Posts Tagged ‘africans’

Bill Gates says Africans need GMO seeds, chickens to survive climate change

(NaturalNews) This year’s Africa Climate Summit, which was held in Nairobi, Kenya, from Sept. 4-6, featured the usual lineup of billionaire eugenicists pushing for… Source

Swedish TV’s film portraying Vikings as Africans Gets Mocked in International Media

SVT’s giant investment in Swedish history – where the original Swedes look like Arabs and Africans – has prompted a series of negative articles in foreign mainstream media. Some wonder if Swedes believe their state propaganda or take it with a grain of salt – like in the Soviet Union. Historien om Sverige is broadcast […]

The Pentagon is using Africans to conduct illegal biological research under the pretense of ‘public health’

READ HERE: The US is exploiting Africa as a testing ground and is relocating “unfinished” biological weapons projects from Ukraine to the continent under the guise of public health programs, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed. Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, alleged on […]

Bill Gates Boasts 1.2 BILLION Africans Will Soon Have mRNA Forcibly Injected Into Their Bodies

Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates has boasted that mRNA chemicals will soon be forcibly injected into the bodies of over 1.2 billion Africans, as the roll-out of his mandatory jab was given approval this month. On […] The post Bill Gates Boasts 1.2 BILLION Africans Will Soon Have mRNA Forcibly Injected Into Their Bodies appeared first […]

Libya: border guards find bodies of 6 black Africans in desert

Libyan border guards have found the bodies of six African migrants in the desert, according to the Interior Ministry. The news comes just one week after a video circulated online of a Libyan border guard giving water to black African migrants who had been dumped in the middle of the desert by Tunisian authorities. Two days earlier […]

900 new Africans and Arabs are flown to Sweden

    The Swedish Migration Agency has now decided that Sweden will accept 900 so-called quota refugees from the third world this year. This is in accordance with the Tidö parties’ agreement. The focus is on “HBTQI people”. During 2023, the Swedish Migration Agency, on behalf of the government, will select and bring 900 people […]

Africans Rise Up Against Bill Gates: We Are Not ‘Guinea Pigs’ For Your ‘Risky’ Experiments

Bill Gates uses African people as “guinea pigs” and the African continent as his personal “laboratory” for “extremely risky” experiments, according to a top African official who has blasted Gates and others for playing God […] The post Africans Rise Up Against Bill Gates: We Are Not ‘Guinea Pigs’ For Your ‘Risky’ Experiments appeared first […]

The Blues Came from European/Celtic Spiritual Folk Music, not from Africans: 1988 Van Morrison Interview

One of the most mentioned of these “black music” genres that we have been told for generations was an invention of the black man is the blues. Source

Young Tunisian Men Interviewed Say Sub-Saharan Africans Hunted Down and Ate Pet Dogs and Cats

Two young men interviewed made it very clear why they do not want black Africans in their land. Source

4 Africans Arrested for gang raping A women twice in a Forest

4 Eritrean men are charged after two serious rapes against a 40-year-old woman in Huddinge at the end of June. In one case, the woman was raped by all four men in a wooded area and one of the men filmed the abuse, according to the indictment. All four now risk long prison terms and […]

Macron Insulted Africans’ Intelligence by Claiming That Multipolar Powers Manipulate Them

By Andrew Korybko Global Research, August 29, 2022 Region: Europe, sub-Saharan Africa Theme: Intelligence All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost […]

Africans Decry Europe’s Energy Hypocrisy

Europe, one of the largest consumers of Russian gas, is scrambling to find African alternatives as Russia threatens to permanently turn off the taps. Russia’s gas supply to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline was halted for routine maintenance last week, and there are concerns that Russia may not restart it. Moscow has already […]

Brutal Attacks On Africans In Morocco Highlights Crisis In Africa

On June 24th, approximately 2000 African migrants made a desperate attempt at a mass border crossing, climbing the iron fence separating Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla. Footage of African bodies piled up at the foot of the fence, many lifeless, while others were being savagely beaten by Moroccan Security Forces, went viral. To […]

West Favors Ukrainians Over Syrians & Africans

1 Jun, 2022 12:14 HomeWorld News The West’s selective treatment of refugees can be seen in the warm welcome for Ukrainians compared to those from other places The EU claims that it’s open to all refugees — but those from Ukraine get a much warmer reception than others © AFP / Christophe Archambault As a […]

89 Africans Killed By Mysterious New Illness Emerging In South Sudan

According to the Daily Mail and BBC, “we decided to send a rapid response team to go and do risk assessment and investigation; that is when they will be able to collect samples from the sick people – but provisionally the figure that we got was that there were 89 deaths,” said the WHO’s Sheila […]

Wealthy Countries Weigh Boosters; Fewer Than 2% Of Africans Vaccinated

Above Photo: Luke Dray/Getty Images. While Global North Weighs Booster Shots Against Covid-19. Wealthy countries around the world are preparing to offer a third shot of Covid-19 vaccines to their populations. Meanwhile, vaccination remains out of reach for the vast majority of Africans. The highly infectious Delta variant of the coronavirus is sweeping Africa in a deadly […]

Spain Deploys Army to AID TENS OF THOUSANDS of Moroccans and Africans to Invade their Country

    Also Sub Sharan Africans — IntelMA 🇲🇦 (@_IntelMA_) May 17, 2021 Spain is facing total cultural disaster as tens of thousands of Arabs and Africans are invading their country. What about the virus? Who is testing these mofokoz? Where is their jab passport and you can’t do this, can’t do that, can’t […]

Massive Locusts Swarms Leave Africans in Impoverished State blob: Comment: The ruling class could easily have prevented this with PROPER use of pesticides but they manipulated to have this happen as evidently they want massive starvation and death here and in United States.… Despite historical links to natural disasters, the modern world’s global food web means that famines today are created […]

Africans Rape White Children on London Streets in Broad Daylight – Because Jews Lead Black & Brown Invasion into Europa

A lady recorded a school girl getting abducted-London [embedded content] Security camera recorded a school girl getting abducted on the way to school. Also a brave lady followed the guy who abducted a girl and saved the girl.

White South Africans finally have Enough, Begin Protesting over Farm Murder but Blacks Counter Protest

Home » Africa, Crimes » White South Africans finally have Enough, Begin Protesting over Farm Murder but Blacks Counter Protest     Tensions ran high as two groups of protesters squared off after a young white farmer was killed in South Africa. The case has reignited the decades-old conflict surrounding land ownership in the country. […]

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