Posts Tagged ‘beyond’

Beyond shock and awe: Inside Trump’s potential second-term agenda

An increasingly detailed picture of former President Donald Trump’s second-term agenda is emerging — one that would make the near-daily shocks of his norm-shattering first White House tenure look tame. Some of the particulars have already blown up into campaign furors, thanks to Trump’s public remarks about abandoning NATO allies and serving as a “dictator” […]

Hezbollah Drones Go Beyond Haifa, Israelis Voice Concerns: Video

 February 21, 2024 Member of Hezbollah Central Council Sheikh Nabil Qawook stressed that the Resistance in Lebanon has beeen accumulating more power since October 7, adding that the Zionist threats will never change the formulas of deterrence. Addressing a mourning ceremony held to commemorate the martyr all the way to Al-Quds Abdul Karim Samhat in […]

Crackdown on Palestine in education goes far beyond universities

The backlash against Palestine in education isn’t just happening in universities. There have also been dozens of educators disciplined at primary and secondary schools across the U.S. for teaching about the Israeli attack on Gaza. Source

PHONONS Activate GO and rGO Beyond Limits!

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanism Agenda” from the top. SPM Ultrasounds cannot be heard by humans but they can penetrate the body. In doing so they […]

Data from US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows, beyond any doubt, that the COVID vaccines have killed millions

From Steve Kirsch @ substack It’s finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses. Executive summary Today you will get to see the data that nobody wants you to see. FINALLY. No […]

‘This Is Terrorism’: Pope Francis Says Israel-Hamas Fighting Has ‘Gone Beyond War’

At HuffPost, we believe that everyone needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive news subscriptions. That is why we are committed to providing deeply reported, carefully fact-checked news that is freely accessible to everyone. Our News, Politics and Culture teams invest time and care working on hard-hitting […]

Beyond Meat struggles to address declining sales – people will always choose REAL over FAKE

Beyond Meat struggles to address declining sales – people will always choose REAL over FAKE Fake meat company Beyond Meat fell short of market expectations for its quarterly revenue, posting losses bigger than market estimates during a Nov. 8 post-earnings call. Executives from the El Segundo, California-based company said the percentage of people in the […]

Election Day 2023 recap: Voters back Democrats in Kentucky, Virginia, beyond

Voters across the country headed to the polls Tuesday to weigh in on a slew of statewide and local elections that could serve as a bellwether for next year’s congressional and White House races. Virginia Democrats have gained full control of the state’s General Assembly, dealing a major blow to Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s agenda in a… […]

Beyond Parody: Israel Mocks UK Prime Minister by Hosting Him at King David Hotel

Renegade Editor’s Note: Rishi Sunak doesn’t care. He’s not British. He’s a little ZOG puppet. By Chris Menahan Source

Beyond Crypto: Zero-Knowledge Proofs Show Potential From Voting To Finance

Beyond Crypto: Zero-Knowledge Proofs Show Potential From Voting To Finance Authored by Andrew Singer via, In a world increasingly anxious about privacy and exploitation of one’s personal data by governments, corporations, social media platforms and banks, zero-knowledge proofs may offer some relief.  Indeed, this emerging cryptographic protocol could partially remedy two rapidly growing global deficits: privacy […]

Beyond October

The Palestinian resistance in Gaza has shattered the Zionist state’s perceptions about itself and its enemies’ capabilities. To restore its deterrence, its slow strangulation of Gaza will no longer be enough. Source

AIPAC tries to distort and damage U.S. foreign policy beyond the Middle East

In the 1980s, AIPAC tried to weaken U.S. policy toward an African dictator. Is the pro-Israel warhorse deploying the same maneuver again today? Source

Oslo after thirty: A paradigm beyond partition

Dr. Lex Takkenberg argues that we need to move beyond Oslo’s paradigm of partition and separation and to instead adopt a new-old vision for a single democratic state. Source

For Victims Of Morocco And Libya Disasters, Devastation Goes Beyond The Death Toll

“When people meet each other, they meet each other with condolences. The first question they asked is not who died, but who survived.” Source

COVID UNMASKED: 2020 AND BEYOND | Sept. 11 — 14

12 sept 2023 In early 2020, life as we knew it changed forever. What was sold to us as a fight against “a new and deadly virus“ soon revealed itself as merely the opening act of a Great Reset, in which we will “own nothing and be happy”. This film documents exactly who is behind […]

Beyond Fertility: Goddess Heqet’s Extensive Influence on Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, the goddess Heqet reigned supreme as a symbol of fertility and childbirth. Read more Section:  News Human Origins Religions Myths & Legends Africa Read Later  Source

Ultrabright stellar object is shining beyond the ‘death line,’ and no one can explain it

Ultrabright stellar object is shining beyond the ‘death line,’ and no one can explain it By Brandon Specktor A slowly rotating, ultrabright object 15,000 light-years from Earth defies every logical explanation that astronomers have thrown at it. [*] [*]  An illustration of a magnetar blasting blue jets of radio energy into space, baffling humans 15,000 […]

WATCH: Beyond the Reset

This excellent short film is a darkly humorous journey into one possible near-future. We all hope it never happens this way, but of course the best way to guard against it is to be aware of the danger. Source

Get woke, go broke: Bed Bath & Beyond now begging product consignment company to stock its shelves so that stores don’t appear empty

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Woke retailer Bed Bath & Beyond was spiraling into the ash bin of history but has gotten a last-minute reprieve — of sorts — that will likely only delay the franchise’s collapse.On Wednesday, the company revealed that it is partnering with Hilco Global to restock its inventory as part of its ongoing […]

Maher: Violence in CA, Memphis Goes Beyond Race and Focusing Solely on Race Keeps from Solving the Problem

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that there has become a bizarre ritual where we wait to find out the race of perpetrators “like we’re waiting for the Oscar nominations, because that’s somehow, to a Source

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