Posts Tagged ‘fights’

Japan Fights Back Against WHO Pandemic Treaty and Deadly Shots

by Greg Reese The Japanese are normally not inclined to protest. But thousands of them are now marching together in protest of the deadly experimental shots and the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty. They are being ignored by their government and media, and they deserve our recognition and support. They are launching a class action lawsuit for […]

How the New York Times fights America’s wars

The New York Times is not an unbiased fount of information, but a sophisticated ideological weapon. Our goal is to unmask the Times and expose the paper for what it is: a tool of empire encased in a liberal veneer. Source

Louisiana fights off WEF and WHO. Shame England is locked inside UK.

Even the Netherlands is hearing about the Louisiana Senate victory against the WHO and the WEF (see story below). And a bill to make ivermectin and over-the-counter drug in Louisiana just made it out of committee. Tennessee already passed such a law. New Hampshire got very close but its RINO governor Sununu refused to sign […]

Haiti Fights To End Western Exploitation, Congo Continues To Be Manipulated & Israel Defeated Itself

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/8/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Derrick Broze Interview – Day 1 #FluorideTrial: The Government Fights To Keep Your Water Unsafe

Joining me today is Derrick Broze, here to recap day one of what we hope will be the culmination of the ongoing #FluorideTrail. Some important moments took place that only served to solidify our stance that fluoride is a neurotoxin and does lower the IQ of children. Worst of all, your government is actively fighting […]

‘Little Gaza’ in Jenin refugee camp: the resistance fights for survival

The Israeli army has launched a fierce assault on havens of armed resistance in the West Bank ever since October 7. Its recent campaign against Jenin refugee camp mirrors the Israeli strategy in Gaza — a war against the resistance and the people. Source

Former GOP Senator Sexually Assaulted While on Run, Fights Off Attacker

Former GOP Senator Sexually Assaulted While on Run, Fights Off Attacker Source

EI livestream: Gaza’s resistance fights back

Join the livestream this afternoon for our ongoing coverage of the Gaza crisis. Timezones: 1900 Palestine time / 1700 GMT / 1800 CET / 11 am CT / 12 pm ET / 9 am PT UK viewers please note that we are back to our usual 5pm slot, due to US daylights savings time now […]

Trump Campaign Fights For Place On Michigan Ballot

Authored by Steven Kovac via The Epoch Times, Attorneys for President Donald Trump have filed suit in the Michigan Court of Claims in a preemptive effort to preserve his place on the state’s 2024 ballot. The proactive move is designed to counter at least two pending lawsuits that are attempting to have President Trump disqualified […]

Trump 2.0: A second term would see him pick more and uglier fights on immigration

Though many of his promises are bluster, his years in office showed that any administration dedicated to reducing all types of immigration has a lot of tools at its disposal to do so. Source


OCTOBER 12TH, 2023 Source Dan Cohen Filmed during the attack and in the days following the ceasefire, the documentary tells the story of how Gaza’s armed resistance groups outwitted the vastly superior Israeli military and established their ability to intervene against Israeli ethnic cleansing of neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and provocations at the al-Aqsa compound […]

ISRAEL FIGHTS TERROR: Is Israel’s Response to Hamas Legal and Justified?

Joel Pollak, a graduate of Harvard Law School, explains why Israel’s response to the horrific Hamas terror attack is both legal and necessary as it attempts to destroy the terrorist threat to its populace while minimizing civilian casualties in Gaza. Source

It’s A Trap! The Wave Of Repercussions As The Middle East Fights “The Last War”

Quotes: “Plan C The timing of the conflict in Israel is incredibly beneficial to globalists, and this might explain Israel’s bizarre intel failure. Just as US and British leaders had prior knowledge of a potential Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 but warned no one because they WANTED to compel Americans to fight in […]

EXCLUSIVE–Coach Tommy Tuberville Fights Pentagon Wokeness, Mainstream Media ‘Marketing Arm’

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) spoke with Breitbart News about his fight against woke policies in the government amid a barrage of attacks from the Democrats’ mainstream media allies. Source

Hard-line House Republicans itching for shutdown, impeachment fights

Hard-line Republicans in the House are itching for fights over opening an impeachment inquiry into President Biden and extracting deep spending cuts even at the risk of a government shutdown.   Their eagerness to fight isn’t just with Biden and Democrats, but also with Republicans in their conference worried about the political risks of an impeachment fight and… […]

RFK Jr. hearing puts censorship, misinformation fights at center stage

A House hearing Thursday featuring Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. brought the complicated debate about balancing free speech with fighting misinformation to center stage. Some of the debate played out in real time among members of Congress and the hearing witness. Democrats condemn RFK Jr. over ‘reprehensible’ COVID-19 remarks The House Judiciary Select […]

Biden Fights Censorship Injunction & Trans Autogynephilia Fetish Is Not Supposed to Be Discussed

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/9/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Champions with Kerri Rivera: Sereca Friend fights against COVID shots for kids – Brighteon.TV

(Natural News) New Zealand (NZ) health freedom advocate Sereca Friend discussed her fight against Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination for children and young people during the Jan. 19 episode of “Champions with Kerri Rivera” on Brighteon.TV. Friend is the founder and director of The Hood NZ. The group’s website describes it as “a community of parents, doctors,… […]

Clarkson Fights Back: Goes On Offensive Against Woke Take-over

If you haven’t signed the Free Speech Union’s petition urging the CEO of ITV not to fire Jeremy Clarkson, please do so now. Meanwhile, Clarkson has written a blistering attack on the woke takeover of Britain in today’s Sunday Times. Here’s how it begins: My son came over for a father-and-son pre-football supper the other day, and as he fussed over […]

Interview 1781 – Oxford Fights Climate Lockdowns – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: Finland teaches its citizens about media literacy; Oxfordians are already pushing back against the 15-minute city idea; and Lukashenko abolishes copyright in Belarus (kinda sorta not really). The post Interview 1781 – Oxford Fights Climate Lockdowns – #NewWorldNextWeek first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

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