Posts Tagged ‘blocks’

Arizona Dems protest after GOP blocks vote to repeal abortion ban

Arizona Dems protest after GOP blocks vote to repeal abortion ban lead image Source

Appeals court blocks Texas immigration law just hours after Supreme Court ruled in the state’s favor

(NaturalNews) The Biden administration’s continued attempts to keep illegal immigrants flowing across the border in Texas took a huge hit when the Supreme Court… Source

Australian Court Blocks Covid Vaccine Challenge

A judge who previously provided legal counsel to Pfizer has blocked a legal challenge over Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccines, stalling efforts to raise the alarm over alleged unregulated genetically modified organisms (GMOs), including high levels of DNA contamination, in the vials. The dismissal of the lawsuit on the procedural matter of standing is […]

Judge Blocks Biden Administration From Illegally Diverting Border-Wall Funds

Authored by Caden Pearsen via The Epoch Times, A federal judge on Friday blocked the Biden administration from unlawfully redirecting taxpayer funds away from the construction of a wall along the southern border. Southern District of Texas District Court Judge Drew B. Tipton granted a preliminary injunction after Texas and Missouri sued to stop the […]

Poland on Alert after Russia Bombs Civilian Blocks in Kyiv

Poland was forced to scramble at least three F-16s today as Russia fired missiles towards its NATO border with Ukraine, say reports. In the event the missiles turned away from the NATO country and hit targets across Ukraine as part of a massive new onslaught unleashed by Russia. Deeply distressing footage from Kyiv showed residential […]

Yemen blocks Suez and Red Sea

Disruption of Maritime Trade: Yemen Resistance Prompts Companies to Suspend Shipping through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal Disruption of Maritime Trade: Yemen Resistance Prompts Companies to Suspend Shipping through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal United States proposes task force to “ensure safe passage” through one of the most lucrative commercial waterways […]

Federal Judge Permanently Blocks Illinois Law Targeting Pro-Life Pregnancy Counseling

Authored by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A federal judge permanently blocked an Illinois law on Dec. 14 that he previously called “stupid” that targets maternal health care centers and sidewalk counselors for expressing their pro-life message. Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker speaks during a news conference in Chicago, Ill., on March 20, […]

US Blocks Transfer Of Over 20,000 Rifles To Israel Over Settler Violence

There’s been some serious mixed messaging and contradictory signals coming from the White House of late regarding Israel and the Gaza War. President Biden on Tuesday had for the first time offered criticism of Israel’s “indiscriminate bombing” of Gaza – even while keeping the massive defense aid flowing to Israel’s military on an unconditional basis. He […]

US Government Agency Blocks Bank Transaction by Producers of “POLICE STATE” Movie

The Biden regime’s brutal and unprecedented political persecution of ordinary Americans was released at theaters around the US last week. Source

France blocks senior CAGE official exposing Islamophobia at conference in Poland

The managing director of CAGE, a UK based, independent advocacy organisation working to empower communities impacted by the “War on Terror”, has been denied entry into Poland at the behest of the French authorities. Muhammad Rabbani was scheduled to speak at the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe […]

Federal Judge Blocks California ‘High-Capacity’ Magazine Ban for Second Time

U.S. District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez blocked California’s ban on ammunition magazines holding more than ten rounds on Friday. Source

Threads Blocks Search Results For ‘COVID’ And ‘Vaccines’, Upsetting Users

By Bryan Jung via The Epoch Times Threads, Meta’s recent competitor to Twitter, is facing harsh criticism for Source

Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks New Mexico Governor’s Gun Ban

A federal judge has temporarily blocked New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s gun ban. On Wednesday Gun Owners of America (GOA) secured a temporary restraining order against Grisham’s ban on concealed carry. US District Court […] The post Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks New Mexico Governor’s Gun Ban appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Philippines Supreme Court Blocks Commercial Release of GMOs over Ecological Disaster Fears

Philippines Supreme Court Blocks Commercial Release of GMOs over Ecological Disaster Fears by Sustainable Pulse April 28, 2023   Genetically modified Golden Rice and Bt eggplant will remain off the market in the Philippines after the country’s Supreme Court (SC) issued a writ in favor of farmers and scientists who sought to stop the government […]

‘Disappointing day for women’: Senate GOP filibuster blocks Equal Rights Amendment

“Inequality hurts everyone, and we must not continue to be a nation that harmfully excludes and marginalizes women.” Source

Facebutt Blocks Truth of Seymour Hersh’s Article About US Blowing Up Nord Stream Pipeline


Biden rebuke of Netanyahu blocks him from working Congress on Iran — Indyk

Longtime Israel lobbyist Martin Indyk says Joe Biden’s rebuke of Benjamin Netanyahu last month will have dramatic consequences on the Israeli leader’s ability to influence US politics. Source

Twitter blocks engagement on links to independent writer platform Substack

The users of Substack, an email newsletter platform, are unable to embed tweets in their stories and Twitter users are currently unable to like or comment on a tweet that links to a Substack publication. This is happening whether or not Substack writers are using their own domain or are using the domain. Source

Google Blocks Users From Accessing Project Veritas Expose of Pfizer

Google has been caught censoring and blocking users from accessing information regarding the recent Project Veritas expose of Pfizer. According to reports, when you attempt to search “Pfizer Project Veritas” Google presents users with a […] The post Google Blocks Users From Accessing Project Veritas Expose of Pfizer appeared first on News Punch. Source

Kremlin blocks the official US gov’t websites for the FBI, State Department & C.I.A. due to blatant propaganda and misinformation

Russian media watchdog takes on CIA website Roskomnadzor has blocked access to the webpage along with those of FBI and US State Department READ HERE: The official websites of US intelligence agencies have been blocked in Russia after state media watchdog Roskomnadzor put them on a blacklist on Friday for spreading misinformation and discrediting Russia’s […]

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