Posts Tagged ‘divestment’

Harvard agrees to discuss divestment from ‘Israel’ following protests

May 15, 2024 Source: Agencies + Al Mayadeen English By Al Mayadeen English The student protest group Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine says that a pre-condition of the decamping is that the administration will take back suspensions. After Harvard agreed to discuss student concerns on the university’s endowment concerning “Israel”, protesters against the Israeli war […]

List of US colleges advocating for divestment from ‘Israel’: Newsweek

27 Apr 2024 Source: News websites As student movements keep gaining momentum, Newsweek has published a list of all universities that have advocated for the severing of ties with “Israel”. By Al Mayadeen English Pro-Palestine protests have swept university campuses across the United States, with calls for the alienation from “Israel” or Israeli-affiliated institutions. As […]

Palestinians Salute Unprecedented Wave of Protest and Divestment Camps on US Campuses

Palestinians Salute Unprecedented Wave of Protest and Divestment Camps on US Campuses Update This is precisely the type of peaceful disruption of business-as-usual that is needed to help stop Israel’s #GazaGenocide and divest from and sanction Israeli apartheid. Academic Boycott Student solidarity April 24, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of […]

Florida CFO to trigger divestment laws if censorship firm NewsGuard continues promoting its dishonest rating system as if some kind of “arbiter of truth”

(NaturalNews) Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis has issued a warning to the censorship company NewsGuard Technologies, Inc. about promoting a rating… Source

Jewish calls for divestment from Israel are heralded by media, exposing anti-Palestinian bias

As you have surely noticed, many liberal Zionists are calling on the world to boycott or divest from Israel over the “judicial coup” — the Netanyahu government’s steps to end the independence of the Israeli judiciary. And no wonder, boycott is a time-honored tool of social activists going back to Gandhi and Rosa Parks. The […]

Israeli rabbi featured at J Street calls for boycott and divestment from Israel

“Anybody who is contributing to the Israeli economy should stop. Stop that contribution until the wind changes.” Noa Sattath, an Israeli rabbi and civil rights activist often promoted by the liberal Zionist group J Street, called for crushing economic pressure on the fascistic new Israeli government during a webinar with Americans for Peace Now last […]

Climate justice through divestment

n recent years, a growing movement to achieve climate justice has connected the root cause of climate change not just with greenhouse gases but also with a more entrenched, insidious foe: capitalism. The United States supports a system that allows a few corporations and people to earn money off climate degradation, mainly through the extraction […]

Pomona College Student Gov’t Removes Club Divestment from BDS Resolution

The Pomona College student government removed a provision from the recently passed Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) resolution that would have denied funding to Jewish and pro-Israel student groups on campus. The resolution, which was first passed on April 23, had stated that the Associated Students of Pomona College (ASPC) called upon the other Claremont […]

Jewish-Led Groups Condemn Pompeo For Declaring Boycott-Divestment Movement Anti-Semitic

Above photo: Sign on the wall in an anti-Zionist Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem. Margaret Flowers. Proudly pro-BDS. “Our response to the false designation will be to… challenge Israeli policies of occupation and apartheid and galvanize public opinion for freedom and justice in Palestine,” vowed CodePink’s Medea Benjamin. Jewish peace activists led a wave of stinging […]

University of Cambridge announces divestment from fossil fuels after five-year student, staff campaign

Image Credit: The Tab In a major break with the energy sector, the University of Cambridge committed to full divestment. The University will cut ties with the fossil fuel industry including BP, Royal Dutch Shell, and other companies in which they invested in for the past 20 years. The University of Cambridge announced it will […]

Gazans See Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement As Last Hope for International Justice

GAZA — Gaza is in urgent need of opening spaces on many levels. The geophysical space — incarcerated by Israel’s illegal blockade on Gaza and its construction of barriers to “protect Israel’s citizens with power and sophistication,” according to Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman, which are fast becoming normalized and barely worthy of mention in […]

Are Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaigns Working?

Are Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaigns Working? Above Photo: Students and alumni at Tufts University protest near the Tufts University presidents office in Medford, Mass. on April 22, 2015, and began a sit-in that they said would continue until the administration commits to fossil fuel divestment. (Photo: David L. Ryan / The Boston Globe via Getty Images) […]

Why Public Banking Is The End Goal Of The Divestment Movement

Why Public Banking Is The End Goal Of The Divestment Movement Above Photo: Standing Rock Activists Attacked by Police (Source: Groundtruth Project) Divestment: An Introduction Something big is starting to happen in the world of activism. Grassroots campaigns are beginning to coalesce into coherent, focused missions with definable outcomes. The Divest campaign is a classic […]

George Washington student Senate passes divestment resolution as intimidation campaign continues

After being delayed a week because of threats to their safety, the George Washington University (GW) student Senate overwhelmingly passed a resolution to divest from nine companies known to be complicit in Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights. Around 1 a.m early Tuesday morning, by a vote of 18 to 6 with 6 abstentions, resolution […]

George Washington University divestment vote cancelled due to safety concerns following threatening anti-BDS posters

On the eve of a divestment vote by George Washington University’s (GWU) student senate, multiple students witnessed two men who they say clearly did not attend the university, posting spurious flyers around campus, all with the clear aim of undermining the credibility of the divestment resolution SR-S18-21 or “The Protection of Palestinian Human Rights Act”. […]

City University of New York students launch landmark divestment campaign

If you were traveling downtown on Lexington Avenue on Thursday, March 22 at rush hour and looked up while crossing 67th Street, you might have found the following declaration in big bold letters looking back down: “CUNY Must Divest”. Student members of the Palestine Solidarity Alliance (PSA) at Hunter College, one of the largest of […]

How Activists Won Divestment from Fossil Fuels in New York City

How Activists Won Divestment from Fossil Fuels in New York City This campaign was years in the making, but Donald Trump’s election and the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord spurred the local activism that led to this important victory. After five years of tireless organizing, the movement to divest NYC public worker pension funds […]

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for Palestinian Rights (BDS) has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2018

Bjørnar Moxnes, member of the Norwegian Parliament, Oct. 20, 2017 Bjørnar Moxnes, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, has nominated the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for this year’s Nobel Prize. Press release The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)-movement for Palestinian rights was yesterday formally nominated for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize by […]

New Orleans adopts divestment measure proposed by BDS campaigners

Today the city council of New Orleans unanimously passed a resolution which calls on the city to review and divest from companies that perpetrate human rights violations anywhere in the world. Proposed by local Palestine solidarity activists who support the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment (BDS) movement for Palestinian human rights, the resolution is not on its […]

Wells Fargo Blockaded, Demanding Divestment From Tar Sands

Photo from Earth Defense Coalition Facebook page. On November 14, 2017, five water protectors took action in solidarity with front line Indigenous resistance efforts at Camp Makwa to stop the construction of the Enbridge Line 3 tar sands pipeline in Minnesota. The activists locked down to each other and used their bodies to disrupt business […]

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