Posts Tagged ‘going’

Sabotage SitRep – Border War – Going After the Cartels

Host L Todd Wood of Creative Destruction (also of Arm Forces Press), is launching a new video series called AFP Pods and in this episode, he does two 15-minute interviews; one with former CIA operative, John Ritchie and the other, with Lt Gen Paul Vallely (USA, Ret) on the subject of Operation Sinaloa, and going […]

Sabotage SitRep – Border War – Going After the Cartels

Host L Todd Wood of Creative Destruction (also of Arm Forces Press), is launching a new video series called AFP Pods and in this episode, he does two 15-minute interviews; one with former CIA operative, John Ritchie and the other, with Lt Gen Paul Vallely (USA, Ret) on the subject of Operation Sinaloa, and going […]

Is You Name On/Going to Be On The List?

Making a List, Checking it Twice, Find Out Who’s Naughty or Nice in the New Republic of Texas Source

Going on Record, I am NOT a Sheep & Never Have Been

Most two legged beings walking this rock are hairless with pigs fornicating sheep monkeys. Then there are the old souls. I have been trying to herd the sheep away from the slaughter house doors and to wards spiritual growth for more lives than I care to remember. And still the sheep remain sheep. There is […]

Hogan to Cartels: Trump Is Going to Wipe You Off the Face of the Earth

Nazi, Klaus Barbie, together with Pablo Escobar founded the multi-billion dollar “General Motors of Cocaine”, which has financed the Nazi-CIA-Deep State-Black Budget-Breakaway Civilization attempting to exterminate us, as we speak. The drug money is primarily laundered through the Vatican Bank. This is how the Black Nobility (administered by the CIA) came to control the the […]

What’s Going on With Joe Biden’s Brain?

Here’s a “conspiracy theory” that you will never hear from the mainstream media. Joe Biden’s brain is crumbling, but no one is asking the question, “Why?” Old age doesn’t tell the whole story. Renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough believes Joe Biden is suffering from a vaccine injury. Join 70K+ Substack readers and nearly 1 million […]

“We are going to hurt you”: UC Santa Cruz chancellor unleashes police mayhem against student protesters

A brutal, nine-hour, multi-agency police assault against unarmed protesters at UC Santa Cruz shows the university would rather use violence against its own students than address demands to divest from genocide. Source

There is definitely something VERY BIG going on with the Sun!

___ Source

GOING VIRAL: Father Accuses School of Holding Son “Hostage,” Claims Principal Denied Him Access and Information About His Son’s Condition

GOING VIRAL: Father Accuses School of Holding Son “Hostage,” Claims Principal Denied Him Access and Information About His Son’s Condition Source

⚡️ May 2 2024 – Juan O Savin w/ JMC > There’s so Much in Play + Things Are Going to Change Radically

John Michael Chambers and Juan O Savin have a conversation about Lt Gen Mike Flynn. There’s scuttlebutt that Flynn is a traitor. Juan, himself hasn’t always seen eye-to-eye with the General. However, he imparts his full-throated endorsement of him, here. Or is it? Very weird that they were impelled to dedicate an entire show to […]

Symbolism Will Be their Downfall > It’s Going to Be Biblical #GodWins

* Revelation Of The Method > [They] Must Tell You Who [They] Are & What [They] Are Doing, So You Chose To Accept & Follow [Them] Of Your Own Free Will * Free & Accepted Masons [F&AM] Proverbs 6:16-19 16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 […]

Meryl Nass – The Pandemic Agreement. Clarifying (I hope) what seems to be going on.

e The Globalist Agenda versus the Global South’s agenda MERYL NASS APR 30 The USA agenda for the Pandemic Agreement appears to coincide with the globalist agenda: pathogen sharing, gain-of-function research, massively increased genome sequencing for purposes yet to be … Read the rest Source

MP Andrew Bridgen: I’m Afraid COVID Vaccine Deaths Are ‘Going to Be Bigger Than the Holocaust’

“We are witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in this country in living memory — and possibly ever,” British member of the UK parliament Andrew Bridgen declared during a monumental speech in the House of Commons. MP Bridgen has shown himself to be a man who does not mince words or shy away from telling […]

Government & Media Pretending Massive Health Crisis Not Going On – Ed Dowd

Greg Hunter goes one-on-one with money manager and investment expert Ed Dowd, author of the newly updated book, ‘Cause Unknown The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022 and 2023’. Source

They’re Going to STEAL the Election

Mar 10 2024 “And we know they’re going to steal the election because they’re now saying so out loud.” _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account […]

Tucker Carlson: “They’re Going to STEAL the Election”

Tucker Carlson issued a chilling warning following Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address Thursday evening. Carlson declared, “Joe Biden can’t win in a fair election. Joe Biden will lose in November. He cannot win. That’s the thing that nobody in any media wants to say out loud. In a fair election, Joe Biden cannot […]

What’s really going on with the WHO.

Share Leave a comment…-s02e.html Follow The Damn Rules NOVEMBER 29, 2023 Read full story #EnforceArticle55 #EnforceArticle55 Please watch the video below and share it far and wide… Read full story EQUITY, EQUITY, EQUITY Please watch some excerpts from the first session of the seventh meeting of the WGIHR… Read full story The old […]

Edward Dowd: “Something HORRIBLE Is Going On but No One Wants To Talk About It”

From Lioness of Judah Ministry @ Substack “We have a national security crisis: The employed of our country are dropping dead and getting disabled at a rate that is beyond the general population.” This is all you need to know about the “unexplained” surge in sudden deaths: “If the sudden deaths we’re seeing were occurring […]

Ukraine? Know What’s Going On!

Ukraine? Know What’s Going On!  Sun 11:19 am +01:00, 21 Jan 2024   posted by NPP Clown world continuum meets in Davos and assure themselves Ukraine is winning. They did abduct, torture and murder Gonzalo Lira, if that’s winning. Yet again, Gonzalo’s friend Alex Christoforou provides humour while addressing the serious news from clown world […]

Haley: Trump’s going birther because he’s ‘threatened’ and ‘insecure’

“Well, first, I am the proud daughter of Bamberg, South Carolina, so I love my sweet town and I’m proud to say I’m from there. So, that’s the first question, we can throw that out the window,” Haley told Tapper, who acknowledged that Haley is eligible to run for president. Expounding upon Trump’s post, the […]

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