Posts Tagged ‘blame’

The Media’s Latest Pathetic Blame Game

By late 2020, the media and public health establishment had two obsessions. One of their obsessions involved forcing the public to wear masks, even though the mountains of data and several studies had already confirmed that they don’t stop the transmission of respiratory viruses. The second obsession was forcing everyone to take Covid vaccines, regardless of their […]

Head of Secret Service backtracks on Trump rally blame

Head of Secret Service backtracks on Trump rally blame lead image Source

Peter Schiff: Inflation And Biden’s Blame Game

Via, During this week’s Super Bowl ads, Biden slammed greedy corporations for inflation. In his most recent podcast, Peter explains exactly what’s happening with inflation, and why Biden’s blame game has it backward. Peter opened with the biggest news of the week: January’s inflation numbers. People expected good news, but the actual numbers were considerably worse: The markets […]

Who’s To Blame For The Elite Extreme Left?

Authored by Rob Natelson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Many writers decry the American political scene as “too divisive.” But I don’t think this goes to the root of our political problems. A much more serious concern is that a very powerful minority of Americans reject the core principles upon which our Constitution and […]

San Francisco drug overdose deaths hit all-time high in 2023 with FENTANYL largely to blame

(NaturalNews) The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of San Francisco has confirmed that nearly a hundred more people in the city died in 2023 of a fatal drug… Source

Former Czech President Says US & UK To Blame For Ukraine Conflict

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the result of a series of ‘mistakes’ made by the US and its NATO allies, according to former Czech President Vaclav Klaus Klaus told the World Economic […] The post Former Czech President Says US & UK To Blame For Ukraine Conflict appeared first on The People's […]

NBC News: Inflation and illegals to blame for HOMELESSNESS among LA students

According to NBC News, homeless students in Los Angeles have two “I’s” to blame – inflation and illegal immigrants. During a Jan. 11 broadcast of “NBC Nightly News,” correspondent Stephanie Gosk reported on homelessness among students in the City of Angels. She remarked that increases in the cost of living, and “a migrant crisis” are […]

‘Experts’ Blame ‘Lifestyle’ For Excess Deaths Among Britain’s Young & Middle-Aged

In a Lancet article coauthored with researchers from Imperial College London, the Department of Health and others, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has admitted that Britain is experiencing an ongoing excess deaths crisis The […] The post ‘Experts’ Blame ‘Lifestyle’ For Excess Deaths Among Britain’s Young & Middle-Aged appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Anti-Trump Republicans Blame Trump Following Daniel Cameron’s Loss: ‘Loser’

Anti-Trump Republicans within the party offered a variety of reactions to Daniel Cameron’s loss in the Kentucky governor’s race as backers of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, as well as others, used the opportunity to attack former President Donald Trump. Source

TYPICAL MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE-SPEAK: Obama Says ‘All of Us’ Are to Blame for the Conflict Unfolding in Gaza (VIDEO)

TYPICAL: Obama Says ‘All of Us’ Are to Blame for the Conflict Unfolding in Gaza (VIDEO) Source

Zelensky Says Vladimir Putin Is To Blame For Israel Gaza Conflict

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has blamed the Russian leader Vladimir Putin for the unfolding war between Israel and Gaza. Speaking about Hamas’s brutal onslaught against Israel on Saturday, Putin had voiced his concern at the […] The post Zelensky Says Vladimir Putin Is To Blame For Israel Gaza Conflict appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Who is to blame

There is tremendous blame to go around for the ongoing violence and bloodshed in occupied Palestine. We must begin to acknowledge it. Source

Kia and Hyundai Blame TikTok and Instagram For Their Cars Getting Stolen

Kia and Hyundai say it is not their fault that their cars are being stolen in an unprecedented theft surge made possible by the vehicles lacking a basic anti-theft technology virtually every other car has, according to a recent court filing. Instead, the companies point the finger at social media companies, such as TikTok and […]

Iraqis who fled Daesh blame political rot for tragic wedding fire

Iraqi Christians, once driven from their village by Daesh, are blaming another enemy for an inferno that killed more than 100 of their friends and relatives at a wedding this week: chronic political rot and lax governance, Reuters reports. After returning from years of exile during Iraq’s war with the extremist Islamists, residents rebuilding their […]

Trump claims Biden’s ‘ridiculous all-electric car hoax’ partially to blame for UAW strike

Former President Trump took aim at Biden administration electric vehicle (EV) policy, claiming the president’s “ridiculous all-electric car hoax” is responsible for the United Auto Workers strike against major automakers. “Crooked Joe sold them down the river with his ridiculous all Electric Car Hoax,” Trump said on Truth Social in the early morning Saturday. “Within… […]

Pence says Trump was wrong to blame GOP midterm losses on abortion issue

Former Vice President Mike Pence said on Thursday that former President Trump was wrong to blame Republican losses in the 2022 midterm elections on the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that guaranteed the federal right to an abortion.  “The former president actually suggested that we lost elections in the midterms… […]

Funeral Home Business Booming, Pathologists Blame COVID Vaccines for Many Deaths

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson notes in his Substack that the US funeral business is booming, and not from COVID. On November 2, 2022 Berenson wrote that: “Today Service Corporation International, the largest for-profit funeral operator in North America, had its quarterly earnings call. SCI had another great quarter, you’ll be pleased to […]

New tensions on the Korean Peninsula: who is to blame?

This spring on the Korean Peninsula has been hot so far. The United Nations Security Council held a meeting on the North Korean issue at the end of March, at the request of the United States and its allies. The reason was another missile launch carried out by Pyongyang on March 16. The US condemned […]

Biden Administration Passes Blame to Trump for Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

The Biden White House on Thursday blamed Trump for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal after recently completing an internal review. Source

Migration Advocates Blame Americans for 40 Dead in Mexico Jail Fire

Pro-migration advocates are blaming Americans’ opposition to mass migration for the death of 40 migrants in a Mexico jail. Source

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