Posts Tagged ‘AIPAC’

AIPAC is spending big to beat Cori Bush

Michael Arria speaks to JVP Action Political Director Beth Miller about Cori Bush’s record in Congress and how much AIPAC is spending to unseat her. Source

‘They are trying to buy this seat’: Can Cori Bush beat AIPAC?

AIPAC spent $15 million to help defeat Jamaal Bowman and now they have their sights set on Missouri’s 1st district, where Cori Bush faces a primary challenge. Can she beat the Israel lobby? Source

‘Their message is, The Empire Strikes Back’: Breaking down AIPAC’s role in the 2024 election

Political consultant Peter Feld unpacks AIPAC’s strategy in the Democratic primaries, Jamaal Bowman’s bad poll numbers, and whether Gaza will impact Biden’s reelection. Source

Bowman’s anti-AIPAC fundraising bump

With help from Shawn Ness BOO$T FOR BOWMAN: AIPAC’s attack ads seem to have been a boon for Rep. Jamaal Bowman — at least when it comes to fundraising, Playbook has learned. The endangered progressive’s May haul was more than $1 million — triple what he raised in April — with $770,000 of the contributions […]

Biden won’t set red lines for Israel so long as AIPAC is ‘top’ Democratic campaign funder

AIPAC has spent $12 million in just two congressional races. Joe Biden notices even if the media doesn’t. Source

AIPAC-endorsed Democrat calls for Israeli leadership change

Rep. Mike Levin — one of California’s few vulnerable Democratic House members — called for a change in Israeli leadership on Thursday. “It appears to me that new leaders are needed,” Levin said to a small group of reporters, adding that he thinks the current leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are not “ultimately leading […]

Schumer’s Israel rebuke leaves AIPAC in a delicate position

When Majority Leader Chuck Schumer took to the Senate floor on Thursday to issue a sharp rebuke of Israel’s leadership amid that country’s war with Hamas, he broke with longstanding precedent in American foreign policy. But so far, the reaction from the most prominent pro-Israel group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has been largely […]

US Congressman Slams Pro-Israel AIPAC Lobby

US Representative Mark Pocan, a Democrat from Wisconsin, has vocally criticized the influence of the pro-Israel lobby in American politics. Specifically, Pocan singled out the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in a recent interview, characterizing it as a “front group for conservative policy in the US.” In the interview with US media, Pocan stated, […]

An Actual AIPAC Commercial

This is so in-your-face with how much Israel owns American politics that is almost seems like satire. Source

AIPAC tries to distort and damage U.S. foreign policy beyond the Middle East

In the 1980s, AIPAC tried to weaken U.S. policy toward an African dictator. Is the pro-Israel warhorse deploying the same maneuver again today? Source

Progressive Vermont Rep. Becca Balint visited Israel on AIPAC trip

Why did progressive Rep. Becca Balint go to Israel on a trip sponsored by AIPAC? “I was on this trip with people who absolutely disagree with me,” she says. And left the trip off social media. Still! Source

Blinken address to AIPAC epitomizes the failure of the Biden Administration

Antony Blinken resurrected the two-state zombie in his address to AIPAC on the 56th anniversary of the 1967 War. But the number of true believers in Washington who buy these fantasies is dwindling. Source

Leading rabbi says AIPAC-J Street squabble is ‘dangerous for the Jewish people’

A conversation between two leading U.S. rabbis show how strong the red lines still are in the organized Jewish community with regard to Israel. Source

Nikki Haley, who once criticized AIPAC for being insufficiently pro-Israel, is running for president

Nikki Haley was the first U.S. governor to sign anti-BDS legislation, and once criticized AIPAC for not being pro-Israel enough. Now, she is preparing to run for president. Source

AIPAC spent over $4 million trying to stop Summer Lee but she’s headed to congress

After failing to oust her in the primaries, AIPAC fell to Summer Lee in the PA-12 general election as well. “They are losing a generational battle here,” says Justice Democrats’ Waleed Shahid. Source

AIPAC is still aiming to take down Summer Lee

AIPAC spent big trying to defeat Summer Lee in her primary by claiming she was a bad Democrat, now they’re spending $1 million on her GOP opponent. Source

AIPAC secretly spent over $350,000 trying to stop Ilhan Omar from being reelected

Filings from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) reveal that the pro-Israel group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) spent more than $350,000 trying to defeat Rep. Ilhan Omar in the Democratic primary for Minnesota’s 5th district. Additionally the group spent over $400,000 to help defeat New York 10th district candidate Yuh-Line Niou, a progressive […]

Rebutting AIPAC’s case for war with Iran

Israel and its proxies in Washington have stepped up their efforts to promote war against Iran. The stepped-up effort comes in response to the increasingly positive outlook for the United States and Iran to agree on conditions for a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly referred to as the Iran Nuclear […]

Rebutting AIPAC’s case for war with Iran

Israel and its proxies in Washington have stepped up their efforts to promote war against Iran. The stepped-up effort comes in response to the increasingly positive outlook for the United States and Iran to agree on conditions for a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly referred to as the Iran Nuclear […]

AIPAC’s nasty stealth campaign to stop progressive Yuh-Line Niou may backfire

I live in New York City’s 10th Congressional District — and I was at first enraged when I learned that AIPAC, the right wing of the pro-Israel lobby, had secretly intervened in our Democratic primary election on August 23. But then, on reflection, I realized that AIPAC’s sneaky move may backfire. The lobby does get […]

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