Posts Tagged ‘criminalize’

Leftist Canadian MP wants to criminalize endorsement of fossil fuels

(NaturalNews) A member of the Canadian Parliament from the far-left New Democratic Party (NDP) is calling for any person promoting fossil fuels to be penalized… Source

Interview 1866 – New French Law Could Criminalize Jab Resistance (NWNW 545)

This week on the New World Next Week: Soros prepares radio takeover; French law could criminalize jab resistance; and Gates’ sun-blocking plan is already underway. Source

WEF Passes New Law To Criminalize Criticism of mRNA

Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum have pulled the levers to criminalize criticism of mRNA as world governments continue to clamp down on basic freedoms we once took for granted. According to the global elite, anyone […] The post WEF Passes New Law To Criminalize Criticism of mRNA appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Speak Your Truth: Don’t Let the Government Criminalize Free Speech


South Australian Criminal State to Criminalize Jabbing A Sex Partner Without A Condom’ But The Australian “government” Forceable Killer Jabbing Little Children Is The “law”

The South Australian state parliament has voted to pass a bill that would give harsh penalties for men who remove condoms during sex without the consent of their sex partner, an act called ‘stealthing.’ The South Australian parliament passed the bill on Wednesday, joining other Australian states including ACT, Tasmania, Victoria, and New South Wales, […]

California Passes Bill To Criminalize Dissent of Covid-19 Narrative

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } A California Assembly bill that will criminalize dissent of Covid-19 narrative by requiring the Medical Board of California to punish licensed doctors who “disseminate misinformation or disinformation […]

California Passes Bill To Criminalize Dissent of Covid-19 Narrative

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } A California Assembly bill that will criminalize dissent of Covid-19 narrative by requiring the Medical Board of California to punish licensed doctors who “disseminate misinformation or disinformation […]

Virginia Court Blocks Republican Attempt To Criminalize LGBTQ Books

Joe Raedle / Getty Images A court in Virginia has thrown out a lawsuit which tried to make it illegal to sell or lend two popular LGBTQ-themed books to minors in the state. The lawsuit—which was brought against book chain Barnes & Noble by state delegate Tim Arnold on behalf of Republican Congressional candidate Tommy […]

House Republicans are reintroducing a bill that would criminalize boycotts of Israel

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) has reintroduced legislation targeting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). The effort already has 46 Republican cosponsors. Zeldin introduced the same bill in 2020, ultimately gaining 63 GOP cosponsors and one Democrat. “Too many, even in the halls of Congress, have emboldened antisemitic and anti-Israel rhetoric by accepting the BDS movement […]

New Canadian Law Will Officially Describe Parts Of The Bible As ‘Myth’ And Criminalize Christianity

With the passage of Bill C-4 (the “conversion therapy” ban), there is a great deal of concern among Canadian churches. Has the Trudeau government put a law on the books that effectively criminalizes Christianity? According to some prominent clergy in this country, the answer is, shockingly, yes. In a letter published by Liberty Coalition Canada, […]

The international community cannot let the Israeli apartheid regime criminalize human rights work

Editor’s Note: The following statement was released by participants on the 2016 U.S. Prison, Labor and Academic Delegation to Palestine. Mondoweiss occasionally publishes press releases and statements from organizations in an effort to draw attention to overlooked issues. The U.S. Prison, Labor and Academic Delegation to Palestine (2016) joins with organizations and individuals around the world […]

Communist Biden Regime Wants to Criminalize Crossing State Lines for the ‘Unvaccinated’

If potential plans by “president” Joe Biden to restrict all interstate travel to “vaccinated” only come to fruition, grocery store shelves all across the country could turn bare. All News Pipeline says it received photos from someone in New Jersey depicting mostly empty aisles at a local Shoprite store, this the consequence of shipping problems […]

UK Law Could Criminalize Journalistic Dissent & MSM Says Vaxed Can Have Same Viral Load As Unvaxed

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/28/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and […]

Minnesota Vows to Criminalize Biological Men Who Use Female Locker Rooms

Minnesota lawmakers are considering a bill that will ban biological males from participating in women’s sports and criminalize males using female locker rooms. Republican State Rep. Eric Lucero’s bill, HR 1657, declares that “male” is defined as a person with a “heterogametic sex chromosome pair consisting of one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.” You […]

Paul: If We Are Going to Criminalize Speech — Schumer, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar Should Be Held Accountable

During this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) argued if Democrats were going to proceed by operating on the claim former President Donald Trump incite violence on Capitol Hill, then the standard should be applied to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Reps. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) […]

Mississippi Lawmaker Files Bill to Criminalize Abortion in State

Photo Credit: Pixabay/Pexels JACKSON, Miss. — A Republican lawmaker and former pastor has filed a bill that would make abortion illegal in the state of Mississippi. “Any person, willfully and knowingly causing, by means of any instrument, medicine, drug or other means whatever, any woman pregnant with child to abort or miscarry, or attempts to […]

Oklahoma Senator to File Bill to Criminalize Abortion in State

Photo Credit: Vidal Balielo Jr./Pexels OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — Newly-elected Oklahoma Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, plans to file a bill to outlaw abortion in the state, taking the baton from Sen. Joseph Silk, who left office in November. “All human life is sacred from the very moment of conception,” Hamilton said in a statement. “As […]

New Canadian Bill Would Criminalize Christian Teaching On Sexuality

The Blogging Hounds The government of Canada is becoming more Communist than Socialist at this point. If a new bill, C-6 becomes law, parents could be subject to ‘criminal prosecution’ for private conversations with their children about sexual orientation. Bill C-6 outlaws so-called conversion therapy, whichit defines as “a practice, treatment or service designed to […]

Scotland’s New Hate Crimes Bill Would Criminalize Conversations at Home

Now that Great Britain is in lockdown for the foreseeable future and people are forced to stay at home more than ever before, it is incumbent upon the government to ensure that homes in Scotland are free from “hate.” It could soon be illegal for a Scot to try to speak to his family at […]

New California law would CRIMINALIZE book stores for selling the Bible

(Natural News) Even though we’ve known for decades that the liberals are typically hostile to anything having to do with the Christian faith, most of us never thought we’d see the day when the legality of the Bible itself was put in jeopardy. Yet in the socialist state of California, that’s exactly […]

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