Posts Tagged ‘finger’

Are Those Finger Lakes Tattoos?

This Diddyesque security camera video has gone viral that shows what appears to be a hallway in a high-end hotel, with a naked man running after a young woman who has escaped their room and is desperately trying to get away. A few moments later, he is seen roughly dragging her back into the hotel […]

Senator Rand Paul Shreds ‘Ukraine First, America Last’ Bill: “It’s the Middle Finger to America!”

“If this bill had an image or a cover on the front of the bill, the image would be the migrant in New York who assaulted a police officer, was freed from jail, on no bail, and gave the middle finger of both hands to America. That’s what this bill is. It’s the middle finger […]

Trump vow to NRA if reelected: ‘No one will lay a finger on your firearms’

Former President Trump made a new vow to National Rifle Association (NRA) members Friday, promising stronger protections for Second Amendment rights if he’s reelected in November. “I promise you this, with me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, no one will lay a finger on your firearms — just as took place for four years when I… […]

Galileo Gives the Finger: Defiance of the Catholic Church Immortalized

Who hasn’t heard of the legendary Renaissance era polymath, astronomer, physicist and engineer, who was declared a heretic by the Catholic Church – Galileo Galilei? Read more Section:  News Human Origins Science Read Later  Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Throbbing Middle Finger to God

Wayne Allyn Root warns that if former President Donald Trump is not elected in 2024, it will mean “the end of America, American exceptionalism, the American dream, capitalism and Judeo-Christian values. Forever.” Don Feder declares that “in light of his abysmal record, the most fitting way for Mr. Biden to observe 9/11 is to resign […]

Triggered: Woke Alabama School Suspends 6-Year-Old Over ‘Finger Guns’ During Cops And Robbers Game

Triggered: Woke Alabama School Suspends 6-Year-Old Over ‘Finger Guns’ During Cops And Robbers Game A six-year-old Alabama boy was suspended from school and had his “permanent record” threatened for making ‘finger guns’ during a game of cops and robbers. “They labeled my six-year-old as a potentially violent and dangerous student because he was being a […]

A Digit of Devotion: Buddha’s Finger Bone

Relics are important in Buddhism in that they provide tangible links to enlightened figures and their teachings. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History Famous People Read Later  Source

Greta Thunberg Gives Finger to Opponents of New EU Environmental Legislation

Greta Thunberg was photographed at the European Parliament in Strasbourg last Wednesday smiling broadly while flipping a double-bird – apparently to the opponents of heavily contested new EU environmental legislation known as the “Nature Restoration Law”.  According to the German news site, it was a “winner’s gesture” – if not the most sporting one […]

Evil Rothschild Bit#h Gives Humanity The Finger

Greta Rothschild shows humanity what the vile usury pack of Rats thinks of you, your children, your God Given Rights and humanity in general. “The house of the Rothschild bankers reluctantly confirms the undeniable. Greta Thunberg is a blood relative of the notorious Rothschild chain of nation-buyers. It explains much about the precocious adolescent’s celebrity […]

Clinton and Obama saw the White House at risk if they lifted a finger for Palestine — Alterman

The last three Democratic presidents took a “cautionary tale” from Jimmy Carter and decided not to push the issue of Palestinian justice because it might cost them a second term, says Eric Alterman. Source

UK Government’s New Education Minister Gave Middle Finger To Crowd Outside Downing Street

The UK Government’s new education minister Andrea Jenkyns says she stuck her middle finger up to a crowd she described as a “baying mob“, because she had reached the end of her tether Footage on […] The post UK Government’s New Education Minister Gave Middle Finger To Crowd Outside Downing Street appeared first on News […]

Statue of Emperor Constantine Reunited with Giant Bronze Finger After 500 Years

After 500 years, the ancient hand on a colossal bronze statue of Emperor Constantine is reunited with its middle bronze finger. In 2010, Aurélia Azéma, a French Ph.D. student  researching ancient large bronzes speculated that a huge bronze “toe” kept at the Louvre in Paris might be the missing bronze finger from the remains of an […]

Miscommunication on Indiana Campus Turns Into Finger-Pointing, Harassment of Jewish Students

The letter was shared on Facebook by Davis. Frank Ross, Butler’s vice president of student affairs, confirmed that no student issued a formal complaint or requested that the program be altered or canceled, and that the issue had more to do with funding. He said miscommunication about the facts has led to “tremendous misunderstanding, finger-pointing and hurt.” […]

Israel’s defense minister points finger at Iran over explosion on Israeli-owned vessel in Gulf of Oman

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz has accused Iran of likely being behind Friday’s blast on an Israeli-owned transport ship in the Gulf of Oman, saying it’s their “initial assessment” that the incident was an Iranian attack. Based on the Saturday statement, it would appear that the claim by Gantz wasn’t backed by any actual intelligence, […]

Israel Reportedly Points Finger at Iran After Cargo Ship Explosion in Gulf of Oman

A video grab shows a fire and smoke billowing from a ship in the Gulf of Oman (photo by Gulf Today). Source 15:03 GMT 27.02.2021 An explosion that ripped through an Israeli-owned cargo ship in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday could be the work of Iran, The Times of Israel reports, citing unnamed Israeli officials as […]

Trigger Finger for Armageddon: Trump and the Thermonuclear Monarchy

It is the sort of breezy, skimpy and careless reasoning that is laying the ground for the Biden Republic.  A person, kicked off a social media babbling platform and having the means to incinerate the human race multiple times over, seen as corollaries of each other.  There should be an obvious difference, but Silicon Valley […]

The Light That Fell On The Finger

India; It’s true. I draw you with my toeless feet. My fingers fell out as I passed your skin. Drops of blood became your body. Parliament ; Taj Mahal; Charminar; Rashtrapati Bhavan Everything in your pride is my bloodstain. I cannot explain it without fingers. But a poem can do. Dispassionately I closed my eyes. […]

High court rules Pakistan’s ‘two-finger’ virginity test for rape victims unconstitutional

A Pakistani judge has ruled that ‘virginity tests’ performed on women who are victims of sexual assault are unconstitutional, describing the archaic examinations as discriminatory and inhumane. The Lahore High Court announced on Monday that Pakistan’s infamous “two-finger test,” which is not required under law but is sometimes used by authorities investigating rape cases, had […]

Hunter Biden & Finger Lakes Child Trafficking (& Disappearances)

 fanofootball3 days ago McATV: Finger Lakes System – A submarine base is located at Senaca Lake and there is a tunnel system there as well.  The Political Elite’s fav holiday destination because it is secluded & affluent. McATV: Finger Lakes is the birthplace of Hunter Biden’s mother Neilia.  Sonnenburg Mansion in the area was once the home of the founder […]

Rabbi Who Allegedly Had Finger Shot Off At Poway Synagogue Avoids Prison For Fraud And Federal Tax Evasion

The rabbi who allegedly had his finger shot off during the attack on the Poway Synagogue — is back in the news, this time for pleading guilty to a multi-million dollar fraud scheme involving Federal tax evasion for which he will not serve even a single day in prison: Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, the former leader […]

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