Posts Tagged ‘Times’

July 25 – Our Frogmarch to the End Times

(See below, Scott Ritter’s eloquent comments on Satanyahu’s speech.)  Talk about “self-fulfilling prophecy.”  They are following a script. The world is being destroyed by religious fanatics trying to realize Biblical prophecy.  Our life here on earth is a miracle gift from God. It is the Kingdom of Heaven. These Satanists are shitting in the punch […]

The true catastrophe of our times

Or how to be destructive beyond compare Source

Israel Caught Changing Story On #RafahMassacre Numerous Times & Gaza Pier Operations Suspended

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/29/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Strengthening our movement in times of crisis: a historic task of the Palestinian liberation movement

The Palestinian struggle is at a critical juncture. We must come together to breathe conviction and clarity into our movement. Join us May 24–27 for The People’s Conference for Palestine! Source

Study: DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Exceeds 354 Times Allowable Limit

The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine contains up to 354 times the recommended limit of DNA contamination, according to the findings of a peer-reviewed scientific study which raises concerns regarding the carcinogenic potential of the Comirnaty COVID-19 […] The post Study: DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Exceeds 354 Times Allowable Limit appeared first on The People's […]

J6 political prisoner says Ray Epps LIED multiple times in a call with FBI

(NaturalNews) One of the political prisoners of the Jan. 6, 2021 incident claimed in an interview with Gateway Pundit that alleged agent provocateur James Ray… Source

How the New York Times fights America’s wars

The New York Times is not an unbiased fount of information, but a sophisticated ideological weapon. Our goal is to unmask the Times and expose the paper for what it is: a tool of empire encased in a liberal veneer. Source

Plastic bags four times better for environment than “green” paper bag alternatives, study finds

(NaturalNews) If environmentalists were truly concerned about saving the planet from carbon dioxide (CO2) and other “greenhouse gases,” they would immediately… Source

New York Times Finds 90% of Positive PCR Tests for COVID May Have Been False

This is the famous NYT article known to all anti-COVID vaxers but never reported anywhere but the Internet, and even there it is hard to find. Your best bet is search engine Yandex. The FDA gave no guidance on PCR threshold settings. This was left up to states and local health authorities. The number of […]

And Now… “Bird Flu Pandemic Could be ‘100 Times Worse’ than COVID, Scientists Warn”


Prophecy Of End Times

mar 20 2024 Will this HUGE solar eclipse event on April 8th be the cover for a HUGE false flag event by the global cabal? We’ll find out soon enough and if it is an event that they plan to use against us, what exactly will it be? _______________________________ The Time for Silence is […]

A Jew Lie??- OH MY GOD!!!-NY Times Debunks Own ‘Hamas Mass Rape’ Hoax, Admits Key Witness Fabricated ‘Rape’ Claims

The New York Times released a bombshell article on Monday debunking their own atrocity propaganda report on “Hamas mass rapes” by admitting that a key witness from an Israeli paramilitary unit lied about two sisters being raped. From The New York Times, “Israeli Soldier’s Video Undercuts Medic’s Account of Sexual Assault”:New video has surfaced that […]

Goodbye World! We are shutting down EU Times Soon!

It has been a pleasure to be with you all the way since 2009. 15 years of dedicated labor, trying to keep the people of the world informed about many topics of interest. It has been a bumpy ride with ups and down but as you all know everything has a beginning and an ending […]

Journalistic Malpractice at The New York Times

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL An obsequious press corps now serves as the mouthpiece for the country’s vast censorship apparatus. Last Sunday, The New York Times ran a front page story “How Trump’s Allies Are Winning the War Over Disinformation.” The Gray Lady covered the battle for the First Amendment in familiar doublethink. As we’ve […]

The Babylonian Talmud Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult’s “christian” Bitches Push Killer Jabs “Because Jesus Wants You To Take” Killer Jabs

The head of the CHURCH OF ROME “christian” cult which burned intelligent men sent from God to help wash away the Dark Ages ignorance humanity was laboring under at the stake for speaking the truth of the world not being flat, and which pedophile Priest have injected little boys up their anuses with their penises […]

Elon Musk Is Right And The NY Times Is Wrong About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens

Authored by James D. Agresti via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), In a recent trio of posts to X, Elon Musk wrote that (1) illegal immigrants “are not prevented from voting in federal elections,” (2) “you don’t need government issued ID to vote,” and (3) Democrats “are importing voters.” Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla and owner […]

10 yo Boy Killed in Hit-and-Run by Mexican Suspect Kicked Out of US 6 Times

An illegal alien from Mexico who was previously kicked out of the United States at least six times has been arrested for killing a 10-year-old boy in a hit-and-run drunk driving crash in Texas last week, according to reports. The horrifying incident unfolded just after 4 p.m. on Thursday in Midland. Midland police were called […]

Talmud Inspired Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult’s Definition of Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism:The act of trying to stop, or pointing out any evil sick perverted anti-humanity criminal act done by any Red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Self Identifying Member of the Babylonian Talmud Inspired Pedophile’s slavery approving Usury practicing End of Times death Cult called a Jew who is in no way descended from […]


FEBRUARY 6TH, 2024 Source Alan Macleod MintPress study of major U.S. media outlets’ coverage of the Yemeni Red Sea blockade has found an overwhelming bias in the press, which presented the event as an aggressive, hostile act of terrorism by Ansar Allah (a.k.a. the Houthis), who were presented as pawns of the Iranian government. While […]

7 Indicted For Attacking NYPD Officers At Times Square (Why did they release ever those thugs without bail?)

READ HERE:   Source

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