Posts Tagged ‘comes’

What comes after Gantz’s resignation?

There are now two different visions in Israeli politics for how the war should progress. Netanyahu would have the war continue without end, while Gantz would accept a ceasefire but find a pretext to resume the fighting once the captives are released. Source

Lawmakers tell all! The Senate’s secret group comes out in the open

With help from Shawn Ness THE SENATE’S JUICY SECRET: It’s been around for decades, yet some lawmakers said they had never even heard of it. The backroom nature of the state Senate’s Working Rules group was chronicled in a New York Focus story published this morning. And while the existence of the group (WRG, for […]

Are You Ready to be Forcibly Injected with Anything the Government Says, Regularly? Here Comes Central Digital ID and CBDC

Very important you understand this now. Not later. Central database digital ID will mean a government controlled single key to everything in your life. Your bank accounts. Your doctor appointments. Your government benefits or tax refunds. Your ability to get student loans, travel, buy food and gas. It is very convenient. It also means this […]

“Paper Gold & Silver” Will Be Good For Wiping One’s Behind When The Crash Comes

“Paper gold & silver” will be good for wiping one’s behind when the crash arrives-When the time comes for reality, bank runs, fiat dies but physical gold & silver survives- Each Troy Ounce of gold & silver have been sold on paper at least four hundred times so far-When their scam is about to be […]

Johnson’s turbulent week comes to a soft landing at Mar-a-Lago

PALM BEACH, Florida — Mike Johnson got what he came for on Friday — an appearance shoulder to shoulder with Donald Trump, who criticized efforts to depose the House speaker. “He’s doing about as good as you’re going to do,” Trump said. The former president’s comments may not be enough to persuade Rep. Marjorie Taylor […]

Yuval Noah Harari: ‘When the Flood Comes’ Elite Will ‘Build an Ark’ and ‘Leave the Rest To Drown’

The global elite will escape the upcoming global mass-casualty event thanks to a “technological Noah’s Ark,” according to Yuval Noah Harari, lead adviser to Klaus Schwab and the WEF. Unfortunately for the rest of humanity, they will not be saved by the elite, according to Harari. Instead, they will be left to “drown.” BYPASS THE […]

Government comes up with another new excuse for the genocide they’ve unleashed upon the planet: ‘accelerated aging’ among the young is causing all of these ‘turbo cancers’

(NaturalNews) The latest mind-boggling story over at the NY Post on Tuesday proving just how full of ‘s’ our ’globalist overlords’ and the mainstream media… Source

Dr. Bossche: Here comes the “massive, massive tsunami” of DEATH and destruction from Operation Warp Speed

Things are only just getting started as far as the death toll from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccination,” warned Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche in a recent interview on the KunstlerCast podcast.The world-renowned Belgian virologist who for years has been sounding the alarm about the dangers of COVID injections says a “massive, massive tsunami” of illness and […]

The Freemasonic War Comes Home: Baltimore Bridge Down

The Freemasonic War Comes Home: Baltimore Bridge Down  Sun 7:43 pm +01:00, 31 Mar 2024   posted by pete fairhurst 2 Was Baltimore Bridge payback for recent events elsewhere? Did a foreign power deliberately drop the bridge using a container ship? Is there a message that the ubiquitous containers were used and can be used […]

Trump Comes Out In Favor Of Holocausting Every last Semitic Palestinian. Child In Occupied Palestine

The Trickster Trumpster frontrunner for the GOP ticket for 2024 presidential election, said he supported Israel’s brutal ongoing Holocaust operations in Gaza of the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the biblical Judians in an interview with “Fox & Friends” this week. The Trickster Trumpster agreed when a host described him as being “firmly in Israel’s […]

The Fluoride Lawsuit Comes to an End: Federal Judge to Decide the Future of Water Fluoridation

The fluoride lawsuit has come to an end and now a federal judge will decide the future of water fluoridation in the United States. On Tuesday, Michael Connett, lead attorney representing the Fluoride Action Network and plaintiffs, made his final attempt to convince U.S. district judge Edward Chen that the 80-year-old practice of water fluoridation […]

MAGA Trumpism comes down to violence, driving invective, intimidation, insurrection, and invasions

Considering the Inciter-in-chief’s love of violence, who can predict whether winning or losing produces greater mayhem. Source

US Diesel Supply Tightens As Manufacturing Comes Roaring Back

US Diesel Supply Tightens As Manufacturing Comes Roaring Back By Charles Kennedy of U.S. manufacturers are recovering from an extended slump in activity and their energy consumption is about to start rising, with the risk of tightening an already tight diesel market. Reuters market analyst John Kemp reported the index for manufacturing activity had improved to […]

Israeli Official Comes Out In Support Of Genocide Accusation & Twitter’s Pro-Israel Censorship Surge

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/9/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

COP28 Comes to an End. What Does 2024 Hold for Globalist Gatherings?

The COP28 meeting ended with an agreement to begin the end of the fossil fuel era. What’s next on the agenda for the Predator Class in 2024? The United Nations COP28 meeting of world leaders concluded last week in Dubai with an agreement which is being heralded as the “beginning of the end of the […]

Pro-Vaccine Doctor Comes to a Chilling Realization, Says “I Can’t Continue to Vaccinate Here”

Originally Published on Vigilant News Network Dr. Cornelia Tschanett has come to grips with an uncomfortable reality that she can no longer deny — that the so-called COVID-19 vaccinations are not as “safe and effective” as the government touted. In a recently-released documentary titled “UN-SICHTBAR: Der Film Teil 1,” which translates to “INVISIBLE: The Film […]

The Fed Pauses: What Comes Next?

Authored by Michael Lebowitz via, After hiking rates by 5.25% since March 2022, the Fed is in a wait-and-see period, commonly deemed a pause. Since the Fed started hiking rates, inflation has declined meaningfully but remains moderately above the Fed’s 2% target. The economy continues to thrive, fueled by a strong labor market. Despite […]

Israeli-Owned Ship Comes Under Iranian Suicide Drone Attack In Indian Ocean

Another Israeli-linked shipping vessel has been targeted by Iran-backed forces against the backdrop of the Gaza war. A US defense official was cited in the Associated Press as describing that a container ship owned by an Israeli businessman came under attack by an Iranian-made Shahed-136 drone on Friday. Separately, the pan-Arab satellite channel Al Mayadeen said an Israeli […]


SOTN Editor’s Note: Not only has “THE MASK COMES OFF—FOREVER” with Israel’s execution of the 10/7 false flag terrorist attacks and naked genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, the Zionist’s once secret agenda for total world domination has also become transparent. See: STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination Now here’s the real problem: What […]

Biden Mideast agenda comes crashing down in Gaza

For years, many analysts of United States foreign policy have argued that our myopic and lock-step support for Israel harms our interests in the Middle East. Their case has been powerfully boosted by the reactions to our policy toward Israel’s merciless bombardment and invasion of the Gaza Strip. Israel’s actions have undermined American credibility and […]

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