Posts Tagged ‘jabbing’

Jabbing Back: After Being Fired For Vaccine Refusal This Man Defended Himself & Won

Joining me today is Patrick Flood, here to discuss the grueling process that he endured while fighting in court (and all the work that led up to it) against a team of lawyers hired by the company that unjustly fired him. The company terminated his employment when he refused to take the experimental COVID-19 injection […]

Pfizer sues Poland Because Poland Does Not Want To Keep Killer Jabbing Polish People

Child-Killer Jabbing Aussie Voodoo physician DROPS DEAD after taking very same Killer Jab he pushed on Murdered kids

Dr. Wilson Chin, a Hong Kong-born, U.K.-trained physician who practiced medicine in Queensland, Australia, is dead after getting “vaccinated” for covid. Chin was an aggressive promoter of covid jabs, having been among the first to start injecting children under the age of 12 after Pfizer’s mRNA (messenger RNA) variety was approved for children aged 5-11. […]

South Australian Criminal State to Criminalize Jabbing A Sex Partner Without A Condom’ But The Australian “government” Forceable Killer Jabbing Little Children Is The “law”

The South Australian state parliament has voted to pass a bill that would give harsh penalties for men who remove condoms during sex without the consent of their sex partner, an act called ‘stealthing.’ The South Australian parliament passed the bill on Wednesday, joining other Australian states including ACT, Tasmania, Victoria, and New South Wales, […]


Now, just for all you loyal Trump supporters in America, the Ole Dog! is having a special on ocean front property in the Shara. Just send your cash! The Ole Dog! Source

Danish National Board of Health Admits Killer Jabbing kids for “covid” Was a Stupid & Criminal Thing to Do

all clips are from THIS article/interview and translated from the danish using google. throughout covid, we’ve seen the nordic countries if not always get it right, at least try to play it straight on covid. unlike much of the rest of the west, their health agencies seem to enjoy quite a lot of public support […]

Danish National Board of Health Admits Killer Jabbing kids for “covid” Was a Stupid & Criminal Thing to Do

all clips are from THIS article/interview and translated from the danish using google. throughout covid, we’ve seen the nordic countries if not always get it right, at least try to play it straight on covid. unlike much of the rest of the west, their health agencies seem to enjoy quite a lot of public support […]

Austria plans mandatory jabbing by February

Neil Oliver discusses Austria’s decision to go into another lockdown. READ AT THE LINK Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Dr. Fauci: We’ll Be Jabbing Your Babies After Christmas

Dr. Anthony Fauci has warned parents that their babies and toddlers will be next in line to receive vaccines early next year. “Hopefully within a reasonably short period of time, likely the beginning of next year in 2022, in the first quarter of 2022, it will be available to them,” Fauci predicted in an interview […]

Some countries are chasing down people & forcibly jabbing them

There are two countries from which we have seen videos of forced jabs, those being Argentina and India. (India posted previously, link below). The Argentinian one is disturbing, be warned. A man is literally chased onto his roof where he tries to escape, is caught and held down and screaming, is forcibly jabbed. Likewise the […]

What is going to happen after they have finished jabbing everyone? The government already know.

This are snippets taken from the website… Page 10 paragraph 32 The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that havereceived two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the waverespectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk agegroups, such that […]

No End to Covid Mass-Jabbing Madness

By Stephen Lendman Source Experimental, unapproved mRNA drugs and vaccines for covid mass-jabbing are designed to cause irreversible harm and death sooner or later. They don’t protect and preserve health as falsely promoted. Pharma connected CDC director Rochelle Walensky is a modern-day Angel of Death Joseph Mengele. The same goes for charlatan, fraudster, profiteer Fauci […]

Mass-Jabbing Children for Covid a Crime Against Humanity Mass-Jabbing Children for Covid a Crime Against HumanityStephen Lendman / Stephen Lendman Mass-Jabbing Children for Covid a Crime Against Humanity by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Covid jabbing breaches the Nuremberg Code that requires voluntary consent and prohibits what risks harm to health. US federal law also prohibits mandatory use of […]

Increased Covid Outbreaks and Deaths from Mass-Jabbing

 Increased Covid Outbreaks and Deaths from Mass-Jabbing Stephen Lendman / Stephen Lendman Increased Covid Outbreaks and Deaths from Mass-Jabbing by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) What’s going on was planned by US-dominated Western dark forces long before seasonal flu was renamed covid early last year — as part of a mass […]

Clinton Foundation Pushing Toxic Covid Mass-Jabbing

Clinton Foundation Pushing Toxic Covid Mass-Jabbing Stephen Lendman / Stephen Lendman Clinton Foundation Pushing Toxic Covid Mass-Jabbing by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Unaccountable for years of unlawful practices in and out of government, the Clintons are one of America’s most notorious crime families. Bill and Hillary’s foundation — including daughter Chelsea […]

State-Sponsored Mass-Jabbing War on Public Health

State-Sponsored Mass-Jabbing War on Public Health Stephen Lendman / Stephen Lendman State-Sponsored Mass-Jabbing War on Public Health by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On all things covid, we’re lied to and mass deceived daily. Virtually everything promoted about covid is polar opposite reality. US-dominated Western dark forces seek maximum numbers of casualties […]

Pushing Forever Mass-Jabbing

Pushing Forever Mass-Jabbing Stephen Lendman / Stephen Lendman Pushing Forever Mass-Jabbing by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Forever-mass jabbing for seasonal flu-renamed covid was planned long ago. One or annual jabs in perpetuity for potentially billions of people represents unprecedented profit potential for Pharma. Suppressed by Western governments, their public health handmaidens, […]

How Many Adverse Events from Covid Mass-Jabbing Are too Many?

How Many Adverse Events from Covid Mass-Jabbing Are too Many? Stephen Lendman / Stephen Lendman How Many Adverse Events from Covid Mass-Jabbing Are too Many? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) According to the Pharma controlled CDC, from mid-December through March 19, they’ve over 44,600 adverse events from covid mass-jabbing in the […]

Why Hasn’t Mass-Jabbing for Covid Been Halted?

Scathing Report on Israeli Apartheid Stephen Lendman / Stephen Lendman Why Hasn’t Mass-Jabbing for Covid Been Halted? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) At least 11 European countries halted use of AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine because of blood clotting. According to, if clots occur in the lungs, heart or brain — disrupting […]

Exponentially Rising Body Count from Mass-Jabbing for Covid

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