Posts Tagged ‘ready’

CROWDSTRIKE DESTROYED the internet for a spell, so what’s next, and are YOU ready?

(NaturalNews) What in the world is a “dodgy channel file†and how did it cripple Bill Gates’ illustrious Windows? Nearly every facet of American… Source

Are you ready for the CLIMATE VACCINES about to be unleashed by anti-human globalists?

(NaturalNews) Unless We the People stop them, climate fanatics like billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates are planning to inject you and your family with climate… Source

Are You Ready to be Forcibly Injected with Anything the Government Says, Regularly? Here Comes Central Digital ID and CBDC

Very important you understand this now. Not later. Central database digital ID will mean a government controlled single key to everything in your life. Your bank accounts. Your doctor appointments. Your government benefits or tax refunds. Your ability to get student loans, travel, buy food and gas. It is very convenient. It also means this […]

Republicans Ready Sanctions On World Court If It Issues Arrest Warrants For Israelis

Republicans Ready Sanctions On World Court If It Issues Arrest Warrants For Israelis Via The Cradle Republican members of the US House of Representatives are preparing a sanctions package targeting International Criminal Court (ICC) officials as a “precaution” against potential arrest warrants of Israeli officials for war crimes committed in Gaza, according to Axios. “We want […]

Government morphed into a Marxist cabal, willing and ready to impose tyranny: ‘All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely on force’

(NaturalNews) Who would or could have predicted that our own representatives in Congress would vote to allow the government to spy on American citizens without… Source

French army ‘ready for war’ – top general

Know how many Frenchman it takes to defend Paris? No one knows, it has never been tried. The French announce they have adopted a new battle flag. It is a white star on a white field. The French announce they are sending French Special Forces troops to Ukraine. They will teach the Ukrainians how to […]

Putin Warns ‘Deep State’ That Russia Is Ready for Nuclear War

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that Russia is fully prepared to fight a nuclear against the West, which he says is being instigated by Deep State actors. The warning was made during an interview on Russia […] The post Putin Warns ‘Deep State’ That Russia Is Ready for Nuclear War appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Report: Democrats ready to hit the PANIC BUTTON as Trump gains steam and Biden falters

Report: Democrats ready to hit the PANIC BUTTON as Trump gains steam and Biden falters The Democrats appear to be ready to hit the panic button as the November 2024 election approaches. According to The Hill, Joe Biden is trailing Donald Trump in polls of several battleground states, underscoring concerns that the incumbent president’s message isn’t gaining traction […]

Syrian Foreign Minister says his Country is Ready for War with Israel

Damascus, historically resilient in the face of regional tensions, asserts its unwavering readiness to defend its territory against potential military confrontations with Israel, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad affirmed during a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Damascus. The high-level discussions delved into joint support for Palestinians amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in […]

Texas Governor says he’s Ready to Handle Possible Federalization of the National Guard

One of the latest threats from the Biden regime against Texas concerning the crisis at the southern border involves federalizing the Texas National Guard, a move that Gov. Greg Abbott says he is “prepared” to deal with should the federal government decide to take that antagonistic route. On January 22, the United States Supreme Court […]

Education experts say they’re ready for AI this time

AI is blazing a new trail this year in education as schools take concrete steps to incorporate the technology into their teaching, replacing the panic and confusion educators previously faced.   Arizona State University (ASU) is leading the charge in higher education, announcing a partnership with OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, on a “pilot” program to… […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Ready Day One

Alice Miranda Ollstein @ Politico: The anti-abortion plan ready for Trump on Day One . Anti-abortion groups have not yet persuaded Donald Trump to commit to signing a national ban if he returns to the White House. But, far from being deterred, those groups are designing a far-reaching anti-abortion agenda for the former president to […]

Gerald Celente, No one is ready for what’s coming in 2024 From Gordon Source

Gerald Celente, No one is ready for what’s coming in 2024 From Gordon Source

Germany Braces for War with Russia, Urges NATO Allies to Arm and Get Ready

Germany must be prepared to respond to a potential Russian attack, warned Defense Minister Boris Pistorius. In an interview with German public broadcaster ZDF, Pistorius stressed the importance of strengthening military capabilities in collaboration with NATO allies. While Germany is not presently facing a direct threat, Pistorius emphasized the need for proactive readiness to address […]

Swedish government calls for population to be READY FOR WAR with Russia

(NaturalNews) Swedish officials are calling on their military and civilians to be ready for war with Russia, with many young Swedes claiming in interviews that… Source

Meron Strike Proves Hezbollah Ready for All-Out War, ‘Israel’ Not: Zionist Circles

January 8, 2024 Source: Al-Manar English Website The Israeli circles continued on Monday following up the repercussions of Hezbollah strike which targeted the Zionist surveillance air base located atop Mount Jarmaq (“Meron”), the highest peak in the ’48 occupied Palestine. The Israeli media outlets indicated that the Israeli army was forced to operate new surveillance systems in order […]

Houthis Getting Ready to send 20K Troops to Gaza

In a strategic move that echoes the timeless tale of David and Goliath, Yemen’s Ansar Allah Rebel Movement, commonly known as the Houthis, has reportedly undertaken extensive preparations for a potential military engagement. Recent reports from the Yemeni news agency Saba suggest that the Houthis have diligently trained a force of 20,000 fighters. This military […]

Sayyed Nasrallah Warns: All Scenarios Open for Our Front, We’re Ready (Videos)

November 3, 2023 Batoul Wehbe Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah’s words resonated today, Friday, with a sense of urgency and determination, shedding light on various facets of the current conflict and the resistance’s unwavering commitment to their cause. In a televised, long-awaited address, Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that all options are on the table in response to […]

Lebanese Resistance fighters say ready to join arms with Palestinians

1 Nov 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The fighters of the Islamic Resistance fighters in Lebanon send a message of solidarity and support for the Palestinian Resistance in light of the ongoing Israeli terror campaign. The fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon sent Wednesday a letter of support for the people and […]

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