Posts Tagged ‘swedish’

“I’ve Changed My Mind”: Swedish Open Borders MP Makes Complete U-Turn

A Swedish MP who advocated for open borders during the 2015 refugee crisis said she has completely changed her mind and now wants to see a significant number of deportations. Source

COVID-19 Lockdowns Had High Health, Economic Costs: Swedish Study

Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Imposing restrictive lockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic led to higher excess mortality in such nations while also damaging their economies, according to a recent Swedish study. A worker waits on a bench in a residential area during the COVID-19 lockdown in the Huangpu district […]

Swedish government calls for population to be READY FOR WAR with Russia

(NaturalNews) Swedish officials are calling on their military and civilians to be ready for war with Russia, with many young Swedes claiming in interviews that… Source

Swedish Teen Girl Kidnapped, Gang Raped and Tortured in Basement by Migrants

An immigrant gang that kidnapped a 14-year-old girl, held her captive and tortured her has now been sentenced. However, one of the men – a 26-year-old African – is acquitted of aggravated rape of the girl. The girl was kidnapped on February 15 from the commuter train station in Vega in Haninge municipality. She was […]

5G Causes Headaches, Stomach pain, difficulty Sleeping according to Swedish Study

    New peer-reviewed research has found that children who get too close to 5G wireless towers develop serious health problems such as chronic headaches, stomach pain, and difficulty sleeping. Three children and their parents came down with these and other symptoms after vacationing at a summer home located just 125 meters away from a […]

Teslas Are Being Blocked At Swedish Ports Due To Dockworker Labor Dispute

As Tesla looks to navigate uncertain demand with price cuts heading into 2024, the company is now also encountering heightened tensions in Sweden as the local transport workers’ union intensifies its efforts by threatening to block the automaker’s imports at all Swedish ports beginning November 17. Tesla’s stake in the Swedish market, which ranks as its […]

Swedish TV’s film portraying Vikings as Africans Gets Mocked in International Media

SVT’s giant investment in Swedish history – where the original Swedes look like Arabs and Africans – has prompted a series of negative articles in foreign mainstream media. Some wonder if Swedes believe their state propaganda or take it with a grain of salt – like in the Soviet Union. Historien om Sverige is broadcast […]

If Sweden Won, Why are Swedish Birth Rates Plummeting?

It is chapter and verse nowadays among Covid-19 policy dissidents – or at least those who get amplified the most on X – that “Sweden won:” namely, by bucking the trend and refusing to lock down, taking the initial hit of higher excess mortality at the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic, but ultimately being rewarded […]


Swedish Gangs Use Fake Spotify Hits From Affiliated Ganster Rappers To Launder Money

Swedish Gangs Use Fake Spotify Hits From Affiliated Ganster Rappers To Launder Money Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News, The bombshell investigative report by a Swedish newspaper revealed how the Swedish underworld is converting its dirty cash into legitimate income via the streaming platform… Swedish criminal gangs are using Spotify to launder money by […]

Swedish Citizens told by Police to Dress More Cheaply to Avoid Migrant Violence on Them

Police in the Swedish county of Värmland have urged residents not to wear branded clothing or expensive jewelry when walking through the county’s largest city of Karlstad due to a rise in robberies and migrant gang violence. As reported by the Samnytt news outlet, citizens are being told to dress poorly to ensure they aren’t […]

Swedish Embassy Stormed Over Quran Burning; A Mossad Conspiracy & New US Troop Deployment To Iraq

The US government, along with its European allies, have condemned the storming of Sweden’s embassy in Baghdad by hundreds of Iraqi protesters who demonstrated against Stockholm’s sanctioning of Quran burning events. The incident, coupled with a fallout between the Iraqi Presidency and a pro-Western Christian leader, is making headway in Western mainstream and social media. […]


Iraqi refugees set fire to Quran outside Swedish Parliament in Stockholm

Both Momika and Najem have repeatedly stated that they want the Quran banned completely in the Nordic nation, which has broad free speech laws. Source

Expel Swedish envoy

TEHRAN – Iran has strongly reacted to the desecration of the holy Quran in Sweden, taking a set of measures with the aim of putting an end to the sacrilege to the holy book. Source

Sayyed Nasrallah Calls on Lebanese Gov’t to Expel Swedish Ambassador in Protest of Holy Quran Desecration

 July 20, 2023 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah tackled the renewed crime of disrespecting the Holiest Islamic Book in Sweden, saying: “We are saddened by the new heinous act of desecrating Holy Quran Delivering a speech during the commemoration of the third night of Ashura ceremonies in the southern suburb of Beirut on Thursday, […]

Iraqi Protesters Storm Swedish Embassy in Baghdad Over Planned Quran Desecration

July 20, 2023 By Staff, Agencies Hundreds of Iraqi protesters have stormed the Swedish embassy in the capital Baghdad and set part of it on fire in protest against the second planned desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden. The angry protesters, who were reportedly the supporters of prominent Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, stormed […]

Swedish Expedition Strikes Gold Within Royal Tombs in Cyprus

An archaeological expedition from the University of Gothenburg has announced the finding of underground tombs in Cyprus. Initially, the Swedish archaeologists identified a set of mysterious chambers using magnetometry. But now, they have revealed that they were actually “royal tombs” laden in luxury imported artifacts and were located outside the Bronze Age trading metropolis, Hala […]

Iraqis storm Swedish embassy to protest Quran burning

Hundreds of Iraqi demonstrators yesterday stormed the Swedish embassy in Baghdad to protest the burning of the holy Quran in Stockholm. Shia cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr had called for a large "angry" protest outside Sweden's embassy in Baghdad, demanding the expulsion of its ambassador from the country as well. An Iraqi burned the Quran in Stockholm, […]

Muslim Fury over Quran Burning, Hezbollah Says Swedish Authorities ‘Complicit’

 June 29, 2023 Hezbollah firmly denounced on Thursday burning of the holy Quran in Stockholm, lashing out at Swedish authorities for being “complicit in such crime.” In a statement, Hezbollah Media Relations stressed that continuous desecration of Quran in Sweden and other countries is unacceptable, warning that the Lebanese resistance group won’t keep mum on […]

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