Posts Tagged ‘sabotage’

Sabotage SitRep – Border War – Going After the Cartels

Host L Todd Wood of Creative Destruction (also of Arm Forces Press), is launching a new video series called AFP Pods and in this episode, he does two 15-minute interviews; one with former CIA operative, John Ritchie and the other, with Lt Gen Paul Vallely (USA, Ret) on the subject of Operation Sinaloa, and going […]

Sabotage SitRep – Border War – Going After the Cartels

Host L Todd Wood of Creative Destruction (also of Arm Forces Press), is launching a new video series called AFP Pods and in this episode, he does two 15-minute interviews; one with former CIA operative, John Ritchie and the other, with Lt Gen Paul Vallely (USA, Ret) on the subject of Operation Sinaloa, and going […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Listen All Y’all, It’s A Sabotage

Sarah Posner @ MSNBC: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s attempts to out-Jesus Mike Johnson aren’t going to work As Speaker Mike Johnson attempts to shepherd a package of foreign aid bills, including one with vital aid for Ukraine, through the House of Representatives, all eyes are on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s threat to oust him. So far, […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Sabotage The Election

After being let go from Newsmax, Emerald Robinson landed at Mike Lindell’s Frank Speech platform, where she is now heaping praise on white nationalists Peter and Lydia Brimelow and their VDARE website. Angry that people are leaving negative comments on his videos, Nick Fuentes ordered his followers to attack and insult anyone leaving such a […]

Roger Stone joins Mike Adams with WARNING about Dems’ plan to try to sabotage Trump’s upcoming victory to save America

(NaturalNews) The following is an automated transcript of Mike Adams’ recent interview with Roger Stone. Please excuse any errors. See below for the full… Source

Orban Hits Back After Secret EU Plan ‘To Sabotage Hungarian Economy’ Revealed

Orban Hits Back After Secret EU Plan ‘To Sabotage Hungarian Economy’ Revealed “Hungary does not allow blackmail,” Hungary’s minister for European affairs, Janos Boka, has lashed out in response to the FT-reported secret document showing the EU stands ready to inflict intentional damage to Hungary’s economy if Orban’s government persists in rejecting more funding for Ukraine. “The […]

WaPo Drops Bombshell On The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Narrative: A Ukrainian Colonel, Covert Ops, & The CIA’s Shadow

Consider the source (and the timing)… No lesser deep-state mouthpiece than The Washington Post just dropped a bombshell with the revelation that Ukrainian Colonel Roman Chervinsky “was integral to the brazen sabotage operation” on the Nord Stream pipeline, “according to officials in Ukraine and elsewhere in Europe, as well as other people knowledgeable about the details of the […]

The CIA was ready to sabotage the pipelines as early as last January, intelligence sources told the veteran reporter Hersh

Blaming anything on Biden other than him molesting little girls is misdirection as he is so senile at this point he can not even remember two minuets later which little girls in a crowd he has already felt up. Who do you think the bribe taking little children raping Political whores from Sodom and Gomorrah […]



Poland detains suspected Russian spies ‘preparing acts of sabotage’

Poland’s security services say they have detained members of a Russian espionage ring, alleging they were preparing acts of sabotage and had been monitoring railroad routes used for the transport of weapons into Ukraine. Interior Minister Mariusz Kamiński said the Internal Security Agency arrested nine people suspected of spying for Russia. Three were detained Wednesday. […]

SABOTAGE: Fourth industrial disaster strikes Northeastern Ohio in mere weeks

(Natural News) Northeastern Ohio just witnessed its fourth major industrial disaster of 2023. On Wednesday March 1, a metal fabricator plant in Cleveland, Ohio broke out in fire, with multiple explosions going off in the process. Over 50 firefighters and hazmat specialists responded to the scene. The company, AJ Rose, supplies precision products for the […]

Sabotage of Nord Stream. The World Should Know the Truth

FEBRUARY 10, 2023 JAIME C. Russia Demands Those Responsible for Nord Stream Blasts Must be Named and Punished After Investigative Reporter Claims Joe Biden Ordered US Navy to Destroy the Gas Pipeline. Daily Mail By James Reynolds Global Research, February 10, 2023 Daily Mail Online 9 February 2023 Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to […]

Nord Stream Sabotage Was CIA, US Navy Covert Op: Seymour Hersh Bombshell

IT APPEARS THE PEDOPHILE POLITICAL PROSTITUTES OF SODOM & GOMORRAH ON THE POTOMAC ARE DETERMINED TO START A WAR WITH RUSSIA. I would say it is time to put something in Hunter Biden’s hands other than his dick as he beats off to child porn. I hear he already has a sidearm he lied on […]

Finland Says Quran-Burning Is Kremlin Plot to Sabotage Sweden’s NATO Bid

From Politico to Vice to various news agencies, mainstream media is busy echoing the conspiracy theories and wild speculations of some Western officials – with the latest being based on allegations by Finland’s foreign minister… “Finland’s foreign minister hinted that Russia may have been involved in last week’s Koran-burning protest that threatens to derail Sweden’s […]

Big Pharma and GOP allies aim to sabotage Medicare drug price reforms

“Patients fought hard for the reforms in the Inflation Reduction Act—and we won’t let Big Pharma and its allies’ fearmongering scare us.” Source

HOLODOMOR 2023: Media sounds alarm over shooter sabotage of power substation in North Carolina; says nothing about government sabotage of food, farms, fertilizer and fuel

Tuesday, December 06, 2022 by: Mike AdamsTags: agriculture, badclimate, Climate, crops, depopulation, famine, farming, farms, fertilizer, food crops, food supply, goodfood, green, harvest, Holodomor, infrastructure, power grid, sabotage, starvation This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author 15KVIEWS (Natural News) Sabotage of infrastructure that serves human communities is always wrong. When two power substations in North Carolina were reportedly taken down by gunfire in an apparent “criminal act,” the establishment media […]

Simple Sabotage – #SolutionsWatch

Most people think of sabotage as explosive and sometimes deadly acts of violence against property and machinery. But from lying flat and quiet quitting to water-level tinkering and other subtle acts of mischief, there are many nonviolent and potentially extremely effective ways to fling our sabots in the gears of the New World Order. The […]

Why would Russia want peace now? Sabotage of pipeline makes peace imposable. More false flags coming?

Nord Stream 2 is a 1,234-kilometre-long natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany running through the Baltic Sea, financed by Gazprom and several European energy companies. The construction of the pipeline started in 2011, to expand the Nord Stream line and double annual capacity to 110 billion cubic metres. Russia has a lot of oil […]

Escobar: Nord Stream Sabotage Propels ‘Disaster Capitalism’ To New, Toxic Level

“American elites” in this context encompass the deranged, Straussian neo-con-infested “intel community” and the Big Energy, Big Pharma and Big Finance that pays them and who profits not only from the Deep State’s Forever War approach but also wants to make a killing out of the Davos-concocted Great Reset. Source

Forget the Blame Game, Nordstream Sabotage Is About the Great Reset & Nothing Else.

Forget the Blame Game, Nordstream Sabotage Is About the Great Reset & Nothing Else. by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian September 28, 2022   Last night it was reported that “blasts” had damaged both Nordstream pipelines that carry gas exported from Russia to Germany and other nations across northern Europe. As a result, large amounts of natural gas were […]

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