Posts Tagged ‘extinction’

Geological records show correlation between falling CO2 levels and mass extinction events

(NaturalNews) The geological time scale (GTS) contains certain eras where CO2 levels were historically high due to thriving plant life, and also contains periods… Source

Top experts warn AI poses ‘risk of extinction’ to Humanity similar to Nukes, Pandemics

    In a joint statement released last week, OpenAI head Sam Altman and “Godfather of AI” Geoffrey Hinton warned that the existential threat of artificial intelligence (AI) to humanity is real. Even though Altman, whose firm created ChatGPT, and Hinton are both profiting from AI, they admit, along with more than 350 other prominent […]

Is AI going to kill everyone? Top experts say yes, warning about “risk of extinction” similar to nuclear weapons, pandemics

Is AI going to kill everyone? Top experts say yes, warning about “risk of extinction” similar to nuclear weapons, pandemics In a joint statement released last week, OpenAI head Sam Altman and “Godfather of AI” Geoffrey Hinton warned that the existential threat of artificial intelligence (AI) to humanity is real. Even though Altman, whose firm created […]

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Fertility rates are dropping dramatically, we are on an extinction curve

BY RHODA WILSON ON NOVEMBER 20, 2023 • ( 15 COMMENTS ) Fertility rates in both men and women are dropping dramatically for many unknown reasons, Dr. Andrew Wakefield told Mike Adams, host of Health Ranger Report, last year shortly before the release of his latest film. “Sperm counts are plummeting, infertility in women in general is so much worse particularly, apparently, in […]

The Painless Extinction of Formerly Free Australia 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The Demise of Frogs If you place a frog in cool water and slowly raise the temperature, it’s said that you can boil it without it noticing and fighting to free itself. I never tested this, as I liked frogs too much. During my childhood in southeast Australia, I could […]

COVID-19 Bioweapon Vax an Extinction Level Event


Near-Extinction of Our Human Ancestors Revealed by Genetic Research

Approximately one million years ago, the Earth was populated by a few hundred thousand or so ancient human ancestors. Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Human Origins Science Read Later  Source

EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT: The Coming AI-Conducted Wars Across The Planet

: The Future Of AI Is War… And Human Extinction As Collateral Damage By Michael T Klare A world in which machines governed by artificial intelligence (AI) systematically replace human beings in most business, industrial, and professional functions is horrifying to imagine. After all, as prominent computer scientists have been warning us, AI-governed systems are prone […]

June 1 – “Vaccines” Aimed at the “Extinction of Humanity”

Please send links and comments to [email protected]      'Final Days’ Exposing the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come.       "Final Days" is the sequel to "Died Suddenly."  To its credit, it does […]

Is the world undergoing an extinction-level population COLLAPSE? The very survival of the human race may be at stake

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) People are no longer having children, and trends suggest that a worldwide population collapse is now in motion because of it.Both in the industrialized world and in the developing world, birth rates are barely remaining stable, at best. At worst, and this seems to be the case for most countries, population numbers […]

Evil WEF Leader Caught Planning ‘Mass Extinction Event’ to Inner Circle

Another week, another leaked video from the World Economic Forum featuring Klaus Schwab’s advisors casually discussing their plans to depopulate the planet. According to these two WEF stooges, all religious groups are opposed to the World Economic Forum because religions want “more souls” and the WEF “wants less on the planet.” BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign […]

Cheetahs Returning To India Following Extinction In Country About 70 Years Ago

NEW DELHI (AP) — Seven decades after cheetahs died out in India, they’re back. Eight big cats from Namibia made the long trek Saturday in a chartered cargo flight to the northern Indian city of Gwalior, part of an ambitious and hotly contested plan to reintroduce cheetahs to the South Asian country. Then they were […]

Extinction Rebellion Members Superglue Themselves in UK Parliament Chamber

Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion have superglued themselves around the Speaker’s chair in the House of Commons chamber in London. The group said around 50 activists were involved in the “non-violent” action at the Palace of Westminster. A photo posted on the group’s Twitter account shows three members hand-in-hand in front of the seat while […]

It’s Time To Prepare For Human Extinction Scientists Warn

The world needs to prepare for human extinction according to a new study and it’s all because of climate change. A team of scientists led by academics from the UK’s Cambridge University warn that global warming could become “catastrophic” for humanity if temperatures rise by even more than they are predicted to, or if the […]

Extinction Rebellion Occupies Parliament Over ‘Climate Debt’

Extinction Rebellion protestors have ‘occupied parliament’ after a group of nine demonstrators staged a sit-down protest in the middle of the Palace of Westminster’s central lobby, unfurling a banner which read: “”G7 pay your climate debt”. Extinction Rebellion, often shortened to XR, have staged a number of high profile and disruptive protests across London in […]

Extinction Rebellion protests Argentina’s fast fashion

Members of the environmentalist group Extinction Rebellion protested against fast fashion in front of international clothing store Zara in Buenos Aires on Wednesday. The Argentine branch of the Extinction Rebellion group denounced the effects of fast fashion on the environment through performance, where models wore clothes made out of recycled materials. The group was aiming […]

Extinction Rebellion Block Home Office Building To Protest Nationality And Borders Bill

An Extinction Rebellion (XR) protest has blocked the front entrance to the Home Office building in Glasgow. The activists locked themselves to each other and to the property’s gates from about 7am on Monday. The protesters, from XR Scotland and XR Glasgow, are calling on the UK government “to end its hostile environment policy towards […]

Chemtrail Pilot Comes Forward: Mass Human Extinction

As many of you know, just this last week, we covered the Chemtrail piece that was broadcasted by the mainstream media and because of the response that we received by the radio listeners, as well as the social media platform viewers, I wanted to bring more information on this matter, which many of you requested. […]

Extinction Rebellion Founder Said Climate Change Would Lead to Gang Rape

Extinction Rebellion co-founder Roger Hallam wrote a 2019 pamphlet in which he claimed that man-made climate change would lead to the gang rape of “your mother, sister and girlfriend.” Yes, really. Hallam, who is involved in the ongoing Insulate Britain eco-mob protests, wrote the diatribe while incarcerated in HMP Wormwood Scrubs. The pamphlet warned that […]

Extinction Rebellion Co-Founder Said Climate Change Will See ‘Your Mother, Sister, and Girlfriend’ Gang-Raped

Extinction Rebellion co-founder Roger Hallam warned that climate change would end in men’s female relatives being gang-raped in front of them in a 2019 pamphlet, it has been revealed. The eco-extremist, while serving a very short prison sentence for a plot to disrupt air travel using drones, wrote a booklet warning the reader that climate […]

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