Reuters: “Israel Orders Gazans to Flee, Bombs Where it Sends Them.” Doctors Without Borders Convoy Hit, Says It Was “Deliberate”

Reuters reports: IDF bombing south Gaza areas where civilians were told to go, but are prevented from leaving Gaza. Well-known and clearly marked Doctors Without Borders convoy hit. Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) said that internal investigations of the attack confirmed the organization’s original suspicion that it was “deliberate” and the action was taken “against clearly identified MSF vehicles.”

Red Cross president breaks traditional Red Cross policy of silence, decries “atrocious injuries” on children.

Reuters: “Israel Orders Gazans to Flee, Bombs Where it Sends Them” (view at Rumble)

President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mirjana Spolgjaric, breaks Red Cross policy of silence in conflicts, “atrocious injuries” on children (view at Rumble)

IDF Airstrikes Hit Next to Journalist and Civilians, Systematically Destroying Infrastructure (view at Rumble)

Gaza child found hugging olive tree after bombing, October 18, 2023 (view at Rumble)

Read Next Article…

Records Show Bill Gates Funded Discredited, Fraudulent Lockdown Paper Which Threatened ‘2.2 Million US Deaths’

Above image: Imperial College Professor Neil Ferguson

Johan Giesecke, former chief scientist for the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, has called Ferguson’s model “the most influential scientific paper” in memory. He also says it was “one of the most wrong.”

(Above: Bill Gates with Klaus Schwab, Founder of World Economic Forum


Breaking: With Bill Gates in Attendance, WHO Conducts Pandemic Simulation, This Time Targeting Children and Many Times Deadlier Than COVID


In March and April of 2020, just before unprecedented “lockdowns” were announced in countries around the world, Bill Gates directly funded the British professor who created the “lockdown” theory. “Report 9,” published by Imperial College professor Neil Ferguson’s  MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, was used by governments to justify vastly expanded powers over individuals in the name of public health.

The figure of possibly 2.2 million Americans dead by the end of 2020 if there were no lockdowns came from Report 9.

Now, as a result of the lockdowns and the drive toward mandatory vaccinations which they facilitated, the world grapples with a wave of excess deaths which highly regarded pathologists and other doctors and scientists say is directly a result of the vaccines.

Year Total Global All-Cause Deaths Source

2015 55.8 M
2016 56.6 M
2017 56.9 M
2018 57.6 M
2019 58.4 M
2020 69.9 M
2021 69.1 M
2022 69.2 M

The paper was neither peer reviewed nor published in any science journal. It sprang from the mind of Neil Ferguson, who was mocked in science circles as the “Master of Disaster.” The paper came out and was quoted around the world immediately after Gates had dumped $8 million into Ferguson’s Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis.

Below: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation page at the website UK Research and Innovation, funding Professor Neil Ferguson “Professor Lockdown”

(expand image)

Below: Page 7 of Report 9, “In total, in an unmitigated epidemic, we would predict approximately 510,000 deaths in GB and 2.2 million in the US, not accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality.” (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE)

Full Presentation: How COVID Vaccines Kill You, Immune Self-Attack: Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt, EU Parliament 2023. (View at Rumble)

Below: Timeline of excess deaths and COVID vaccination rates in various countries. Source: Daily CloutOur World In Data (CLICK ON IMAGE FOR LARGER IMAGE)

Never in US history, including during the 1968 Hong Kong Flu was anything like a “lockdown” contemplated. In per capita terms for the population of the time, the equivalent of 200,000 mostly elderly Americans perished from it, In the summer of 1969, even after that hard winter, the largest mass gathering in US history was held, Woodstock.

Imperial College Prof. Neil Ferguson’s now widely discredited paper was behind all policies from “flatten the curve” to “stop the spread.”

Imperial College is one of the go-to institutions for studies affirming the value of the COVID vaccines or any other part of the official COVID narrative, such as a study claiming that COVID vaccines saved “20 million lives in first year.” Gates has given many millions of dollars to Imperial College over the years.

Other institutions often appearing in the bottom fine print of studies exonerating everything Gates, Fauci, and the US government have done are Johns Hopkins and University of Washington, Gates’ home state.

