Posts Tagged ‘legislation’

Democrats Introduce Legislation To ‘Terminate Secret Service Protection’ For ‘Convicted Felons’

Democrats have introduced legislation to terminate Secret Service protection for “convicted felons” in cases including “a former president” as the plan to destroy Trump through lawfare enters the next phase. Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), […] The post Democrats Introduce Legislation To ‘Terminate Secret Service Protection’ For ‘Convicted Felons’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Big Brother in Training? How Proposed Legislation Might Pave the Way for Online Age Verification and Digital ID


This is how Khazarian bolsheviks shut down any legislation in any country that even appears to favor Russia.


Colorado Democrats Block Legislation Punishing Child Sex Traffickers – Suggest Criminals Are Also Victims

While conservative states like Florida have passed legislation to institute the death penalty for criminals guilty of child sexual abuse and child trafficking, it’s becoming more and more difficult in blue states to punish pedophiles at all.  No other issue so fully reflects the growing rift between the political left and everyone else in America […]

SBF Trial Should Spur Dark Money Legislation

SBF Trial Should Spur Dark Money Legislation Authored by Greg Orman via RealClear Wire, Last week, in the trial of former crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried, details emerged about how the now–disgraced entrepreneur attempted to co-opt U.S. senators from both the Republican and Democratic parties. With $50 million in donations to secretive dark money vehicles linked […]

US lawmakers advance legislation blocking the digital dollar

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Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023 – RESPONSE

One of the most important laws of our time regarding ‘democracy’ or more specifically freedom of speech is about to be put into circulation and it’s ‘crickets’ from the mainstream media. Even the Australian Government’s official mouthpiece, the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)  is silent on this. Apprently the ONLY thing worthy in the mainstream media […]

Greta Thunberg Gives Finger to Opponents of New EU Environmental Legislation

Greta Thunberg was photographed at the European Parliament in Strasbourg last Wednesday smiling broadly while flipping a double-bird – apparently to the opponents of heavily contested new EU environmental legislation known as the “Nature Restoration Law”.  According to the German news site, it was a “winner’s gesture” – if not the most sporting one […]

Over 500 New Yorkers protest Israeli violence, endorse legislation to end state support of settlements

On July 20, hundreds of New Yorkers marched in support of the historic Not On Our Dime! Act, which seeks to penalize nonprofits that are funding illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine. Source

Normalize & Decriminalize Pedophilia: UN & WHO Agenda Implementing Now, Watch for New Legislation

June 9th 2023 David Sorenson from Stop World Control joins the program to warn listeners about the UN and WHO agenda to normalize and decriminalize pedophilia. He provides specific examples so people can identify the agenda in your own communities. Watch out for current or future legislation. The best way to stop this is to […]

UK considering legislation that allows intelligence agency to spy on people’s internet activity in real time

UK considering legislation that allows intelligence agency to spy on people’s internet activity in real time Every last trace of freedom is being erased in the United Kingdom where legislators are pushing a new proposal that would allow the nation’s cyber and signals intelligence agency, GCHQ, new sweeping powers to monitors internet logs in real […]

Countries introduce legislation to ban or restrict vapes

Worldwide, countries are banning or restricting vapes because of concerns about the lack of regulatory control. Vaping has become popular among youth, but comes with an environmental impact, experts said. The list of countries to introduce legislation that bans vaping is growing. The countries with strict anti-vaping regulations include: Singapore Cambodia Gambia Nicaragua Turkmenistan Vatican […]

Washington state Democrats commit unconstitutional act by approving legislation outlawing semi-auto rifles

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Democrats have proven once again that a) they don’t really care about solving the root causes of violent crime; and b) they are every bit the authoritarians that our founders warned us about (and fought to be free of).First, a little propaganda and outright false ‘reporting’ from The Associated Press:A ban on dozens of … […]

US RESTRICT ACT: All-out Communist-fascist Boot-Stomping Dictatorship-legislation!

It is as if the president-elect, Joe Biden, who promised to bring together instead of divide, has not missed many opportunities to divide an already polarized country even more.  Now The US government under the guise of National Security is threatening to go all-out communist-fascist boot-stomping dictatorship—not in words but deeds. The much-touted RESTRICT ACT […]

Maine Public Hearing on Vaccine Legislation: Committee On Education + Cultural Affairs

APR 3, 2023 “It’s important that you become aware that the plans are already in place for the next pandemic and for the biomedical agenda…We need the freedom to say NO.” Dr. Meryl Nass sends strong warning to Maine legislators to STOP mandates for rushed, experimental vaccines–cultural-affairs/ _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over […]

Italian Government Introduces Legislation to Stop Invasion of English Language

A member of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s party introduced new legislation that would penalize Italians who use English and other foreign words in official communications, in an attempt to stop the invasion of foreign languages in Italy. Source

Anti-TikTok legislation a thinly-disguised Patriot Act for the internet

(Natural News) Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Tom Thune (R-S.D.) have introduced bipartisan legislation called the Restrict Act that is claimed to be about blocking or disrupting financial transactions and holdings linked to foreign adversaries that pose a risk to national security. In truth, the bill appears to be little more than an extension of… […]

SMOKE MIRRORS: Anti-TikTok “bill” is actually secretive legislation to help US government censor US citizen’s right to free speech and free press

(Natural News) Beware: The censorship boot is now on the neck of all Americans. The new “Restrict Act” is a massive truth censorship campaign cloaked as anti-TikTok legislation that has been introduced by communist sympathizers Mark Warner and Tom Thune. The claim is that this will help protect our national security from communist China (CCP),… […]

Liberals Introduce Legislation to Create a Corporate Ownership Registry

The federal Liberals are moving ahead with plans to create an ownership registry after promising to increase transparency about who owns and controls corporations. Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne has tabled legislation that would create a corporate beneficial ownership registry. The prospective registry is expected to have the goal of making it easier to identify owners of corporations […]

The truth about ‘parental rights’ legislation

The truth about ‘parental rights’ legislation By Sheri Few Considering how egregiously parents’ rights have been trampled in recent years, federal parental rights legislation recently reintroduced in Congress sounds promising, but its premise is dangerous.  In fact, it could result in eroding parents’ God-given rights to direct the upbringing of their children. The precedent for parental rights […]

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