Posts Tagged ‘daesh’

Iraqis who fled Daesh blame political rot for tragic wedding fire

Iraqi Christians, once driven from their village by Daesh, are blaming another enemy for an inferno that killed more than 100 of their friends and relatives at a wedding this week: chronic political rot and lax governance, Reuters reports. After returning from years of exile during Iraq’s war with the extremist Islamists, residents rebuilding their […]

Iran foils 30 ‘terrorist’ attacks, arrests 28 Daesh members

Tehran yesterday announced that it had thwarted 30 “terrorist” attacks planned by Daesh across the country in recent days, Anadolu news agency reported. In a statement, the Intelligence Ministry said 28 members of a “terrorist cell” affiliated with Daesh were arrested in different provinces. The arrests were made following a series of raids in Tehran, Alborz and […]

US ‘created’ Daesh (ISIS) Terrorist Group, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Admits

The US created ISIS is politically safe way of saying ISIS is a proxy terrorist group owned and operated by the Rothschilds. It is not like the Rothschilds using terrorism to try to rule the world is a new thing. The Rothschilds were responsible for Britain’s Opium wars against China. Rothschilds were responsible for […]

Two Spanish women married to Daesh fighters arrested

Two Spanish women who married Daesh fighters have been repatriated to Spain and arrested, AFP reports. According to the report, two women, Spanish nationals, arrived at Torrejon de Ardoz Military Airport near Madrid last Monday. They lived in Syrian refugee camps with 13 children. 4 of the children were orphans, the report added. The women […]

Haftar’s army says it killed Daesh leader behind beheading of Egyptians

The Libyan National Army (LNA), which is commanded by General Khalifa Haftar, said yesterday that it had killed Daesh leader Mahdi Dango, who is the mastermind behind the beheading of 20 Egyptian Coptic Christians in the western Libyan city of Sirte in 2015. The announcement was made by the Director of the Moral Guidance Department of the […]

Daesh attacks Iran-backed militias in Syria

Daesh militants launched two attacks earlier this week against a training camp for Iran-backed militias east of Homs Governorate in central Syria, local sources have revealed. Heavy weapons were used by the militants. According to the sources, the group’s fighters carried out an attack on Tuesday using short-range Katyusha rockets and 120mm mortar shells. They […]

Saudi Arabia Involved in Providing Weapons to Al-Qaeda, Daesh in Yemen – International Reports

October 5, 2021 By Staff, Agencies International reports revealed a resounding scandal involving Saudi princes, through private companies affiliated with them, in arms deals that reached from Serbia to the takfiri organization of Daesh [the Arabic acronym for terrorist ‘ISIS/ISIL’ group] in Yemen. The report indicated that on September 1, 2020, Salman bin Abdulaziz issued […]

Daesh claims responsibility for bomb attack on Syria pipeline

Daesh has claimed responsibility for the attack on a natural gas pipeline located in southern Syria on Friday night, which resulted in a power cut across the capital Damascus and many other surrounding areas. According to a statement by the terror group on Saturday, Daesh claimed that its fighters “were able to plant and detonate […]

France kills senior Daesh leader in Sahel region

French armed forces have killed the leader of Daesh in the Greater Sahara in what President Emmanuel Macron has hailed as “another major success” in the fight against terror groups in the Sahel region. Adnan Abu Walid Al-Sahrawi was a major Daesh figure in West Africa. After joining the group in 2015 and becoming its […]

Sayyed Nasrallah: US Responsible for Transferring Daesh Militants to Afghanistan, We Reject Investigative Judge’s Acts

August 28, 2021 [embedded content] By Fatima Haydar Beirut – Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a televised speech on the 4th anniversary of Lebanon’s 2nd Liberation. During his speech on Friday, August 27, 2021, Sayyed Nasrallah explained the importance of Lebanon’s 2nd Liberation and its implications regionally and internationally, in addition to several other Lebanese […]

PMU Faction Says US Responsible for Massacre of Iraqis in Daesh Bombing

July 21, 2021  By Staff, Agencies The leader of Iraq’s Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq resistance movement, which operates under the command of Popular Mobilization Units [PMU], has held the United States responsible for the loss of dozens of lives in a deadly Baghdad bombing claimed by the Daesh terror group, which he described as a creation […]

Coalition says fight against Daesh will continue

The coalition to defeat the Daesh met virtually on Tuesday and reaffirmed the determination to continue the fight against the terror group, Anadolu Agency reported. The Foreign Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh Small Group and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement that international humanitarian law, protection of civilians, […]

Daesh in Germany: An explosive alliance

On Sunday March 7, 2021, an incendiary report has been aired on the French channel M6’s “Exclusive Investigation” program. Subject matter of the investigation: The return of active Daesh fighters to the EU soil and their spread throughout the “SCHENGEN” zone. Following the defeat of the Islamic State (DAESH), by the international coalition, some 500 […]

American occupation forces transport 30 Daesh terrorists to their illegitimate bases in Al- Shaddadi in Al-Hasakah countryside

Posted on March 18, 2021 by martyrashrakat Created on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 17:54 Al-Hasakah, (ST)  – The American occupation forces transferred 30 ISIS terrorists from one of the prisons of the “SDF militia” in the Qamishli region to their illegal base in Al-Shaddadi in the southern countryside of the governorate of Al-Hasakah. Special sources told SANA that, the US occupation […]

US-backed DAESH terrorism returns to Iraq, Dr Marwa Osman

Posted on February 1, 2021 by martyrashrakat [embedded content] Marwa Osman A twin suicide bombing on a bustling commercial street in the heart of Baghdad on Thursday killed at least 32 people and wounded more than 100, in an attack that ruptured months of relative calm. Daesh claimed responsibility for the attack which bears the […]

Washington uses DAESH and Iraqi traitors to fragment the country

النيأ العظيم === [embedded content] Islam and Muslims مفهوم الحرية واستعمال العنف [embedded content] الاسلام والمسلمون [embedded content] Islamic jurisprudence crisis أزمة الفقه الإسلامي [embedded content] Pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith أركان الإسلام وأركان الإيمان [embedded content] More here (1 to 44) The Qur’an, Morality and Critical Reason (PDF)

KRG rep. in Tehran says Gen. Soleimani helped Kurdistan to fight Daesh

TEHRAN – Describing Iran’s role in the fight against terrorism as “vital” and effective”, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) representative in Tehran says that Major General Qassem Soleimani helped the Iraqi Kurdistan by sending weapons and military advisers to defeat Daesh, also called Daesh in its Arabic acronym. “Martyr Qassem Soleimani not only helped in […]

Syrian forces hit militant positions, destroy Daesh trenches near Damascus

Syria’s official news agency SANA reported that Syrian military aircraft and army artillery units destroyed dug-out trenches and tunnels in al-Hajar al-Aswad city, located just four kilometers south of the capital Damascus, and the nearby Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk on Tuesday. Syrian ground forces also advanced from several directions after terrorists’ defense lines were hit […]

U.S. “Military Aid” to Al Qaeda, ISIS-Daesh: Pentagon Uses Illicit Arms Trafficking

Iranian General wants to ‘slap West in face’ with evidence of US-Daesh links

     Major General Qassem Soleimani, senior commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force, has provided the country’s Foreign Ministry with documents proving US collaboration with Daesh beyond a shadow of a doubt, Iranian media has reported. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, special advisor on international affairs to Iran’s speaker of parliament, said he had a meeting with […]

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