The germ of the Report 9 lockdown theory is that unregulated contact between humans is now toxic and dangerous. Lockdowns have become the hammer with which to force people to submit to the mRNA spike protein injections commonly referred to as COVID “vaccines.”

Ferguson was ridiculed by colleagues as “Professor Lockdown.”

Gates said in 2020 that there could be “no normal” until “the entire world population” submitted to mRNA injections, which would require proof such as a global digital ID, which Gates has also heavily funded. In August 2020 Gates announced “you don’t get a choice” when it comes to vaccination.

Below, Gates: “You don’t get a choice” but to submit to COVID vaccines (view at Rumble)

Full Bill Gates documentary (post-COVID) (view at Rumble)

The system envisioned by Gates closely resembles the tyrannical surveillance and social control system employed in communist China.

Untouched by the media, however, is the story of the Amish, who refused all lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates, yet suffered almost no COVID deaths, and are all now immune to COVID.

Gates is the single biggest private donor to WHO. Combined with the donation from the GAVI alliance which Gates founded and controls, Gates’ donation to WHO is greater than the US government’s, the next largest donor. WHO is in fact nothing more than an extension of the will of Bill Gates, who has the power to steer the policy direction of the organization.

WHO, with the help of the Biden administration, is now pushing for authority which would override national sovereignty in the event WHO declares a pandemic. This would in essence make Gates the world dictator. [Update: At the G20 Summit in November 2022, a health minister called for an international vaccination status “passport,” designed by WHO, which would prevent people refusing government vaccination “recommendations” from traveling.]

Below source:

Klaus Schwab: COVID is “Mild”

In the words of even Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and staunch advocate of giving COVID vaccines to “the whole world,” COVID is a “mild” disease and “one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years.” This is in accord with the estimate by Stanford epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannadis, that COVID is largely an end-of-lifespan, overall 99.8% recovery rate disease similar to flu, which is 99.9%.

Nevertheless, police were turned into goon squads enforcing public “health” mandates, dragging people off beaches and arresting business owners who refused to close their stores.

Imperial College Prof. Neil Ferguson, “Professor Lockdown” and “The Master of Disaster”

Below: Amish rejected lockdowns, masks, vaccines, almost no COVID deaths (view at Rumble)

China’s ‘Social Credit’ CBDC System (view at Rumble)

Gates’ Crystal Ball

Combined with Event 201, the number of roads that lead to Gates during COVID is remarkable. Event 201 was a pandemic simulation sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which took place in New York on Oct. 18, 2019. The exercise foresaw a bat-origin coronavirus pandemic sometime in the near future. The first documented cases of a new bat-based respiratory illness from caves in Wuhan were reported on December 12, 2019, nearly two months later.  The Gates simulation came true with uncanny accuracy.

Above Source: KUSI San Diego

Above chart source: Bloomberg News

Gates is the founder and the major funder of the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, which turned out a study used by Anthony Fauci in December of 2020 to say that, if only everyone in the nation wore masks consistently, 130,000 lives could be saved.   

In what has emerged to be a massive Crime Against Humanity, Gates funding and initiative is behind an attempt to squash the use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID, through fraudulent studies which administered known lethal doses of the drug to test subjects. These were the WHO Solidarity Trials and the UK Recovery Trials. (See: Cold Blooded Murder: Bill Gates Funded Trials on Hydroxychloroquine Designed to Kill Subjects and Show No Benefit Against COVID)

Scratch the surface of any critical piece of the COVID narrative, and there is a Bill Gates Cheshire Cat smiling.

Gates money is also behind many of the “fact-checkers” which squash qualified medical, dissenting opinion. One of the most well-known “fact-check” websites,, which heavily counters unflattering “conspiracy theories” concerning Bill Gates, is funded by the Poynter Institute, to which Bill Gates has donated.  

long-suppressed documentary on Bill Gates shows Gates last year predicting an even worse pandemic than COVID-19. Gates says the next one “will get attention,” and presumably require stronger vaccination policies.

