Posts Tagged ‘remain’

The WHO Pandemic Treaty: The Wins and the Risks that Remain


Polish MP Dominik Tarczyński: The Soul of Europe Must Remain Christian To Survive

[CFT Note: We are republishing this article from 2018 — in the 6 years since its first appearance the divides between the “liberal” and atheistic west and the Christians to the east have intensified.  And Poland has come under attack by the EU — while their recent rigged elections installed a liberal government which intends […]

Gaza’s economy has been erased. Famine and black markets are all that remain.

Even in areas like Rafah, where the Israeli ground invasion has not reached, Gaza’s society has been decimated. Its economy no longer exists and basic goods can only be found on the black market where they cost ten times their prewar price. Source

Christians Remain Captive in Nigeria Despite Ransom Payment

The Rev. Elkanah Ayuba held captive by suspected Fulani herdsmen in Taraba state, Nigeria in December 2023. (Christian Daily International-Morning Star News screenshot of video). ABUJA, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Two pastors kidnapped along with others in Nigeria last month remain captive despite their denomination… Source

Irish Teacher To Remain In Prison After Gender Pronouns Row

A court has ruled that an Irish school teacher who refused to use a student’s chosen pronouns will spend Christmas in prison. Irish teacher Enoch Burke was initially suspended in May last year after he refused to refer to a transgender student as ‘they’ saying that it was against his Christian beliefs. BYPASS THE CENSORS […]

Democrats remain out of step with their base on military aid to Israel

Last week Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders put out a statement calling for the conditioning of U.S. military aid to Israel. “The U.S. provides $3.8 billion a year in aid to Israel and the Biden administration wants $14.3 billion more,” it read. “The Netanyahu government, or hopefully a new Israeli government, must understand that not one […]

“Americans must remain vigilant and prepared to defend ourselves and our families…” Note the date! less than a month after IsraHell Holocausted 3,000 American in New York on 11 September 2001, this red Russian Khazarian Terrorist was reassuring the Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrels Illegally Occupying Palestine while Holocausting the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian people in the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian people’s own Ancscestrial home Land, to […]

Anti-parasite benzimidazole drugs show promise for treating cancer, but remain SUPPRESSED by the FDA

(NaturalNews) Multiple peer-reviewed papers suggest that anti-parasite benzimidazole drugs could be useful in cancer treatment protocols. Fenbendazole, for… Source

The battle over borders and why they remain important today 

The benefits of borders have traditionally been argued to be stability and governance. But it means someone is in control. Source

Apple Tells Support Staff to Remain Silent On iPhone Radiation Concern

Corporations not to be trusted! EWNZ For posts on other topics, check out our sister site Photo: Source

Thousands of migrants remain unidentified, missing in Mediterranean

25 Sep 2023 Source: The Washington Post By Al Mayadeen English A new report by the Washington Post sheds light on migrants who went missing in the Mediterranean with inadequate identification efforts, leaving families in anguish. Over the past decade, the Mediterranean Sea, separating Europe from the MENA region, has transformed into a theater of […]

Apple Employees Told To Remain Silent On iPhone Radiation Concerns

Apple plans to issue an update for iPhone 12 users in France after regulators ordered a halt to sales after finding that the device was emitting too much radiation.  In a statement Apple told Reuters “We will […] The post Apple Employees Told To Remain Silent On iPhone Radiation Concerns appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Report: Joe Biden Considers Requiring Illegal Aliens to Remain in Texas

President Joe Biden is reportedly considering a plan to require illegal aliens with dubious asylum claims to remain in Texas. Source

Abu Mazen visit whitewashes PA role in Jenin slaughter, but Palestinians remain wary

On Wednesday, July 12, acting Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and several PA security chiefs, including the secretary general of the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee, Hussein al-Sheikh, and head of General Intelligence Services, Majed Faraj, flew into Jenin in a Jordanian-operated helicopter. A delegation headed by Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh, Minister of Interior Ziyad […]

As the US-Israel relationship is questioned, its ‘shared fictions’ remain strong

Earlier this week, there was a somewhat odd moment of insecurity in the usually harmonious U.S.-Israeli relationship. On Wednesday afternoon, Axios’ Middle East correspondent in Washington felt the need to tweet that a White House National Security Council spokesperson told him that “There is no talk of some kind of formal reassessment’ of relations with […]

Turkey: the second round of voting is finished but the old problems remain

As many experts had predicted, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan beat his rival in the Turkish presidential elections in a second round of voting, and is set to be sworn in for his third term as president. His triumph after a close-run first round has been celebrated both in Turkey and abroad, but the 69-year old populist […]

Should the US Remain Responsible for European Security?

This is the question Donald Trump brought to the forefront when he started asking why the US was paying the lion’s share for European security and demanding that members of NATO foot the bill, with at least 2 percent of their GNP. It remains pertinent because the present situation can only exist if the US […]

Two Pakistanis remain in jail after testifying on terrorism charges

Two Pakistani suspects arrested on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack on a Jewish restaurant-synagogue in central Athens were led back jail on Friday after testifying before an examining magistrate. The two men of Pakistani origin are accused of being members of a terrorist organisation and planning to attack a synagogue building in the Psirri… […]

Window for JCPOA Revival Won’t Remain Open Forever – Amir Abdollahian

March 3, 2023 By Staff, Agencies Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian cautioned the United States that the window of opportunity for an agreement on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal will not remain open forever, urging Washington to adopt a constructive approach to salvage the accord. In an interview with CNN aired on Wednesday, […]

Greek train collision: Thanasis Antetokounmpo’s post on the tragedy – ‘Hope and love will remain’

Thanasis Antetokounmpo expressed his pain over the bloody accident in Tempi with the train collision through his post on Instagram. The Milwaukee Bucks player posted a heart next to the Greek flag, writing that “in the darkest days, hope and love will remain. Although sadness may take a long time to leave our hearts, hope […]

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