Posts Tagged ‘finished’



Man Given Secret Jan. 6 Plea Deal Finished His Prison Sentence With No Public Court Record

A Jan. 6 defendant from Pennsylvania originally charged with felonies including assaulting police at the U.S. Capitol and civil disorder was given a secret plea deal and served his entire prison term without details being recorded on a public court docket. Source

‘Luis Rubiales Is Finished’: Spain Soccer Federation President Is Now An Outcast

One week after kissing player Jenni Hermoso on the lips at the Women’s World Cup, Rubiales’ reputation is in tatters and he’s out of his job. Source

MARK RUTTE FORCED OUT In Netherlands Political Shocker: ‘It’s Finished He Resigned, Fallen’

Home » Breaking News, Europe, Protests » MARK RUTTE FORCED OUT In Netherlands Political Shocker: ‘It’s Finished He Resigned, Fallen’     “It’s finished. Keep on praying it. All those Klaus Schwab assh^$es are gone, and will be put to trial for what they have done…Mark Rutte, his cabinet, the cabinet of the Netherlands has […]

Turkey: the second round of voting is finished but the old problems remain

As many experts had predicted, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan beat his rival in the Turkish presidential elections in a second round of voting, and is set to be sworn in for his third term as president. His triumph after a close-run first round has been celebrated both in Turkey and abroad, but the 69-year old populist […]

The Best Bookshelves (for Looking Like You Finished ‘Dune’)

John Waters famously said that “if you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em!” which is solid gay elder advice—even if he later said, “that's not really true if they're cute enough”—but Waters forgot to address what you should also do based on how your love match treats their books. […]

Trump and Biden Both Finished?

Donald Trump responded to Joe Biden’s bizarre speech, in which he angrily denounced over 74 million Americans as ‘extremists,’ by suggesting Biden “must be insane or suffering from late stage dementia.” During his address last night, while he was lit up in blood red like a demon giving a speech from the bowels of hell, […]

Trump and Biden Both Finished?

Donald Trump responded to Joe Biden’s bizarre speech, in which he angrily denounced over 74 million Americans as ‘extremists,’ by suggesting Biden “must be insane or suffering from late stage dementia.” During his address last night, while he was lit up in blood red like a demon giving a speech from the bowels of hell, […]

“Ukraine is finished as a nation”


“Ukraine is finished as a nation”


“Ukraine is finished as a nation”


“Ukraine is finished as a nation”


“Ukraine is finished as a nation”


Guys Who Just Finished Burying Ananias Really Annoyed About Sapphira

JERUSALEM — A group of young men who had just finished burying Ananias, a man stricken dead for lying to the Holy Spirit, became frustrated when they discovered they also had to bury his wife Sapphira. The men had reportedly just gotten out of the shower and put on clean clothes when they saw her […]

IMIDRO to complete 12 semi-finished mining projects by late Mar. 2023

TEHRAN – Head of Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) Vajihollah Jafari said his organization is going to complete 12 semi-finished mining industry projects by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20, 2023). Source

Bilderberg 2022 has finished and here is the list of everything that happened there despite the high security fences.

This was the first meeting in over 2 years. New members include former military official serving as the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the Biden administration Jen Easterly.

Roman Empire’s Eastern-most Aqueduct Found Half Finished in Armenia

“The most easterly arched aqueduct of the Roman Empire” was found in the Hellenistic royal city of Artashat-Artaxata, the large, commercial capital of ancient Armenia between the 2nd century BC and the 2nd century AD. The excavations which took place, under the aegis of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster and the National Academy of Sciences […]

NFL Coach With 27 Years Experience Is Finished After Refusing COVID Vaccine

» New Message by Ines RadmanYesterday at 9:16 am by PurpleSkyz » Five New Species of Flowering Plants Discovered in BoliviaYesterday at 9:13 am by PurpleSkyz » Daring Bed Sheet Escape from Coronavirus Quarantine in AustraliaYesterday at 9:10 am by PurpleSkyz » Mass. Reports Over 5,100 “Breakthrough” Covid Cases, 80 Deaths Among Fully VaccinatedYesterday at 8:49 am by PurpleSkyz » Realtor Transforms Abandoned Properties […]

Right Wing Round-Up: America Is Finished

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

What is going to happen after they have finished jabbing everyone? The government already know.

This are snippets taken from the website… Page 10 paragraph 32 The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that havereceived two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the waverespectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk agegroups, such that […]

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