Archive for the ‘CIA’ Category

Cory Hughes Interview – Was Israel Behind The Assassination Of JFK?

Joining me today is author, researcher, and “corrector of historical error“, Cory Hughes. Cory has dedicated himself to the pursuit of truth around what he believes is the most important event in US history, the assassination of JFK, and the main culprit he feels is responsible, the Israeli Zionist government. Today we discuss this important […]

Yemen to unveil further confessions of members of Israeli-US spy ring

29 Jun 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen Listen By Al Mayadeen English A security source tells Al Mayadeen that the Cultural Attaché at the US embassy in Yemen was linked to the US intelligence agency, the CIA. Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent confirmed that Yemeni security services in Sanaa will broadcast confessions of members from an American-Israeli espionage […]

CIA Agent: “We Designed mRNA to Kill”

I am issuing a correction. I am being taken to task (rightly) about the central claim of this video/article by The People’s Voice (TPV) that I have shared here, namely, that a CIA agent testified and leaked documents which confirm that the COVID mRNA shot was “designed to kill.” I assumed that this information had […]

Splintering Babylon: Kerry Cassidy Interviews Alexandra Bruce and James Grundvig

Kerry Cassidy had James Grundvig and me on her show last Tuesday to talk about our new documentary film project,  ‘Splintering Babylon: The Plan. Revelation. The Path to Freedom’, which is about how COVID PSYOP inadvertently revealed the hidden history of the past 80 years: That the United States did not win World War II; […]

Terrorist Attack on Russia Has USA Fingerprints All Over It

by Greg Reese Over a hundred people were murdered in Russia on Friday. Including women and children. Eleven terrorists were captured by Russian authorities as they attempted to cross the border into Ukraine. They are being interrogated and all roads lead to the US State department, who have been directing Ukrainian forces since their 2014 […]

George Harrison – ‘Brainwashed’

This video mashup is the week in review by Scotty Films set to George Harrison’s ‘Brainwashed’ from his final album in 2002. Now, there was a man who understood a thing or two about brainwashing, having played lead guitar for one of the greatest Tavistock projects in history. ISIS is an acronym for the Israeli […]

All Evidence Points To US/Israel/Ukraine Behind #CrocusCityHall Shooting & Does ISIS-K Even Exist?

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/23/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Who’s a Professional Psyopper?

This video of a May 2018 tweet by Amazing Polly was uploaded to the Cluster B Free Zone YouTube channel that is dedicated to Amazing Polly and contains 5 videos. “Cluster B” here refers to a grouping of Personality Disorders characterized by “dramatic, impulsive, self-destructive, emotional behavior and sometimes incomprehensible interactions with others.” Cluster B includes: […]

FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan

March 9, 2024 Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of […]

Meet In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s Venture Capital Firm (2011)

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Video player not working? Use these links to watch it somewhere else! WATCH ON:  /  /  /  /  / FROM 2011: Publicly, In-Q-Tel markets itself as an innovative way to leverage the power of the private sector by identifying key emerging technologies and providing companies with the funding to bring […]

Interview 1868 – Bill Gates is Coming For Your Memes! (NWNW 546)

This week on the New World Next Week: The CIA have been in Ukraine for a decade; the grim reaper scores a Rothschild; and farmer Billy Gates is coming for your memes! Source


FEBRUARY 22ND, 2024 HEKMAT ABOUKHATER On February 13, the U.S. House of Representatives deliberated on Resolution 3202, the “Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act of 2023.” The following day, the House passed the bill with a 389 to 32 bipartisan majority. Now, the bill moves on to the Senate, where it will most likely pass with similar bipartisan support and […]

Verified CIA Document Reveals Zionists Willing To “Sacrifice The Jews” In Arab Nations For Agenda

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/10/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]


JANUARY 18TH, 2024 Source Ramzy Baroud Law number one in the ‘law of holes’ is that “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Law number two, “If you are not digging, you are still in a hole.” These adages sum up Israel’s ongoing political, military and strategic crises, 100 days following the start […]

You Will Own Nothing – Because They Will Steal Everything– David Rogers Webb

by Greg Hunter Posted by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World @ Substack David Rogers Webb (DRW) is a financial expert and former global money manager who lives in Sweden.  Recently, DRW revealed the game plan of globalists like Klaus Schwab who publicly predicts, “You will own nothing . . .”  According to DRW, this […]

US Blocks Transfer Of Over 20,000 Rifles To Israel Over Settler Violence

There’s been some serious mixed messaging and contradictory signals coming from the White House of late regarding Israel and the Gaza War. President Biden on Tuesday had for the first time offered criticism of Israel’s “indiscriminate bombing” of Gaza – even while keeping the massive defense aid flowing to Israel’s military on an unconditional basis. He […]

Claim: Israelis Killed Palestinian Women, Kids, Babies ‘Execution-Style’

Palestinians say that Israeli forces shot Palestinian women, children, and babies “execution-style” inside a school in northern Gaza, where civilians displaced by the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas were seeking refuge. Al Jazeera obtained and published exclusive photographs and video footage reported to be from inside the Shadia Abu Ghazala School in the area […]

Gaza Temporary Ceasefire in Last Day as Leaks on Extension Emerge

November 29, 2023 Israeli captive being released by Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters at Rafah Crossing during the fifth release on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. The temporary ceasefire in Gaza entered its sixth and last day on Wednesday, with reports on extending the truce for the second time being leaked. As the sixth release of […]

The food control plan from 1974 that you probably didn’t know about

This article appeared as part of a feature in the December 8, 1995 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.See Feature Introduction and Table of Contents. Kissinger’s 1974 Plan forFood Control Genocide by Joseph Brewda On Dec. 10, 1974, the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger completed a classified 200-page study, “National Security Study Memorandum 200: […]

Israel Ignores UN Res. To Pause Gaza Fighting, Calls It “Disconnected From Reality”

Authored by Kyle Anzalone via, AFP via Getty Images The UN Security Council passed a resolution earlier this week (Wed) that called for a temporary pause to the fighting in Gaza. Tel Aviv said the call for a short peace was a decision “disconnected from reality and holds no significance.” The resolution passed the UN’s most powerful body […]

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