Posts Tagged ‘responsible’

‘Responsible for a genocide’: Jewish-American groups reject Netanyahu visit to US

(NaturalNews) As pro-Palestinian groups protest against Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint seating of Congress on Wednesday, some Jewish- and… Source

March 13 – ZOG is Responsible for Migrant Invasion

(( (Mayorkas is a member of the board of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which is funnelling millions of migrants into the US) Please send links and comments to [email protected]  Organized Jewry has all the characteristics of a plague of locusts eating the fabric of our society. “We shall destroy every collective force except our own,” […]

Caught Red Handed: Fauci, Gates & Moderna are responsible for the COVID Pandemic – U.S. D.O.D issued a ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID was known to exist – & Fauci & Moderna had a Vaccine ready in Dec. 2019

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 21, 2024 • ( 8 COMMENTS ) The discovery of a contract awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense to Labyrinth Global Health for “COVID-19 Research” in November 2019 has raised questions about the permanent U.S. Government’s knowledge of the novel coronavirus. The contract was part of a larger project for a “Biological threat reduction program in […]

MSM Finally Admits Covid Jabs Are Responsible For Surge In Blood, Brain and Heart Disorders

Mainstream media around the world has finally decided to admit the experimental Covid-19 mRNA vaccinations have caused a massive surge in excess deaths, and an uptick in blood, brain and heart disorders. Multiple mainstream news […] The post MSM Finally Admits Covid Jabs Are Responsible For Surge In Blood, Brain and Heart Disorders appeared first […]

Here’s who is also responsible for the atrocious genocide in Gaza.

The Genocide In Gaza Is Illegal, Incomprehensible, Inexcusable, Infernal, Inhumane And Irredeemable—And Evangelicals Are Responsible Chuck Baldwin Make no mistake about it: Israel is not fighting a war of self-defense in Gaza; it is waging a war of ethnic cleansing, extermination and genocide. Chris Hedges makes a strong case that Israel is indeed committing genocide in […]

The CDC Doctor Responsible for Hiding Myocarditis and Promoting Vaccines

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The CDC withheld an “alert on myocarditis and mRNA vaccines” warning of the connection between heart inflammation and Covid-19 shots in May 2021, the Epoch Times has revealed.  The agency never published the alert; instead, its authors pushed vaccines on all age groups across the country.  Dr. Demetre Daskalakis was […]

Activists hold Israel responsible for drive-by-shooting at homes of detained demonstrators in Umm al-Fahm

Umm al-Fahm is probably the most Palestinian town in ‘48 Palestine. It is the undeclared capital of “the Northern Triangle,” and a stronghold of all Palestinian patriotic movements. It was the birthplace of Abna al-Balad in 1969, and the center of the “northern” Islamic Movement, which was outlawed by Israel in 2015. (This movement represents […]

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, Who Crafted a Responsible Image, Is Pleading Guilty to Breaking Anti-Money Laundering Laws

Founder and CEO of Binance Changpeng Zhao, commonly known as “CZ”, attends the “CZ meets Italy” at Palazzo Brancaccio on May 10, 2022 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Antonio Masiello/Getty Images) Changpeng Zhao, the head of the world’s largest crypto exchange, has stepped down from his role as CEO of Binance and pled guilty to […]

Dr. Zelenko: ZINC is the BULLET that kills virus responsible for COVID-19

(NaturalNews) Zinc is the bullet that kills SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen responsible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the late Dr. Vladimir “Zev”… Source

The international community is responsible

For decades, Western governments attempted to “manage the conflict” in Palestine with “concern” but no accountability. Now, they are giving Israel the green light to commit a massacre.  Source

Foreign backers of terrorists [UNITED STATES & Israel] responsible for ‘criminal’ Terrorist drone strike in Syria

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says foreign backers of terrorist groups, [US & Israel] including the occupiers, [US] [Israel] are responsible for a “criminal” drone attack on a military academy in Syria’s western city of Homs that has killed [Holocausted] scores of Syrians. “Undoubtedly, the responsibility for this tragic incident lies with the [US & Israel] […]

U.S. Responsible for Coups Worldwide

September 26, 2023 By Asad Ismi Global Research, 20 September 2023 Sept. 11 is deeply singed in the collective memory of the American people. The attacks on American soil on Sept. 11, 2001, were a watershed event that has affected almost everything we do. I write this column in the background of our relentless preaching of […]

Channel 4 Presenter Says Breaking Law For Climate Is ‘Ethically Responsible’

Wildlife television presenter Chris Packham has been slammed after he said that it was ““ethically responsible” to break the law in order to advance the climate change agenda. In his programme, Is It Time To Break […] The post Channel 4 Presenter Says Breaking Law For Climate Is ‘Ethically Responsible’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Wind Industry “Environmentalists” Are Responsible for Killing Whales En Masse

The wind industry is using high-decibel sonar to survey the ocean and then installing massive turbines, and this Source

‘On what planet is that fiscally responsible?’ GOP spending cuts would kill 500,000 jobs

“Even by the low standards of Congress in 2023, it’s shocking how quickly House Republicans ripped up their end of the bargain that steered the country clear of default last month.” Source

Biden’s Iran policy not sustainable: Responsible Statecraft

TEHRAN – In a commentary on May 12, Responsible Statecraft criticizes the Joe Biden administration’s policy of “no Iran deal, no crisis”, suggesting that such an approach is not sustainable. Source

Lapid: ‘Making Ben-Gvir responsible for Al-Aqsa Mosque led to disaster’

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid on Friday accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of causing a disaster by assigning National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir responsibility for Al-Aqsa Mosque. Ma'an News Agency disclosed that Lapid accused Netanyahu of knowing that giving the National Security portfolio to Ben-Gvir, which made him responsible for Al-Aqsa Mosque, would lead […]

Should the US Remain Responsible for European Security?

This is the question Donald Trump brought to the forefront when he started asking why the US was paying the lion’s share for European security and demanding that members of NATO foot the bill, with at least 2 percent of their GNP. It remains pertinent because the present situation can only exist if the US […]

Crypto Fugitive Responsible for $40 Billion Implosion Arrested in Montenegro

Famous South Korean fugitive and “crypto-entrepeneur” Do Kwon, who was behind the $40BN implosion of the terraUSD and luna digital tokens last year which sparked the initial leg of the crash sweeping the crypto space, has been arrested in Montenegro according to local authorities. In a statement on Twitter, Montenegro’s interior minister Filip Adzic said […]

Snowden Chides White House Denial That US Was Responsible For Blowing Up Nord Stream Pipelines

Whistleblower Edward Snowden responded to the White House’s denial that US intelligence agencies were responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines by pointing out that they also once denied involvement in the Bay of Pigs invasion. Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published an article yesterday in which he asserted that the pipelines were […]

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