Posts Tagged ‘fingerprints’

Terrorist Attack on Russia Has USA Fingerprints All Over It

by Greg Reese Over a hundred people were murdered in Russia on Friday. Including women and children. Eleven terrorists were captured by Russian authorities as they attempted to cross the border into Ukraine. They are being interrogated and all roads lead to the US State department, who have been directing Ukrainian forces since their 2014 […]

Your Noisy Fingerprints Vulnerable To New Side-Channel Attack

Here’s a warning we never thought we’d have to give: when you’re in an audio or video call on your phone, avoid the temptation to doomscroll or use an app that requires a lot of swiping. Doing so just might save you from getting your identity stolen through the most improbable vector imaginable — by […]

Obama Demands Internet Users Submit ‘Digital Fingerprints’ To Gov’t Before Accessing Internet

Barack H. Obama, who played a key role in empowering mainstream media fact checkers to silence conservatives on the internet, is now pushing for internet users to submit “digital fingerprints” to the government using Microsoft […] The post Obama Demands Internet Users Submit ‘Digital Fingerprints’ To Gov’t Before Accessing Internet appeared first on The People's […]

“Original Fingerprints”, inner struggle in teenagers

As reported by the Ibna news agency, Hussein Ghorbanzadeh wrote “Original Fingerprints” for teenagers. Source

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated Teachers Sent to FBI As ‘Huge List’ of ‘Vaccine Refusers’ Compiled By CDC

New York City teachers who declined Covid vaccinations had their sensitive biometric data in the form of fingerprints sent to the FBI and Criminal Justice Services, according to bombshell court documents. Attorney John Bursch stated […] The post Fingerprints of Unvaccinated Teachers Sent to FBI As ‘Huge List’ of ‘Vaccine Refusers’ Compiled By CDC appeared […]

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI February 10, 2023 By Michael Kane On February 8, 2023, while arguing on behalf of fired NYC workers who declined covid vaccination, attorney John Bursch stated in open court that unvaccinated teachers in New York City were flagged with problem codes in their personnel files, and when […]

US Fingerprints on Terrorism Aimed At China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

In April a terrorist bombing targeted a hotel in Pakistan’s southwest Baluchistan province hosting China’s ambassador to Pakistan, Nong Rong. Ambassador Nong Rong was not at the hotel at the time of the bombing, but the attack still ended up killing 4 and wounding several more. In July an explosion targeted a bus carrying Chinese […]

Israeli/Jewish Fingerprints Once Again All Over Another U.S. Building Collapse

It’s fair to point out that Israel and the jews know how to bring down tall buildings, kill people and profit from it. The latest tragedy in Surfside, Florida with the collapse of the 12 story Champlain Towers South condominium is no exception. Link/ Share now! Source

Neolithic Fingerprints In Orkney Offer ‘Unparalleled Glimpse’ of Life

The Neolithic fingerprints of two young male potters have been identified on a 5,000-year-old fragment of clay discovered in Orkney. In April this year The Press and Journal announced that archaeologists excavating at the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site discovered a “5,000 years old” finger print on the surface of a clay vessel. […]

Virologists Say Genetic “Fingerprints” Prove COVID-19 Man-Made, ‘No Credible Natural Ancestor’

Two notable virologists claim to have found “unique fingerprints” on COVID-19 samples that only could have arisen from laboratory manipulation, according to an explosive 22-page paper obtained by the Daily Mail. The paper’s authors, Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen (left) and British Professor Angus Dalgleish (right) via the Daily Mail British professor Angus Dalgleish – […]

Tracking the Genetic Fingerprints of the Viking Woman Hunters

Scientists have tracked ancient Viking genes across Europe further detailing the cultural, political and economic impact of the legendary raiders and traders of the Middle Ages.  The Germanic Iron Age ended under the weight of the invading Roman Empire , and after the Italian conquistadors themselves collapsed the Germanic migration period (400–600 AD) saw the reformation of […]

Police Use Fingerprints Pulled From WhatsApp Photo To Secure Convictions

By Dawn Luger Police have used a photo sent through the app “WhatsApp” to get a fingerprint and used that fingerprint to secure drug convictions against eleven people. If part of your finger is showing, cops can now use that small bit as fingerprint evidence. This new and “groundbreaking” technique of matching fingerprints […]

Fingerprints, Eye Scans Now Required To Buy Food In India, As Banks Cut Off Cryptocurrencies

By John Vibes There was a string of interesting financial reports from India this week that appear to be unrelated at first glance, but upon further inspection, they all seem to be working towards a common goal—an intrusive big brother surveillance state that tracks every single financial transaction for every single resident. According to the New York […]

Iran Protests…CIA Fingerprints?

RonPaulLibertyReport Is it just a coincidence that the biggest protests since 2009 have hit Iran shortly after a secret agreement was revealed between Washington, Tel Aviv, and Riyadh to destabilize Iran? And shortly after a new Executive Order was issued by President Trump allowing him to seize US assets of anyone he deems a “human […]

Warning: Trump’s Phoenix rally has globalist fingerprints on it (+ the day after & a little more)

Here are the latest additions to the alert entry… P.S. – It may be that our August 22 event will be of a domestic nature and happen in Phoenix. Drudge has been selling drama there. Will we see riots? The word “phoenix” is very significant to the globalists. Will the city that bears its name […]

Warning: Trump’s Phoenix rally has globalist fingerprints on it (enhanced)

Here are the latest additions to the alert entry… P.S. – It may be that our August 22 event will be of a domestic nature and happen in Phoenix. Drudge has been selling drama there. Will we see riots? The word “phoenix” is very significant to the globalists. Will the city that bears its name […]

How do cops without guns handle violence?

     Confrontation, sporadic violence, and arrests during protests continue to follow the surge of racially biased shooting in the United States. People are angry, confused, and above all, terrified of law enforcement. They have lost faith and trust in the justice system of a nation which prides itself on racial equality. More than 50 years […]

Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua: Hostile Media Coverage and Economic Sabotage

Jailed Bankers Freed Early as Icelandic Government Implodes Over Panama Papers

Icelandic outlet Stundin reported Thursday, as translated to English by the Icelandic Review, that three bankers from the Kaupthing Bank who were sentenced last year have been released. Former Kaupthing Chairperson of the Board Sigurður Einarsson, former Kaupthing Luxembourg CEO Magnús Guðmundsson, and former investor and 10% owner of Kaupthing Ólafur Ólafsson were convicted last year […]

9/11 Gatekeepers and Controlled Opposition

Youtube link 9-11 Gatekeepers and the role they play in suppressing the truth. Dialog with Noam Chomsky. Controlled Opposition is also briefly covered. This video is to help you to understand how the Gatekeepers and the Controlled Opposition protect the official lies of 9-11. In the last 20 minutes of the video Alfred answers questions […]

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