   Bill Gates in documentary: The next pandemic “WILL get attention.”   (View Clip on Rumble)     (Full documentary on Gates)   

To date the Pfizer, Moderna mRNA products have over 30,000 “early warning” system deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS.) The deaths per year for the COVID vaccines are 75 times the number of deaths reported for all other vaccines combined in a typical year. (VAERS Official Data)   

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most scientifically published cardiologists in the world, has pointed out that the COVID vaccines already met the criteria established by the Bradford Hill Tenets, which is how scientists decide whether to pull a vaccine from the market or not.

Gates is neither a scientist, doctor, nor even a college graduate. But he is the third richest man in the world, with close ties to Anthony Fauci (who he tapped for his “Decade of Vaccines” in 2010.) Gates was, until recently, friends with master blackmail artist Jeffrey Epstein, which he lied about.

Gates is recorded as having flown on Epstein’s private jet to Palm Beach, although he lied about that also, saying to the Wall Street Journal in 2019 in an interview about his relationship with Epstein: “I didn’t go to New Mexico or Florida or Palm Beach or any of that.”

One of the items found when police raided Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion in 2016 was a fully equipped dentist’s chair.

Dentist chair in Jeffrey Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion. Source

Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer: No Vaccine Was Needed for COVID

The death toll for COVID in the US may be inflated by as much as 40%. Former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for 16 years, Dr. Mike Yeadon, said in 2020:

“There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. I’ve never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines.”

“You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects,”


Also Read: Top Formerly Pro-COVID-Vax London Cardiologist Now Says Covid Shots Must be Stopped

Huge COVID Vaccine-Injured Rally in Los Angeles Blacked Out by Major Media, Injury Court Claims Skyrocket


Nevertheless the media, which is owned and controlled by the tiniest fraction of humanity representing the wealthiest people on the planet, continues to call the COVID mRNA products “safe and effective” and promotes their use.

Gates Pops Up Like a Jack-in-the Box at Key Junctures

As Australian police patrolled neighborhoods and streets for people disobedient to the “health” dictates of the day, in what seemed to be a sign of things to come, billionaires and their hirelings in government partied without masks, unconcerned by airline rules as they hopped about on private jets.

Bill Gates at “Billionaires Conference” in 2019: World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland (Source)

Australian Police COVID Vaccine Papers Checkpoint

Governors Didn’t Flatten the Curve, They Spiked it

In March and April of 2020, the US pandemic was greatly assisted by the actions of some governors, such as Andrew Cuomo, by throwing COVID patients into nursing homes.

The calls to “flatten the curve” in the Spring of 2020 were an appeal to society to bear temporary inconvenience, so that health facilities would not be overwhelmed.  

However, rather than “flattening the curve,” key governors were doing anything but, and were in fact “spiking the curve.”  NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, MI Gov. Whitmer, and NJ Gov. Phil Murphy, and PA Gov. Tom Wolf all, at key moments, ensured COVID deaths would skyrocket, by sending COVID patients into nursing homes.  

The COVID crisis in late March and early April was largely a New York City crisis.  Coincidentally, on the same day, on March 25th, Bloomberg reported that New York City had bought 45 refrigerated trucks in anticipation of a surge of deaths.

Two weeks later, the NY Post reported the news that shocked the nation, of COVID deaths in NYC so high that the city was forced to use refrigerator trucks to manage the overflow of bodies.

The below chart shows the date NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued the order to allow COVID patients into NY nursing homes, despite the outcry from nursing home executives.  

Prominent Activists Warn of Future Dystopia, Enslavement of Humanity by Elites, Depopulation Agenda

Both Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Bush Sr. administration official Catherine Austin Fitts have eloquently warned of this future dystopian scenario, which contrary to being a conspiracy theory, has Bill Gates’ fingerprints all over it, all on the public record.

Below “Season 2, Episode 11 of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., featuring Catherine Austin Fitts”  (View at Rumble)

Scientists Suspect Some Vax Batches Deliberately Deadly

A doctor and former chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a former Chief Science Officer (CSO) and Vice President for Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, and other doctors and scientists say that CDC death and adverse event data for the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J COVID injections shows that about 5% of the batches are associated with 90% of the deaths, and are up to 5,000 % more lethal than all the other batches.

