Posts Tagged ‘gazans’

Gazans salute university students’ uprising for Palestine

As Israel’s invasion of Rafah begins, people in Gaza are holding out hope that international pressure will force Israel to stand down. Part of that hope is tied to the heroic actions of students across the U.S. rising up for Palestine.  Source

Israel Is Manufacturing False Stories Of Hamas Killing Gazans

Claims have continually surfaced in Israeli media outlets about alleged killings of civilians in Gaza who were collecting aid and even the theft of aid by what they call “Hamas police”. Not only are these claims false, the pro-Israel Western mainstream media have refrained from even repeating the allegations. Reviving the narrative that Hamas linked […]

Over 100k Gazans Dead, Injured, Or Presumed Dead & US Allies Get Away With Murder (And Much Worse)

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/3/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 115: Israel pushes Gazans further south; U.S threatens further regional violence

The U.S. government threatens further regional violence on the heels of drone attack that killed three American troops in Jordan. Human rights groups slam countries for pulling funding for UNRWA as Palestinians in Gaza face famine and starvation. Source

Videos Of Israeli Soldiers Acting Maliciously Toward Gazans Create New Headache For Israel

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli soldiers rummaging through private homes in Gaza. Forces destroying plastic figurines in a toy store, or trying to burn food and water supplies in the back of an abandoned truck. Troops with their arms slung around each other, chanting racist slogans as they dance in a circle. Several viral videos and […]

Reuters: “Israel Orders Gazans to Flee, Bombs Where it Sends Them.” Doctors Without Borders Convoy Hit, Says It Was “Deliberate”

Reuters reports: IDF bombing south Gaza areas where civilians were told to go, but are prevented from leaving Gaza. Well-known and clearly marked Doctors Without Borders convoy hit. Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) said that internal investigations of the attack confirmed the organization’s original suspicion that it was “deliberate” and the action was taken “against clearly […]

Gazans Begin the Journey Back after Truce Takes Effect (Videos)

 November 24, 2023 After enduring weeks of displacement due to the ongoing aggression, the people of Gaza finally have a glimmer of hope as they start to return to their homes. The four-day truce, which includes a complete ceasefire, went into effect this morning. Displaced Palestinians, who sought refuge in hospitals and schools during the […]

Iraqis warn of western plan to move Gazans to Anbar desert

NOV 3, 2023 While the idea of relocating Palestinians to Iraq’s Anbar region may appear improbable, western-backed conflicts have already displaced millions in the region – many of which appear to be demographically-engineered. The Cradle’s Iraq Correspondent The settlement of Palestinians in the Anbar desert, western Iraq, has become a topic of renewed discussion among […]

Intelligence Ministry of Israel proposes displacing 2.3 million Gazans to Sinai in Egypt

(NaturalNews) The Intelligence Ministry of Israel has drafted a wartime proposal to transfer the 2.3 million people in Gaza to the Sinai Peninsula in… Source

HuffPost Blasted After Likening Israel to Nazi Germany, Gazans to Holocaust Victims: ‘Blood Libel’

The Huffington Post is facing backlash after its Spanish edition published an op-ed that draws “sickening” parallels between Israel and Nazi Germany while likening the situation of Gazans to Holocaust victims, in what has been described as a “disgusting blood libel.” Source

Israeli Ministry ‘Concept Paper’ Proposes Moving Gazans To Egypt’s Sinai

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office played down the report. Source

Gazans are being tricked into leaving

Someone on Reddit is claiming that four years ago, a British-Israeli billionaire family which also happens to have investments in Israeli hotel chains was seeking investments for a “New Dubai” where Gaza currently is. They were proposing hotel complexes where Western tourists would arrive by the thousands. What is most interesting is that this was […]

Egypt Mulls Allowing Refugees Entry As Over 600,000 Gazans Move South; FBI Warns Of Hamas Attacks On US Soil

After giving the northern Gaza strip an evacuation ultimatum on Friday, Israel has so far withheld from launching a “significant” ground operation, with some speculating that requests from the US to evacuate all US citizens out of Palestine ahead of the invasion is what is holding Israel back. Meanwhile, Iran’s foreign minister on Saturday said […]

IDF: ‘Active Effort’ by Hamas to Block Gazans from Evacuating South

A spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) claims the Palestinian terror group Hamas is engaged in an “active effort” to prevent Gaza’s population from evacuating to the southern area of the strip. Source

Israelis mock Gazans without water & electricity

Israeli takes to social media to ridicule Palestinians who are living under siege in the Gaza Strip and have had even water, food and electricity supplies cut from them. Source

‘Everything is possible in Gaza’ for the EU envoy, not Gazans

The EU Envoy to Palestine Sven Kühn Von Burgsdorff paraglided onto a beach in Gaza on Monday and told Gazans that “Everything is possible.” But some things, like paragliding in Gaza’s skies, are only possible for people with immense power like Mr. Von Burgsdorff, not for the Palestinians living under a crippling Israeli blockade. Source

The ‘Ramadan Economy’: struggling Gazans seek financial respite during holy month 

Many in Gaza participate in the “Ramadan economy” – a once-a-year opportunity offering Palestinians suffering from poverty, war, and the Israeli siege, a chance to secure a much-needed income. Source

‘My life has just begun’:  Gazans celebrate receiving ID cards after rare Israeli approval

Scenes of joy erupted outside the Ministry of Civil Affairs building in central Gaza, as crowds of Palestinians gathered in jubilant celebration.  Families hug and kiss one another, crying tears of joy, others pass out sweets, while a band of drummers and oboists play their tunes across the street, and passersby stop to take in […]

Fear of ‘All-Out War’ as Intense Rocket Barrages Disrupt Southern Israel; 7 Gazans Killed in IAF Strikes

[embedded content] (The Times of Israel) — Cities and communities in southern Israel faced an intense barrage of rockets overnight Friday-Saturday, with several heavy waves of projectile fire targeting Ashkelon, Ashdod, Beersheba, Sderot and the surrounding areas. The bombardment came as the Israeli military continued to strike numerous targets in the Gaza Strip since midnight, […]

Intense rocket barrages disrupt southern Israel; 7 Gazans killed in IAF strikes

Cities and communities in southern Israel faced an intense barrage of rockets overnight Friday-Saturday, with several heavy waves of projectile fire targeting Ashkelon, Ashdod, Beersheba, Sderot and the surrounding areas. The bombardment came as the Israeli military continued to strike numerous targets in the Gaza Strip since midnight, taking out rocket-launching sites, terror cells and […]

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