza Strip went viral on social media this Monday, after Hamas accepted a ceasefire proposal, spreading hope throughout the besieged Palestinian population. That hope was quickly crushed, as Israeli political figures rejected the ceasefire and pledged to go ahead with their planned invasion of the city of Rafah. Hamas officials […]

FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial ‘Stop It’ Post

The FDA participated in mass murder. Nobody from FDA went to jail for that. Via: Epoch Times: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged people to stop taking ivermectin to treat COVID-19, according to a settlement dated March 21. The FDA has already removed a […]

Wisconsin Supreme Court agrees to take up Gov. Evers’s lawsuit against GOP lawmakers

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has agreed to hear Gov. Tony Evers’s (D) lawsuit against the Republican-controlled state Legislature, which he alleges is obstructing basic government functions. The court’s liberal majority agreed to hear the case. Its three conservative justices dissented. Oral arguments are set for April 17, The Associated Press reported. The court has only… […]

Biden agrees to a deal that allows the border to be SHUT DOWN when Texas gets overwhelmed – But why wait? Shut it down now!

(NaturalNews) Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s opposition to President Joe Biden’s very lax immigration policies has forced the federal government to cut a deal with… Source

Romania Agrees to Repair Ukraine’s Internet After Russia Destroyed it in Massive Cyberattack

Ukraine and Romania have signed a cooperation agreement aimed at developing 5G, rebuilding telecommunications networks, and increasing their stability, Ukrainian Minister of Digital Transformation Mihailo Fedorov announced on Thursday. “We agreed on the first steps – increasing the stability of Ukrainian internet networks, developing 5G corridors between Ukraine’s borders and Romania, and Ukraine’s participation in […]

German Gov’t Agrees To Bailout Giant Loss-Making Wind Farm, UK Increases Subsidies

Reuters reports the German government, Siemens AG, and other parties will provide billions of euros in project-related guarantees to support Siemens AG’s struggling wind turbine division. This financial assistance comes just weeks after the company warned about mounting losses amid a meltdown across wind and solar industries.  Three people familiar with the talks said that Siemens Energy’s top […]

Israel ‘Agrees’ to 4-Hour Humanitarian ‘Pauses’ It Was Aready Doing Anyway

Israel reportedly “agreed” to unilateral, daily four-hour pauses in the fight against Hamas in Gaza for “humanitarian” reasons, though it was already pausing on its own and providing an evacuation corridor for Palestinian civilians from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily. Source

White House Says Israel Agrees To 4-Hour Daily ‘Humanitarian Pauses’ In Gaza Fighting

The White House says Israel has agreed to put in place four-hour daily humanitarian pauses in its assault on Hamas in norther Gaza. Source

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Missouri v. Biden

The Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments over the Fifth Circuit’s grant of a preliminary injunction in Missouri v. Biden. As I mentioned in previous posts, the injunction would bar officials from the White House, CDC, FBI, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and Surgeon General’s office from coercing or significantly encouraging social media platforms to censor constitutionally […]

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Says She Agrees With Hamas Beheading Israeli Babies

Far-left Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib has hinted that she agrees with Hamas murdering and beheading innocent Israeli babies. When questioned by a reporter who repeatedly asked whether or not she condemned reports that babies had […] The post Rep. Rashida Tlaib Says She Agrees With Hamas Beheading Israeli Babies appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

UK agrees that WHO can depopulate England. Live free another 1000 years out of the UK.

TAP – The COVID depopulation jab attack is entirely deliberate and panned.  The UK sold England down the river and is allowing the WHO to destroy our population by killing millions and stopping births.  It is beyond time to seek independence from the UK, and nullify the illegal treaties made by the UK with world […]

Ukraine Will Get F-16 Fighter Jets After U.S. Agrees To Allow Transfers

The U.S. has given approval for the Netherlands and Denmark to deliver F-16s to Ukraine, in a major gain for Kiev. Source

Ron DeSantis agrees to debate Gavin Newsom on Fox News

Govs. Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom have tentatively agreed to debate — one hosted by Fox News. The Florida Republican and California Democrat have repeatedly sparred over policies in their respective states, each representing one side of the ideological spectrum though occupying different political perches. DeSantis, a Republican, is trailing former President Donald Trump for […]

Amazon Agrees to $25 Million Settlement Over Alexa Unlawfully Storing Children’s Voice Recordings, Location Data

Amazon Agrees to $25 Million Settlement Over Alexa Unlawfully Storing Children’s Voice Recordings, Location Data Posted on July 20, 2023 By Danielle Wallace  FOXBusiness Strategic Resource Group managing director Burt Flickinger and OptionsPlay Director of Education and Product Jessica Inskip discuss whether Amazon will break Prime Day sales on ‘The Claman Countdown.’ Amazon has agreed to […]

Turkey Agrees To Support NATO Membership For Sweden After Months Of Resisting

VILNIUS, Lithuania (AP) — NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Monday that Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has agreed to send Sweden’s accession protocol for joining NATO to the Turkish Parliament “as soon as possible” and to help ensure that the assembly approves it. Stoltenberg made the announcement after talks with Erdogan and Swedish Prime Minister […]

Biden Agrees To Send Cluster Bombs To Ukraine Because ‘They’re Running Out Of Ammo’

US president Joe Biden had agreed to send thousands of controversial cluster munitions to Ukraine to use against Russian troops. Biden defended his decision claiming that Ukraine is running out of ammo and the US is ‘low on the ammunition they need’. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your […]

Comer wins: FBI relents, agrees to deliver subpoenaed memo alleging Biden bribery to Capitol


Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Dispute Over Trump’s Former DC Hotel

The Supreme Court decided on May 15 to take up a long-running dispute between former President Donald Trump and congressional Democrats over the former Trump International Hotel in the nation’s capital. The case goes back to 2017, when Trump had just become president, and Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. At that time, several Democrats […]

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