They agree that extremely strict and precise quality control processes which are standard in the industry make it impossible that this is not deliberate. (See: “Former Chair of Council of Europe Health Committee Says COVID Vaccines “Kill People Intentionally.” Removes Shield from Liability“)

UPDATE FROM MARCH 2022: Silent Genocide Now in Progress: US Post-Vaccination, Mostly Non-COVID Deaths Up 40%, US on Track for 1.4 Million Extra Deaths in 2022 from Vaccines

Below: Vaccine Reactions (view at Bitchute)

Study Concludes Beyond a Reasonable Doubt that SARS-CoV-2 Came from a Laboratory

This January 2021, to a media black-out, Harvard-MIT doctor and scientist Dr. Steven Quay published a paper concluding “beyond a reasonable doubt” that COVID was man-made and created in a Chinese lab.   (See: Why Did Fauci Give Funds to the People’s Liberation Army?)

COVID in Context

About 3 million Americans die every year of all causes.  Despite fear-mongering headlines that more Americans died last year than ever in history, a moment’s thought shows this a statistical truism: The US population is bigger than ever before, so deaths will be also. More people died because there are more people. Why would the media be engaged in such transparent and unjustified fear-mongering?

At the end of 2020, COVID death numbers, once the vast inflation is accounted for, were nowhere near Spanish Flu numbers in per capita terms, but similar to the 1957 Asian Flu or the 1968 Hong Kong Flu pandemics. In these pandemics there was no hint of anything like lockdowns or mask-wearing.  Yet COVID in the media was constantly compared to the Spanish Flu.

Many excess deaths in 2020 are due to the effects of lockdowns, which include deferred critical care, and “deaths of despair” such as suicides and drug overdoses.  

Gates Documentary Revives Questions 

Despite a carefully crafted image that Gates is a late-life billionaire who is now giving away his fortune, Gates’ net worth has been steadily climbing as his giving has increased.

(Update: Pfizer Scientist’s Criminal Complaint Charging Gates, Schwab, et al with Crimes Against Humanity, Coming Vaccine Deaths of “Biblical Proportions”)

The recovered documentary on Gates revisits interviews of doctors, scientists, health officials, and politicians who describe Gates Foundation’s buried history in India and Africa, which, according to the interviewees and investigative commissions, used illiterate, poverty-stricken children as guinea pigs for untested vaccines. 

As well, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. carefully documents Gates’ crimes in India and Africa in “Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination.”

In India, a committee of investigation found that thousands of girls, whose families were illiterate, were maimed by Gates’ vaccine trials.

The respected India Economic Times reports:

“The committee found that…In many other cases, thumbprint impressions of their poor and illiterate parents were duly affixed onto the consent form. The children also had no idea about the nature of the disease or the vaccine.” 

Yale’s Dr. Risch Takes Aim at Gates Crony Fauci for Past on AIDS

The Yale School of Public Health’s Dr. Harvey Risch has heavily criticized Anthony Fauci for working in the past to withhold cheap and effective remedies for AIDS, until more profitable drugs were developed. 

On Fox News on August 23, 2020 on the Mark Levin show, Dr. Risch said:

“The FDA … has a history of not making science-based, rational-based, decisions about its approvals.

This was started most noticeably in 1987, when people with AIDS in New York City were dying of what is called pneumocystis pneumonia, PCP.

The clinical experience then had been amassed of a large number of cases who were prevented from dying by use of the antibiotic bacterium.

This is (another case where) even then there was a generic medication and cheap.

And activists obtained a meeting with Dr. Fauci and 15 of his selected scientists at the NIH, and asked Dr. Fauci just to make guidelines to physicians that they consider using bactrim to treat preventively AIDS people so that they wouldn’t die of this pneumonia.

Dr. Fauci refused.

He said, ‘I want randomized controlled blinded trial evidence. That’s my gold standard – that or nothing.’

The activists left and the NIH did not fund any randomized trials. They raised money themselves from their own AIDS patients to collect the data to do a randomized trial.

But it took them 2 years. They came back to Dr. Fauci.

During those 2 years, the FDA approved AZT as a treatment for AIDS.

AZT works, but not completely, it needs other medications as well.

During the two years that it took them to get this data to come back to Dr. Fauci to support using bactrim, 17,000 people with AIDS died because of Dr. Fauci’s insistence on not allowing even a statement supporting consideration of the use.

