Posts Tagged ‘Reuters’

Reuters Has Ulterior Motives For Reporting That Iran Tipped Russia Off Before The Crocus Attack

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, This narrative is being pushed to deflect from the evidence tying Ukraine to the Crocus terrorist attack and to discredit the Russian security services… Reuters cited three unnamed sources to exclusively report on Monday that Iran had allegedly tipped Russia off about a then-impending major terrorist attack after learning about […]

Reuters, New York Times top list of fossil fuel industry’s media enablers

New report by DeSmog and Drilled reveals extent of commercial partnerships between trusted outlets and Big Oil. Source

Reuters: “Israel Orders Gazans to Flee, Bombs Where it Sends Them.” Doctors Without Borders Convoy Hit, Says It Was “Deliberate”

Reuters reports: IDF bombing south Gaza areas where civilians were told to go, but are prevented from leaving Gaza. Well-known and clearly marked Doctors Without Borders convoy hit. Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) said that internal investigations of the attack confirmed the organization’s original suspicion that it was “deliberate” and the action was taken “against clearly […]

Reuters journalist killed by Israeli missile fire in Lebanon while covering Israel-Hamas war

(NaturalNews) A Reuters journalist was killed by an Israeli missile strike while covering the war between Israel and Hamas at the border between Lebanon and Israel… Source

Israel Calls For Entire Gaza Population To “Relocate” & Reuters Journalist Killed By Israeli Bombing

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/13/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

China Wants to Drop Dollar in Oil Trade: Reuters

December 11, 2022 Source: Agencies Beijing will work to make energy purchases in yuan instead of the US dollar signaling another step towards shifting further away from the greenback, China’s President Xi Jinping has told Gulf Arab leaders as cited by Reuters. China’s leader highlighted the necessity of the move while speaking at a Chinese-Arab summit […]

Who owns the No.1 source of mainstream news Reuters?

BY RHODA WILSON ON SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 • ( 9 COMMENTS ) Reuters news agency, a division of Thomson Reuters Corporation, employs 2,500 journalists in 200 locations worldwide.  It produces over 2 million news stories and 129,000 video stories each year. The news agency, however, is not the primary focus of Thomson Reuters’ activities which also offers corporations end-to-end solutions for regulatory, legal and compliance “challenges”; informs […]

Reuters Poll: Joe Biden’s Net Approval Drops 7 Points in One Week

President Joe Biden’s net approval rating dropped a full seven points in one week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Tuesday.

US to sell Ukraine combat drones – Reuters

The MQ-1C Gray Eagles can carry up to eight Hellfire missiles

Reuters: HALF of Paris Cafes And Bars Refusing to Comply With Vaccine Passport Scheme

Though you wouldn’t know it from watching the media’s highlight reels of compliant sheep going along with France’s vaccine passport rollout, half of Paris cafes and bars are reportedly refusing to comply with the control scheme despite the government’s terroristic threats. From Reuters, “Coffee and croissant in a French cafe? You’ll need a COVID pass […]

Reuters Photographer Danish Siddiqui Killed In Fight Between Afghan Forces And Taliban

A Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer for the news agency Reuters was killed Friday during a clash between Afghan forces and the Taliban. Danish Siddiqui, an Indian national who had been embedded in the Afghan city of Kandahar with the country’s special forces, had been reporting on fighting between Afghan commandos and Taliban fighters when he was […]

Reuters Study: America Has the Least Trusted Media In The World

President Trump reacted to Joe Biden’s embarrassing performance in front of Russian leader Vladimir Putin Wednesday, noting that “it was a very good day for Russia.” Appearing on Hannity, Trump noted “We gave a very big stage to Russia, and we got nothing.” He continued, “We gave up something that was unbelievably valuable. I stopped […]

Vaccines Are BIG MONEY to Big Pharma Owned By Rothschild Satanists as is Reuters; When Satanists Own Your Media & Medical Mafia Do You Expect the Truth? (Pictured is Rothschild “Red Shield”)

by Admin · Published May 3, 2021 · Updated May 3, 2021 Source

Reuters, BBC, And Bellingcat Participated In Covert UK Foreign Office-Funded Programs To ‘Weaken Russia’

Reuters, BBC, And Bellingcat Participated In Covert UK Foreign Office-Funded Programs To ‘Weaken Russia’ New leaked documents show Reuters’ and the BBC’s involvement in covert UK FCO programs to effect “attitudinal change” and “weaken the Russian state’s influence,” alongside intel contractors and Bellingcat. The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) have sponsored Reuters and the […]

Reuters Mocks China for Hiring ‘Used White Guys’

    Just look at the language being used here “recycle used white guys”. This goes way being objectification of white men, this is dehumanization. It makes them look like some sort of thrash… “USED white guys”? USED?? Imagine using strong language like “used Jew boys” or “recycling of used blacks”…. nope folks, this is […]

Reuters Celebrates Maskless Partygoers Living it Up in Wuhan

A Reuters photo essay celebrates how residents of Wuhan are enjoying nightclubs and street parties without the need for masks or social distancing even as much of the rest of the world continues to labor under lockdown. The article notes how young people living in the original epicenter of COVID-19 are now frolicking around in […]

Reuters Blames Israel for Plight of Gaza Christians, Ignores Hamas Persecution

Palestinian police officers loyal to Hamas march during a graduation ceremony in Gaza City, April 29, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa. A December 10 Reuters piece written by Nidal al-Mughrabi rightly draws attention to the plight of Christians in the Gaza Strip. Yet the writer comes down with a case of selective amnesia, […]

Manufacturing Disgrace: Reuters Distorts Chevron V. Donziger

Above photo: Depiction of Steven Donziger in the Intercept (5/20/20). Independent journalist Chris Hedges (ScheerPost, 8/25/20) wrote: The flagrant corruption and misuse of the legal system to abjectly serve corporate interests in the Donziger case illustrates the deep decay within our judiciary and democratic institutions. One of those deeply decayed institutions is the corporate media, as a review of […]

A Reuters photographer from Gaza explains what it’s like to cover the Great March of Return

The events of this week really aren’t easily captured by a static newslist like this, which in any case can’t cover everything when Palestine is all over the news.  It would be a good idea to follow one of the live blogs on various media which keep updating. Here are three with differing points of […]

Moscow slams Reuters for citing al-Qaeda/White Helmets as ‘evidence’ of Russian airstrikes killing civilians

     The widely discredited White Helmets still have an audience at Reuters UK. Russia has slammed Reuters UK for a breach of journalistic integrity, after the organization published outright lies which have been derived from the propaganda arm of al-Qaeda in Syria. Western governments, including those of the US and UK, have engaged in a […]

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