Posts Tagged ‘maintain’

Netanyahu’s speech to Congress will seek to maintain support for genocide

Benjamin Netanyahu will use his upcoming speech to a joint session of Congress to consolidate political support for the genocide in Gaza from both Republicans and Democrats. The leadership of both parties appear happy to oblige. Source

Apocalypse Now: The Government’s Use of Controlled Chaos to Maintain Power

Will 2024 be the year the Deep State’s exercise in controlled chaos finally gives way to an apocalyptic dismantling of our constitutional republic, or what’s left of it? Source

Americans need to make $11,400 more today to maintain the same standard of living they had in 2021

(NaturalNews) A recent analysis reveals that Americans need an additional $11,434 annually to maintain the same standard of living they had in January… Source

Netanyahu says Israel will maintain “indefinite security control” over Gaza – Palestinians will forever be held as POWs in a concentration camp

Netanyahu says Israel will maintain “indefinite security control” over Gaza – Palestinians will forever be held as POWs in a concentration camp For the first time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has admitted that Israel’s true intentions are not simply to rid Gaza of Hamas, but rather to seize control over the entire territory forever. […]

Andrei Martyanov: Russia and Iran maintain strong military weapons technology advantage over the U.S. and Israel

(NaturalNews) Andrei Martyanov, an expert on Russian military and naval issues, told Mike Adams during a recent episode of the “Health Ranger Report” that Russia… Source

Schwab Announces Over 2,000 Layoffs To ‘Maintain Competitive Edge’

Schwab Announces Over 2,000 Layoffs To ‘Maintain Competitive Edge’ Update (Wednesday):  A Charles Schwab spokesperson confirmed to Bloomberg that up to 6% of its 35,900-member workforce (or about 2,154 employees) were recently laid off.  “These were hard but necessary steps to ensure Schwab remains highly competitive, with industry-leading levels of efficiency, well into the future,” […]

Elite Universities Strategize To Maintain Diversity In Admissions Despite Supreme Court Ruling

Elite Universities Strategize To Maintain Diversity In Admissions Despite Supreme Court Ruling Authored by Charlotte Allen via The Epoch Times, It’s no secret that the vast majority of the people who operate U.S. colleges and universities are unhappy about the Supreme Court’s June 29 decisions that the use of race in admissions decisions at Harvard […]

Cleaning the cleaners: herbs that help maintain healthy kidneys

Cleaning the cleaners: herbs that help maintain healthy kidneys The kidneys play a key role in helping the body get rid of toxic wastes. However, these organs also need to be healthy so they can function properly. Thankfully, there are herbs that can help your kidneys perform their crucial duty of filtering out waste products and removing excess […]

Is France going to be able to maintain its position in Africa?

On March 1-5, French President Macron visited a number of African countries, leaving observers with a bitter taste in their mouths.  Conceived with great fanfare as a presentation of Paris ostensibly new course aimed at “equal cooperation” with the African continent, it was remembered only for scandals, public spats with African presidents, and taunts from […]

Turkish elections: Can Erdogan maintain his grip on power?

March 02 2023 The outcome of Turkiye’s upcoming vote could determine whether Ankara returns to a western-oriented foreign policy, or if Erdogan strengthens the country’s autonomous direction. By Mohamad Hasan Sweidan As the centenary of the founding of the Turkish Republic approaches, Turkiye faces one of the most important elections in its history. Most importantly, the […]

Will Charles III be able to maintain power over New Zealand?

Ascending the British throne and becoming head of the Commonwealth upon the death of his mother in September 2022, King Charles III is one of the UK’s most controversial monarchs. First, Charles III is the oldest British monarch, having ascended the throne at the age of 73. Second, the new British monarch can hardly be […]

Iran and Russia agree to maintain close coordination

TEHRAN- The foreign ministers of Iran and Russia have agreed to maintain strong cooperation on regional and global issues, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, discussing the dates for next summit and high-level meetings. Russian news agency Tass cited the Iranian foreign ministry as stating in a statement on Saturday that Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein […]

Rasmussen Poll: Republicans Maintain 5-Point Lead on Generic Ballot for the Third Week

A Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday showed that the Republican candidate maintains a five-point lead over a Democrat on the generic congressional ballot for the third week.

Hungarian opposition struggles to maintain united front in bid to dethrone Orbán

Fidesz has dominated Hungarian politics for 12 years, benefiting from the fragmentation of the opposition. But now a coalition has united in an attempt to break its stronghold. Source

FEMA: In Case of Nuclear Explosion, Maintain Social Distancing and Wear a Mask

The US government has a long history of fun and interesting advice when it comes to imminent death: [embedded content] Now, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, has issued updated guidance to its “Nuclear Explosion” readiness public awareness website, which includes tips to avoid Covid! “A nuclear explosion may occur with or without a […]

Wari Culture Used Alcohol and Drugs to Maintain Political Control

An altered state of consciousness to rule an ancient empire? Not a plot of a television series or a fantasy novella, but a page out of the fascinating book that is human history. A new study published in Cambridge University Press’ Antiquity journal details how leaders of the Wari culture, and the Inca leadership (who […]

85 House Republicans introduce act to maintain Trump admin. Iran policy

WASHINGTON – As the Vienna talks between the US and Iran are underway, a group of 85 Republican lawmakers introduced on Wednesday the “Maximum Pressure Act,” a bill that aimed to keep the Trump administration policy towards Iran. The bill was introduced by House Republican Study Committee chairman Rep. Jim Banks (Indiana). Former secretary of […]

Rejecting criticism, fringe ultra-Orthodox maintain defiance of COVID-19 rules

AP — Mendy Moskowits, a member of the ultra-Orthodox Belz Hassidic sect in Jerusalem, doesn’t understand the uproar toward believers like him. In recent weeks, ultra-Orthodox Jews have defied coronavirus restrictions by holding big funerals for beloved rabbis who died of COVID-19, celebrating large weddings, and continuing to send their children to schools. The gatherings […]

Is Washington going to Maintain its Ties with the Muslim Brotherhood?

Source By Vladimir OdintsovSource: New Eastern Outlook According to media reports, Republican Senator Ted Cruz recently sent another bill to the US Congress, proposing to declare an Islamist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia – ed.), a terrorist organization. Earlier, in late 2014, the US administration, in the face of Congressman Ted Cruz, already made a […]

Trump will continue political civil war to maintain his relevance: analyst

“There are many, even in U.S. intelligence, who have considered him a national security threat, and who fully expect him to profit from selling U.S. classified material for his personal interest and attempt to rebuild himself after he leaves office as the ideology enforcer of the Republican party, as a big Mafia Don, even those […]

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