The Criminal Case

Although there are certainly even more connections between the onset of the US pandemic, how it was handled by government led by Fauci, the connections outlined above already constitute what to any prosecutor would be a solid criminal case.

What are the odds that the author of “lockdowns,” Prof. Neil Ferguson, would be funded by Gates just as the pandemic emerged? Would the US pandemic have had anywhere near its rapid growth and severity had governors not intervened with “super-spreader” policies? How would Cuomo know that refrigerator trucks would be needed, two weeks in advance, just in time for the images which shocked the nation into compliance?

What did Gates mean when he said the next pandemic “WILL” get attention, as if this were only a dress rehearsal? Why did Fauci lie, and lead the medical establishment into doing so as well, about the life-saving properties of HCQ and Ivermectin, which probably would have slashed death tolls to a bad flu season?

Why was Fauci, years ago, willing to take the political risk of defying an Obama ban and going ahead with gain-of-function research funds, to the bio-weapons arm of the People’s Liberation Army?

But perhaps no more glaring proof is necessary that US government mandates have nothing to do with health than the long-term wearing of masks, which are known to cause lung-damage, due to containing the nano-material graphene. These have been banned in Canada.

Klaus Schwab, founder of the billionaire think-tank the World Economic Forum wrote in his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

For more connections extending to higher circles, Klaus Schwab and his “Great Reset,” please go on to next article.



Bill Gates Critic Ron Paul Shut-Down from Facebook After “Great Reset” Article

Ron Paul, who recently wrote an essay warning of an end-game for the coronavirus outbreak which is for human control purposes, has been banned from communicating with his millions of Facebook followers. The mild-mannered former congressman, presidential candidate, and family physician has been a perpetual thorn in the side of big Wall Street banks, and oligarchs such as Bill Gates.

As one digs in for a reason, a number of interesting recent posts from Dr. Paul emerge.

In a message on Twitter Dr. Paul wrote:

“With no explanation other than “repeatedly going against our community standards,”  @Facebook has blocked me from managing my page. Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past and nowhere is the offending post identified.”

Dr. Paul joins another former high government official, Catherine Austin Fitts, in detailing a plan to use mandatory vaccinations as a gateway into people’s bodies for the purpose of connecting them to artificial intelligence control and surveillance platforms.  Fitts was Assistant Secretary of Housing and Human Development under President George HW Bush,

Dr. Paul wrote on January 4th in “Oppression… The ‘Great Reset’ is about Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty,”

“World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab has proposed using the overreaction to coronavirus to launch a worldwide “Great Reset.” This Great Reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide…The Great Reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking. It will also mandate that people receive digital certificates in order to travel and even technology implanted in their bodies to monitor them.”

Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum , a gathering of the world’s most powerful people which meets in Davos, Switzerland to discuss future trends and initiatives, is the mastermind of the “Great Reset” which is presented as a response to environmental crisis.  However, in his July 2020 book “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” Schwab readily admits that COVID is a “mild” disease which nevertheless serves the purpose of instituting undreamed of controls over humanity.   Schwab writes that Covid-19 is:

“one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years…the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild compared to previous pandemics”

Dr. Paul said in his article:

“The Great Reset involves a huge expansion of the welfare state via a universal basic income program. This can help ensure compliance with the Great Reset’s authoritarian measures….We are told the lockdowns are ordered because of a virus that poses no great danger to a very large percentage of the American public. Yet, instead of adopting a different approach, politicians are doubling down on the failed policies of masks and lockdowns. Meanwhile, big tech companies, which are already often acting as partners of government, silence anyone who questions the official line regarding the threat of coronavirus or the effectiveness of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines.”

Schwab and Bill Gates

Schwab and Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau

Bill Gates Fingerprints on all Aspects of COVID and New Control Technologies

As far back as April, Dr. Paul pointed out that Gates, a private citizen who nevertheless is one of the world’s richest men, has been the driving force behind worldwide forced vaccination programs for a decade.  Gates says that “proof” of vaccination will be needed to allow life to go on as normal for individuals, saying in one of a relentless campaign of interviews since the COVID outbreak last Spring:

“eventually there will be sort of this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global re-opening up.”

