Posts Tagged ‘position’

‘They can recommend what they want,’ but Trump is setting policy from position of strength

After the House Republican Study Committee released an election-year policy package last month proposing to raise the retirement age, John McLaughlin, a veteran pollster advising former President Donald Trump, said it was “not a good idea.” The former president and presumptive GOP nominee, he told POLITICO, will be “the dominant voice in the Republican Party […]

Schumer’s Israel rebuke leaves AIPAC in a delicate position

When Majority Leader Chuck Schumer took to the Senate floor on Thursday to issue a sharp rebuke of Israel’s leadership amid that country’s war with Hamas, he broke with longstanding precedent in American foreign policy. But so far, the reaction from the most prominent pro-Israel group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has been largely […]

Geert Wilders Fails to Secure Prime Minister Position Despite Major Win

Dutch conservative leader Geert Wilders has made a surprising announcement, revealing that he will no longer pursue the position of prime minister in the Netherlands following unsuccessful coalition talks. In a statement released recently, Wilders, who leads the Party for Freedom (PVV), expressed his willingness to step aside for the sake of national unity. Despite […]

New Arizona GOP Chair Gina Swoboda Tells Bannon God Put Her In Position For 2024

Right Wing Watch reported Monday on MAGA activist Gina Swoboda’s selection as state chair of the Arizona GOP. One of her first acts as chair was to talk with MAGA operative and former Trump aide Steve Bannon about Republican efforts to change voting rules in Arizona. “We have to win the presidency in Arizona and […]

Maher: “It’s Hard To Negotiate When The Other Side’s Position Is – You All Die And Disappear”

Comedian Bill Maher discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict on Friday, suggesting that Palestinians get used to the fact that Israel isn’t going anywhere, and there’s no way for Israel to negotiate with Palestine in good faith when the other side’s position is “you all die and disappear.” “Things change. Countries, boundaries, empires,” said Maher, citing various historical […]

McCarthy Won’t Seek Speaker Position In Re-Vote; Trump Nominated By Nehls

Update (1920T): Newly ousted former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) will not seek reelection to the post when the chamber convenes to select a new candidate. According to Just the News, “McCarthy was removing his name from consideration when the House convenes to select a new speaker.” Following McCarthy’s ouster, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) called the former Speaker a “feature […]

Revisiting the Biden Legal Position on Masks

Last year, it seemed that masks were gone for good. US District Judge Kathryn Kimball held that Biden’s national mask mandate on airplanes was “illegal.” Airlines and airports immediately revoked their mask requirements. Flight attendants sang in celebration, passengers cheered, and companies welcomed the change in policy.  While Americans rejoiced, the Biden Administration worked behind […]

Yen Plummets After BOJ Crushes Hopes For YCC “Tweak”; Goldman Says To Position For USDJPY 150

Yen Plummets After BOJ Crushes Hopes For YCC “Tweak”; Goldman Says To Position For USDJPY 150 Despite our repeated attempts to disabuse traders of the laughable notion that the BOJ is about to adjust its Yield Curve Control again… The Bank of Japan will buy bonds with repurchase agreements for the first time since March […]

Washington’s Position in Syria Under Fire (Literally)

In late March a drone strike was carried out in Syria. Not by the United States or Israel, but by forces opposing the illegal US occupation of eastern Syria. The strike left one American contractor dead and several US service members injured. While the US responded by carrying out airstrikes of its own in Syria […]

Algeria’s Gas vs. Rightwing Ideology: Will Italy Change Its Position on Jerusalem?

MARCH 22, 2023 BY RAMZY BAROUD – ROMANA RUBEO When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left Tel Aviv for Rome on March 9, he was flown to Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv by a helicopter because anti-government protesters blocked all the roads around it. Netanyahu’s visit was not met with much enthusiasm in Italy, either. […]

Failed Saudi Attempts To Affect Yemen’s Position After Restoring Relations With Iran

Mar 13, 2023 The Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen in Tehran, Ibrahim Al-Dailami, confirmed that the Saudi regime failed in its attempt to influence Sanaa political and military position, and that the only way for Riyadh to find peace with Yemenis is to stop the aggression and siege imposed on them, and begin serious […]

Is France going to be able to maintain its position in Africa?

On March 1-5, French President Macron visited a number of African countries, leaving observers with a bitter taste in their mouths.  Conceived with great fanfare as a presentation of Paris ostensibly new course aimed at “equal cooperation” with the African continent, it was remembered only for scandals, public spats with African presidents, and taunts from […]

Germany’s position in America’s New World Order

November 02, 2022 Source by Michael Hudson Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia. Germany and other NATO countries have been told to impose trade and investment sanctions upon themselves that will outlast today’s proxy war in Ukraine. U.S. President Biden and his […]

UN chief affirms Iran’s position on regional dialogue

TEHRAN — Continuing his consultations on the fourth day of his trip to New York, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi met with Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations on Thursday. During the meeting, the president emphasized the importance of the UN’s position in giving nations a role to solve their problems and prevent […]

J.D. Vance Blasts Tim Ryan — ‘You Can’t Just Flip-Flop on Every Position You’ve Held’

On Sunday, Ohio Republican Senate nominee J.D. Vance ripped his opponent, Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), for “pretending that he’s something that he’s not.”

Am I In A Position To Resign My Turkish Nationality If I Havent Completed My Obligatory Military Service?

In the longer term, listed corporations will have the ability to tell their stories and confide in the public who they’re and what they’re really price. The real fantastic thing about this board is that it is going to propel our companies to embrace a transparent registration system. The Worldfolio offers enterprise, industrial and monetary […]

Poland’s Position as the “Next Ukraine”

While Western governments and the Western media continue clinging to the hope of an eventual “victory” for Kiev’s forces in Ukraine, the “frontline” is quietly being moved back to western Ukraine and even Poland just across the border. Recent pledges by NATO as well as arms deliveries this year and next appear to be headed […]

RH – Apostle Paul’s Real Position on the Moral Law

The text for tis show:   The Exoneration of Paul – Part 3 | Anglo-Saxon Israel ( The post RH – Apostle Paul’s Real Position on the Moral Law appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

On Position of Japan in Ukrainian Conflict

As was noted in NEO, the conflict in and around Ukraine has started long before February 24, and has a quite ambiguous goal-setting. From the general positions, the current bloody phase of this conflict (where Ukraine itself is only “the place and the fuel” for the all-European fire) is the key link of the long […]

E3 position in Vienna ‘surprising’: Russia

E3 position in Vienna ‘surprising’: Russia – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – The Russian envoy to the Vienna talks, Mikhail Ulyanov, has expressed surprise at the positions adopted by the European trio in the talks.  In an interview with the Russian service of Iran’s Pars Today, Ulyanov described the positions of France, Germany and Britain, collectively known […]

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