Posts Tagged ‘Minister’

The false public image of Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

The people in authority would have the serfs think that they are all about equality and non discrimination, but the reality is far from their so called ‘advertising’, especially within the ‘brotherhood’ community. First and foremost homosexuality is against all the Abrahamic religious beliefs, that being Christianity, Judaism and Islam. One of the biggest lies […]

‘Declare May 15 Day of Mourning’ – Former Turkish Prime Minister Davutoğlu Urges World Leaders

May 15, 2024 By Nurah Tape – The Palestine Chronicle “The basic steps of this action plan is 15th of May is a special day of commemoration of all victims of Palestinians from 1948 until today. And Nakba is continuing today as well.” Former Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has made a formal plea to world […]

Turkish Foreign Minister declared “We must stop Israel. Either by peace or by force.”

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UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Sounds the Alarm: “New World Order Will Do ANYTHING To Destroy Trump”

Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss has warned that the ‘New World Order’ will stop at nothing until Trump is destroyed. According to Truss, the Deep State is working behind the scenes to sabotage Trump’s second term in the White House. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. […]

China’s Xi Meets With Russian Foreign Minister In Show Of Solidarity Against West

Authored by Dorothy Li via The Epoch Times, Chinese communist regime leader Xi Jinping met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Beijing on Tuesday, reaffirming solidarity amid growing pressure from the West. Mr. Lavrov arrived in China on April 8 for a two-day visit. His trip, according to the Kremlin, could be seen as […]

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov describes Russia-Ukraine chaos as one part of wider conflict with the West

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov describes Russia-Ukraine chaos as one part of wider conflict with the West Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has characterized the conflict between Russia and Ukraine as just one element of the West’s broader strategy aimed at dealing a “strategic defeat” to Russia. Lavrov emphasized that the ongoing war represents merely […]

Canadian foreign minister says country will stop arms sales to Israel

Canada’s parliament voted to stop future arms sales to Israel. “This appears too good to be true,” CJPME Vice President told Mondoweiss. “We need to make sure that Canada stops the transfer of all military exports, period, without any loopholes.” Source

Ireland finally gets rid of its Leftist Prime Minister

Leo Varadkar, the Prime Minister of Ireland, has announced his resignation, signaling his intent to step down once a successor is elected. In a heartfelt address to the nation on Wednesday, Varadkar, known for his liberal politics, confirmed his decision to relinquish his roles as both Irish Taoiseach and president of the Fine Gael party. […]

Geert Wilders Fails to Secure Prime Minister Position Despite Major Win

Dutch conservative leader Geert Wilders has made a surprising announcement, revealing that he will no longer pursue the position of prime minister in the Netherlands following unsuccessful coalition talks. In a statement released recently, Wilders, who leads the Party for Freedom (PVV), expressed his willingness to step aside for the sake of national unity. Despite […]

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to face CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION over COVID “vaccine” contract scheme

(NaturalNews) British Member of Parliament (MP) Andrew Bridgen is requesting a meeting with Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Mark Rowley and other senior… Source

Every Politician, Priest, Minister, School, Administrator, Hospital Administrator, Media Talking Head, Social Platform Operator Pimping For/Mandating Killer Jabs Violated 1947 Nuremberg Code & Should Be Hanged

There is ample proof there never was a new “virus” labeled “SARS-COV-02”. There is proof the Non Vaccine Killer Jabs is a human herd culling tool. There are article after article with the proof laid out millions are dead/dying/disabled from the killer jabs. The forcing of the Killer Jabs on humans is a direct violation […]

Biden Gets No Respect Internationally: Albanian Prime Minister Praises Trump while On Stage with Spineless Tony Blinken (VIDEO)

Biden Gets No Respect: Albanian Prime Minister Praises Trump while On Stage with Spineless Tony Blinken (VIDEO) Source

Syrian Foreign Minister says his Country is Ready for War with Israel

Damascus, historically resilient in the face of regional tensions, asserts its unwavering readiness to defend its territory against potential military confrontations with Israel, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad affirmed during a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Damascus. The high-level discussions delved into joint support for Palestinians amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in […]

The people’s Prime Minister: Imran Khan’s triumph against the odds

FEB 12, 2024 Despite facing the collective opposition of Washington and its local allies, Pakistan’s incarcerated, charismatic leader has scored a stunning electoral victory against his detractors – though the military still holds the power play. F.M. Shakil Imran Khan, Pakistan’s jailed 71-year-old former cricketer-turned-politician, surprised the US and its allies in Islamabad with his […]

Vaccine-Injured Man Confronts British Prime Minister on GB News

On Monday, John Watt, a vaccine-injured man from the UK, took the opportunity to confront British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak face-to-face on GB News, bringing the critical issue of vaccine-related injuries directly to the nation’s leader. John Watt suffered from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), a condition that affects blood flow, after COVID-19 injection. His […]

Dr John Campbell – British Prime Minister “Covid vaccines are safe” Source

More Israeli Troops To ‘Go Into Action’ Soon At Lebanon Border: Defense Minister

As the region braces for the consequences of major US airstrikes on ‘Iranian proxies’ in Iraq and Syria, Israel’s defense minister has issued an alert saying Israeli troops will “very soon go into action” near the country’s northern border with Lebanon. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant issued the words Monday at a time of daily tit-for-tat cross-border […]

Slovakia’s Prime Minister Announces Inquiry into the “Covid Circus” and the Vaccines

“We will publish and tell the Slovak public what really happened during this Covid period,” declared PM Robert Fico. He accused the previous governments of prioritizing pharma’s interest over the public’s: “They made a lot of money from unnecessary purchases of various medical supplies and vaccines.” Furthermore, Fico confronted public officials, accusing them of turning […]

Israeli Foreign Minister Presents Idea For Artificial Island Off Gaza In EU Meeting

An official who was present during Israel Katz’s presentation described the video as “very bizarre.” Source

Dave The Minister For Managing Failures

I jest, but it’s a sad indictment of the UK government. The cabbage struggles to distinguish itself from a lettuce. Perhaps a Roman laurel head wreath? No, since that’s supposed to depict victory. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Brexit. Dave failed every time. In fact, Dave’s talent is being a safe pair of hands to manage failures. […]

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