In one of Dr. Paul’s widely-viewed, regular online broadcasts his show pointed out that Gates was a key financial backer of a tattoo-like digital identification record which could store vast amounts of data on each person under the skin, readable by a scanner. wrote in 2019:

“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the team’s research, which was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine on Wednesday.

According to a Scientific American story, the project came about following a direct request from Microsoft founder Bill Gates himself, who has been personally involved in efforts to eradicate polio and measles through vaccinations.”

Below: Dr. Paul Paul Show on Bill Gates

The Gates Foundation has funded the initiative the  “Decade of Vaccines,” One of the talents tapped by Gates to drive the initiative is Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Despite a carefully crafted image that Gates is a late-life billionaire who is now giving away his fortune, Gates’ net worth has been steadily climbing as his giving has increased.

“Paint splat” pattern shows no correlation between lockdowns and per capita COVID death rate. Source: Pandemic Data Analytics | Source

Bill Gates’ history put him in possible violation of principles established at the Nuremberg Trials, following the trial of the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, that no experiments could be conducted on a person without their fully informed consent.

Catherine Austin Fitts and the “Great Reset” (view at Bitchute)

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg

Klaus Schwab, chairman of World Economic Forum

Further Reading

Silent Genocide: US Post-Vaccination, Mostly Non-COVID Deaths Up 40%, US on Track for 1.4 Million Extra Deaths in 2022 from Vaccines

French Storm Shopping Center and Refuse to Show Proof of mRNA Injections (“Vaccines”)

Rolling Stone Flat-Out Lies About Ivermectin, Quoted Doctor Has Not Worked in Hospital for 2 Months

South Australia drops vaccine requirement for truckers in wake of protests, freight delays

Japan Pulls 1.6 Million COVID Shots Over “Magnet” Properties and Possible Graphene Oxide, Transhuman Agenda Exposed?

Two-year-old baby dies week after 2nd shot in COVID Pfizer trials, no cause given, CDC pulls report

Former Chief Science Officer at Pfizer Says He Fears “Massive Depopulation” Through Mass ‘Vaccinations’

Montana Bans Employer COVID Vaccine Mandates

Minnesota Woman Loses both Legs and both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

Two Top FDA Vaccine Scientists Resign Amid Concern Over “Boosters”

Putin Bans Employer-Mandated COVID Vaccination, Russia More Free Than U.S. Now

L. A. Fire Dept. Captain Blasts Deadly Vaccine Mandate “Tyranny,” Threatens Walk-Out With Hundreds of Men

Here is Bill Gates’ Injectable Biochip, for Those Who Think it is Conspiracy Theory

Death Certificate Audit Shows COVID Deaths Inflated by Possible 40%, Calls for National Audit

Science Backs Dr. Judy Mikovits’ Warning That COVID Vaccine Could Kill 50 Million Americans

Will Cuomo Face Justice for Nursing Home Executions?

Newsweek: “Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research”

Health Worker Dies After Taking Pfizer Vaccine; Leaks Show Pfizer Infiltrated by Agents of Chinese Government

CDC: 200,000 “COVID Deaths” May Actually Be Flu, Heart Attacks, Poison, or Gunshot

CDC: COVID Vaccine Reactions Render 3,150 People “Unable to Work,” Perform “Daily Activities”

Young, Healthy COVID Vaccine Trials Volunteer Dies

99.8% Survival Rate Bug Day 280: Oxford Scientist Refuses to Back Down on Herd Immunity

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Ron Paul for President 2012 college rally

It’s Over! Safe Remedies Obviate Need for Experimental Vaccines, Now It’s Murder

Crippling COVID Experimental Vaccine Reactions – Video

FDA to Approve Syringe-Injectable Biochip, Nanoparticles in COVID Test, Possible Nuremberg Code Violations (“Once Were the Living”)

US Congresswoman Presses for Criminal Charges Against Gov. Cuomo Over Nursing Home Deaths

CA Halts Injections of Moderna COVID Vaccine, UK Warns People with Food Allergies

Florida Activists File Model Legislation Against Mandatory COVID Vaccinations


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