Posts Tagged ‘genetic’

The Nats will end NZ’s ban on gene editing and genetic modification

Note Kiwis: This plan to lift NZ’s ban on ‘gene editing and genetic modification to unlock enormous benefits for climate change, agriculture and health science’ they say … it indicates where we are headed. All the research demonstrating the dangers of GMOs falls on deaf ears of course. Corporations rule and they have no interest […]

“We Can’t Force The Human Body To Accept Foreign Genetic Code” Dr. McCullough On mRNA Technology

READ HERE: Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough warned that messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines inject “foreign genetic code” into human beings, which the body fails to break down or expel for a prolonged period of time.   Source

AI and genetic engineering could trigger a “super-pandemic,” warns AI expert

(NaturalNews) Mustafa Suleyman, the billionaire co-founder of Google DeepMind AI technology, has warned that a super-pandemic developed through AI and genetic… Source

Near-Extinction of Our Human Ancestors Revealed by Genetic Research

Approximately one million years ago, the Earth was populated by a few hundred thousand or so ancient human ancestors. Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Human Origins Science Read Later  Source

Genetic Study Shows Jews Have Up To 5% Black Sub-Saharan African DNA Admixture

(National Library of Medicine – National Center for Biotechnology Information) A 2011 genetic study titled “The History of African Gene Flow into Southern Europeans, Levantines, and Jews” found in all eight groups of Jews studied — Ashkenazi Jews, Syrian Jews, Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Greek Jews, Turkish Jews, Italian Jews — a Black sub-saharan African […]

Attack on food supply: Bill Gates pushing for genetic modification of farm animals

Big Tech mogul Bill Gates is now targeting global food supply. Specifically, he wants to take control of the world’s farm animals. The multibillionaire has been reported to have partnered with UKAid, a challenge fund designed to support the United Kingdom’s commitment to reducing poverty and control food sources for the world’s poorest. He reportedly […]

RH- Genetic Engineering Explained

Click to access Gene%20Splicing%20as%20a%20Sign%20of%20the%20End%20Time.pdf   The post RH- Genetic Engineering Explained appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Survivors of Black Death Passed on Genetic Risk to Autoimmune Disease

We may have a lot more to thank (or curse) our ancestors for than we realize. When the Black Death or the bubonic plague swept through Europe 700 years ago, it literally killed 50% of the population. A fabulous new study which analyzed the DNA of these medieval skeletons from the 1300s has found certain […]

Executive Order: Biden Unleashes Transhuman, Genetic Modification Firestorm On America

Transhumanists and Technocrats in Big Pharma have cracked the U.S. government wide open to flood the bioeconomy with taxpayer money and labor to push the frontier of genetic modification of all living things and especially humans. This will ultimately spark the biggest public backlash in modern history. Biden pledges not only funding but an all-of-government […]

Senator Warren’s Mishap Proves the Importance of Reliable Genetic Ancestry Tests

In the lead up to the 2020 US presidential election and the party primaries, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren led President Donald Trump by four percentage points in the polls. Read more Section:  News Science & Space Read Later 

Genetic Study Confirms Hispanics In New Mexico and Colorado Share Jewish-Sephardic DNA

(Jerusalem Post) After being expelled from Spain during the Inquisition, countless Jews and converso-Jews fled to the New World on the heels of the Conquistadors — and these Jews clearly contributed to creating the Mestizo “race” or “La Raza” in Latin American countries today, as a number of DNA studies — as this one from […]

The Genetic Panopticon: We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime

Whatever skeletons may be lurking on your family tree or in your closet, whatever crimes you may have committed, whatever associations you may have with those on the government’s most wanted lists: the police state is determined to ferret them out. Source

5,000-Year-Old DNA from Skeletons Found in Serbia is Solving Genetic Mysteries

Ancient Eastern European and Central Asian archaeology are characterized by a burial practice known as kurgan burials, wherein mounds of earth and stone are raised over a single or multiple graves. These traditional burials of the ancient steppe tribe nomads continue in southern Siberia and Central Asia. As reported by Ancient Origins , over the […]

Genetic Research Untangles Africa’s Human Evolutionary History

An international team of anthropologists, archaeologists, and genetic researchers that included 44 scientists from 12 countries has completed a new African genetic research study that reveals more details about the fascinating and complex evolutionary history of Homo sapiens , or modern man within the continent of Africa. This study focused on ancient DNA of skeletal […]

Patents, Biodiversity, and Genetic Ownership

Patents, Biodiversity, and Genetic Ownership “Let’s assume some Dr. Neo Frankenfauci bent over a bubbling cauldron somewhere in the bowels of the International Technoapparatchikcrats’ Institute for Genetic Shenanigans is cooking up a potion that includes all sorts of secret ingredients in the recipe, things like heavy metals and parasites and a clever code in the messenger […]

Hotly Debated Origins of Pre-Inca Civilization of Tiwanaku Revealed by Genetic Study

Tiwanaku – one of the largest Pre-Columbian settlements and archaeological sites, located in western Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca, has hotly debated origins. Even its name, or what would have been known to the inhabitants, is lost as there was no written language. Historians roughly agree that the civilization emerged somewhere around the 6 th century […]

Israel To Conduct COVID ‘Genetic Scanning’ For All Inbound Air Passengers

    The world’s most “ultra-vaxxed nation” Israel is continuing to struggle to keep its coronavirus infections down, despite enacting some of the most stringent rules and requirements on its population, including rolling out one of the earliest versions of a vaccine passport to visit public venues, which has to be “updated” each six months […]

The WHO Recommends Genetic Manipulation and Gene Editing of Humans “To Promote Public Health”

More idiocy from the maniacs at the helm! EWR The New Dark Age 30 July 2021 — Global Research The WHO has published official recommendations on DNA manipulation of humans. By Jens Bernert Those who warned that Corona “vaccinations“ were the first step towards the genetic manipulation of humans faced harsh attacks from quality media, politicians […]

Just 7% of Human DNA Is Unique, Says Latest Large-scale Genetic Study

Among all the species of man that ever existed, Homo sapiens (modern man) is the sole survivor. But that doesn’t make us quite as special as we thought. A genetic study carried out by researchers at the University of California Santa Cruz (UC Santa Cruz) found that modern humans only possess a small fraction of […]

Cannabis Domestication Began in China in 10,000 BC, Says Genetic Study

A new genetic study has revealed that cannabis domestication began in China during the early stages of the Neolithic period. In an article just published in the journal Science Advances , an international team of genetic researchers reported significant progress in tracing the long history of human interactions with this medicinally potent yet highly controversial […]

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