Posts Tagged ‘misinformation’

Big Government censorship collusion with Big Tech RESUMES efforts to block all “misinformation” before Election Day

(NaturalNews) Just in time for the 2024 election, the federal deep state is working overtime to silence online free speech so the selected candidate… Source

The Vanguard Behind Australia’s Misinformation Bill

The Australian government is seeking to exploit two recent knife attacks to relaunch its misinformation bill after it was put on ice late last year over free speech concerns.  Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023, coupled with Australia’s existing eSafety legislation, would radically expand the government’s ability to control online speech and is part […]

Right Wing Round-Up: The Spread Of Misinformation

Sam Levine @ The Guardian: Workers at far-right site Gateway Pundit feared credibility issues, filing shows Employees of the far-right website Gateway Pundit, which has played a key role in spreading lies about the 2020 election, were worried contributors were not credible and expressed concerns about plagiarism, a court filing last month revealed. Isaac Schorr […]

UK Parliament: Misinformation And Trusted Voices, Also Known As Censorship – UKColumn News


Medical Leadership Cannot Escape the ‘Misinformation’ Trap

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL On March 25, 2024, the online Medpage Today published an article written by the Presidents of the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. In it, they make the claim that:  Online misinformation about vaccines harm (sic) patients, undermines trust in science, and places additional burdens on our […]

Misinformation Polly

This is a rebuttal of Polly’s video that was based on unsubstantiated points and unconnected dots. Fiction describes it best. This is my line by line observations and comments. Mike says he always thought that Polly was on our side but clearly, she’s not. He begins by noting that her video was based on the […]

UK government colludes with Big Tech to tackle “misinformation” ahead of elections

The UK has a new Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Tech and the Digital Economy, Conservative MP Saqib Bhatti, and the politician seems very enthusiastic when talking about things like “cooperation” with Big Tech, particularly in terms of elections. Source

‘Experts’ Continue to Spread Misinformation

In a stunning turn of events, the CDC may be deciding to update its guidance to the year 2021. In February 2024. Not about masks, which unequivocally do not work to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, or any other respiratory virus for that matter. They, of course, won’t be acknowledging their many mistakes on Covid vaccines or school […]

Dehumanization and misinformation in service of genocide

The dehumanization of Muslims and Arabs combined with outright misinformation about October 7 is the engine powering the genocide in Gaza. Source

Government-Funded Entities Build Network to Flag “Misinformation” In Private Messages

And then use AI to analyze “emerging trends” about this so-called misinformation. Source

Shock: Ireland Goes Full Communist, Issues Law to Arrest Citizens Who Push ‘Misinformation’

This is by far the most insane law to suddenly pop up in Europe! What is really “misinformation”? The Irish government can basically arrest anyone over anything. Just say: I saw the grass in my yard was blue because I spilled some paint on it. Your neighbor can say: I didn’t see your grass being […]

Will You Be Convicted of Spreading Misinformation?

When I was a kid, I came across some evangelical material with a tag line that has stuck with me ever since. “If being a Christian became a crime in your country, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Over the years, as my church attendance waxed and waned, the phrase kept coming back […]

‘Verified’ X Accounts Are Spreading Misinformation About Maine Shooter Still at Large

Shelter-in-place orders are in effect in Maine after a deadly mass shooting in Lewiston on Wednesday night left at least 18 people dead and 13 more injured. Authorities are still searching for the shooter, who they believe to be Robert Card, a 40-year-old certified firearms instructor and U.S. Army reserve member. Police say Card is […]

A Profile of “Misinformation Expert” Brandy Zadrozny

What does a conversation with NBC’s ‘Misinformation Expert’ Brandy Zadrozny reveal about the state of journalism? In early February 2023, NBC News Senior Reporter Brandy Zadrozny contacted me to see if I was available to discuss my reporting on the ongoing Utah County Sheriff’s Office (UCSO) investigation into “ritualized child sexual abuse”. Mrs. Zadrozny is […]

The White House’s ‘Misinformation’ Pressure Campaign Was Unconstitutional 

I am one of five private plaintiffs in the landmark free speech case Missouri v. Biden. Earlier this month, the Fifth Circuit Court found that the government “engaged in a years-long pressure campaign designed to ensure that the censorship [on social media] aligned with the government’s preferred viewpoints” and that “the platforms, in capitulation to state-sponsored pressure, changed […]

DHS is Still Withholding Information in its Efforts To Censor “Misinformation, Disinformation, And Malinformation”

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing to hold back information about its efforts to police online speech in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Source

Bourla (Pfizer) Gets Briefings From CIA & FBI About Spread of “Misinformation”

We were targeted by a lot of, let’s say, dark organizations that you don’t really know [who owns them]. You suspect that there are some countries behind. We were getting a lot of briefings from CIA, from FBI, about cyberattacks that may happen to us, but also about the spread of misinformation. FOIA Request Confirms […]

10 Types of Misinformation in Paper Decrying Misinformation

sept 5 2023 Recently, one of America’s leading medical journals, the Journal of the American Medical Association, published a peer-reviewed paper studying the propagation of “COVID-19 misinformation on social media by physicians in the US.” The article is riddled with major errors, labels true information as misinformation, and “exemplifies how relying on the government to […]

Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023 – RESPONSE

One of the most important laws of our time regarding ‘democracy’ or more specifically freedom of speech is about to be put into circulation and it’s ‘crickets’ from the mainstream media. Even the Australian Government’s official mouthpiece, the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)  is silent on this. Apprently the ONLY thing worthy in the mainstream media […]

RFK Jr. sues YouTube, Google over “misinformation policies” that violated his First Amendment rights

(NaturalNews) Children’s Health Defense (CHD) founder and chairman on leave Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is taking aim at YouTube and its parent company Google for… Source

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