Posts Tagged ‘Libya’

Over 60 People Have Drowned In Capsizing Of Migrant Vessel Off Libya, U.N. Says

The shipwreck was the latest tragedy in this part of the Mediterranean Sea, a key but dangerous route for migrants seeking a better life in Europe. Source

Netanyahu Says He Wants Wars With Iran, Iraq, Libya & Russia!


WATER IS A RENEWABLE   The Great Man-Made River of Libya

From The Great Man-Made River of Libya One of the biggest civilian development project that Libya’s ex-president Muammar Gaddafi undertook during his forty-two-year rule was the Great Man-Made River. Gaddafi’s dream was to provide fresh water for everyone, and to turn the desert green, making Libya self-sufficient in food production. To make […]

WHO: 101 health workers killed in Libya’s Storm Daniel

As many as 101 health workers in Libya were killed during Storm Daniel or in its immediate aftermath, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said. “The deceased health workers are among the 4,333 people thus far confirmed dead following the storm while more than 8,500 people are still missing,” the WHO said in a statement yesterday. Even before […]

Libya: 4 new officials in detention due to floods

The Libyan Public Prosecutor ordered the placement of four new officials in pretrial detention as part of an investigation into the collapse of two dams that caused devastating floods in the city of Derna in the east of the country on 10 September. On 25 September, the Public Prosecutor ordered the imprisonment of eight officials, […]

Derna children traumatised in aftermath of Libya floods triggered by Storm Daniel

Children in Libya’s Derna city have been suffering from depression and loss of speech, while some even attempted suicide after the Mediterranean Storm Daniel wreaked havoc on their hometown, Anadolu Agency reports. Derna was the hardest hit by the floods, causing the city’s dams to burst, washing away homes and people. “Nearly 300,000 children are […]

Libya: lack of a unified crisis management hinders international aid, says Presidential Council

Libya’s Presidential Council said on Sunday that the lack of a “unified crisis management system” in the country has disrupted international aid efforts related to the flood disaster that struck the east of the country on 10 September. “International support for those affected by the flood disaster that struck eastern Libya requires the gaining of […]


SEPTEMBER 21ST, 2023 Source Mnar Adley More than 11,000 people have been confirmed dead in the devastating floods in the Libyan city of Derna. But corporate mainstream media outlets like the BBC, the New York Times, CNN and others would have you believe the destruction that has drawn worldwide headlines is due to climate change. […]

Libya seeks cooperation with US to reduce impact of floods

Libya, on Wednesday, underlined the importance of cooperation with the United States to reduce the impact of the deadly floods that killed thousands in the North African country, Anadolu Agency reports. Head of the Tripoli-based government, Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, met in the Libyan capital with Commander of the US Army Africa Command (AFRICOM), Gen. Michael […]

Survivors Of Libya Floods Call For Accountability Amid Loss And Devastation

Thousands of Libyans have lost family members, friends and neighbors in the devastating floods that engulfed the country’s east. Source

U.N. Warns Disease Outbreak After Libya Flood Could Spark ‘A Second Devastating Crisis’

Officials are concerned about water contamination and lack of sanitation after two dams collapsed during Mediterranean storm Daniel, killing up to 11,000. Source

For Victims Of Morocco And Libya Disasters, Devastation Goes Beyond The Death Toll

“When people meet each other, they meet each other with condolences. The first question they asked is not who died, but who survived.” Source

A week after Libya floods, families haunted by fate of the missing

Sabreen Blil was on her hands and knees atop the rubble of her brother’s house, the wind beating at her black robe as she clawed with her bare hands at the flattened masonry in the hope of somehow digging to the family buried below, Reuters reports. She recited their names as she wept. Taym, Yazan, […]

Libya Natural Disaster Death Toll Is NATO’s Fault

After financing extremist militias that violently executed the former Libyan President, Muammar Gaddafi, in addition to launching a brutal war of aggression that turned the richest African nation into a failed State and open slave market, Western media apologists for NATO pretend as if the war never occurred. According to mainstream corporate media, the horrific […]

Death toll from floods in Libya’s Derna jumps to 11,300: UN

At least 11,300 people have been killed and over 10,000 others still missing by deadly floods in Libya’s eastern city of Derna, the United Nations said, reports Anadolu Agency. In a statement, the UN Humanitarian Affairs Office (OCHA) said around 170 people were killed outside Derna city by the flooding caused by Mediterranean storm Daniel. […]

Libya Investigates Dams’ Collapse After Devastating Flood Kills More Than 11,000

Libya’s general prosecutor said that prosecutors would investigate the collapse of the two dams, which were built in the 1970s, as well as the allocation of maintenance funds. Source

Death toll from devastating floods in Libya tops 6,000

READ: 55 children poisoned by polluted water in Libya coastal city: Unity government Source

55 children poisoned by polluted water in Libya coastal city: Unity government

At least 55 children have been poisoned by polluted water in the Libyan coastal city of Derna, which was hit especially hard by floods caused by Storm Daniel when it hit the country last weekend, Anadolu Agency reports. We detected 55 cases of contamination (poisoning) with water unfit for consumption and drinking in Derna, all […]

Searchers Scour Hollowed-Out Buildings For 10,000 Missing In Libya As Flood Death Toll Climbs

Teams have buried bodies in mass graves outside the city and in nearby towns, Eastern Libya’s health minister, Othman Abduljaleel, said. Source

Rain Floods Claim 11,300 Lives After Dams Give Out In Derna, Libya

The Libyan Red Crescent said 10,100 people also remain missing. Source

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