Posts Tagged ‘trying’

‘They are trying to buy this seat’: Can Cori Bush beat AIPAC?

AIPAC spent $15 million to help defeat Jamaal Bowman and now they have their sights set on Missouri’s 1st district, where Cori Bush faces a primary challenge. Can she beat the Israel lobby? Source

Neocons Still Trying to Create WWIII Before the Election

As long as the West continues to allow the Neocons to control this war, then there will be no stopping World War III. These people have spent their entire lives hating Russians for particularly personal reasons. These Neocons have waged endless wars since Vietnam. They had lied to the American public to justify their wars […]

Zuckerberg: Warns AI Companies ‘Trying To Create God’, But He Will Save Us

It’s a tragic comedy. Zuckerberg seems jealous that his industry cohorts are creating “God” without him and, um, not casting him in the role of the messiah? Well, he is pretty sure that he can save us from being misled because HIS AI is inspired far beyond the others. His holographic, goggle-wearing future promises that […]

Biden trying to provoke WWIII before the election by secretly granting Ukraine permission to strike targets in Russia

(NaturalNews) After much speculation, President Joe Biden has given Ukraine permission to use American-made weapons to strike targets in Russia, drawing… Source

7 Things You Should Do Before Trying to Lose Weight

READ HERE:   Source

Hungarian Leader Warns Macron Is Trying To Start World War III

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has warned that French President Emmanuel Macron’s is deliberately attempting to spark World War III by threatening to send NATO troops to Ukraine. In an interview with The Economist last […] The post Hungarian Leader Warns Macron Is Trying To Start World War III appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Republicans are trying to snuff out climate embers around the country

Leaders across the continent who have embraced aggressive climate policies are facing a political backlash as the programs drive up the cost of electricity, home heating and even ordinary goods. In New York, Washington, Pennsylvania and California — and even Canada — concerns about the costs of curbing greenhouse gas emissions are fueling voter revolts […]

Evangelical Zionists are trying to “accelerate” the apocalypse because they think it will bring Jesus back

(NaturalNews) A Christian pastor believes that Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel was the start of the “Gog and Magog war” from the Bible and said he’s going to… Source

Trump has a rocky relationship with Black voters. He’s trying to change it.

Months before his criminal trial started, former President Donald Trump stood before Black conservatives in South Carolina and made a direct appeal to African American voters with a provocative — and, critics said, racist — theme: Like you, I’m unfairly persecuted by the criminal justice system. It was just the beginning of a highly calculated […]

Some Observations About Religious Cults Trying To “Convert” Dead People

I have a top shelf pedigree which goes back more than two thousand years. Studying my lines genealogy I got through a back door in to the Mormon’s genealogical records.They have such extensive records because when a person is a Mormon, the “church” researches their family history and “saves”/”Converts” all the Mormon’s ancestors to Mormonism. […]

Israel accuses Biden of trying to topple Netanyahu after U.S. president said Israeli Prime Minister needs to “come to Jesus”

(NaturalNews) The latest intelligence assessment out of the United States suggests that the Biden regime here in America wants to remove the Netanyahu regime in… Source

Cotton hits Biden for ‘trying to gloss over all of his failures’ at State of the Union

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) took a swing at President Biden for “trying to gloss over all of his failures” in his State of the Union address in an interview that aired Sunday. “Joe Biden is trying to gloss over all of his failures… making American families spend more on everything from food, to gas, to… […]

Why is The Bank OF England trying to stop growth?

The Bank of England tries to stop growth johnredwood March 10 The People’s Bank of China is cutting interest rates and creating more liquidity in markets to boost growth. They did not buy up bonds in past years and have low inflation.Growth is around 5% The Fed, the US Central Bank , is busy selling […]

“They were so close”: Israel kills medics trying to save dying 6-year-old Hind Rajab

“It is extremely important. The life and the story of Hind should not be end in this way.” Source

Trying to survive a mouse click away from death

Musa, Moses, fled the then all-powerful pharaohs to this side of the Sinai. Now, my daughter and I will, with God’s grace, flee the Israelis to the land of Egypt, to save our lives. Source

Arizona GOP chairman RESIGNS after being caught trying to bribe Kari Lake to stay out of Senate race

(NaturalNews) Arizona Republican Party Chairman Jeff DeWit has been caught on a leaked audio recording attempting to bribe Arizona 2022 gubernatorial candidate… Source

Gates Still Trying To Convince People To Take ‘Safe & Effective Vaccines.

Bill Gates is still on what appears to be his never-ending quest to inject the global human population with as many “vaccines” as possible. The Covid pandemic may be old news at the World Economic […] The post Gates Still Trying To Convince People To Take ‘Safe & Effective Vaccines. appeared first on The People's […]

An Advanced Species Trying To Figure Out Why American Sheep Still “VOTE” In Rothschil’d’s Corporations Illusion of Elections


Israel Is Trying To Drag The US Into Regional War, After Failure In Gaza

Israel has been at war in Gaza for nearly four months and having failed to pull off any major military victories, it has turned its focus outwards, carrying out a number of military operations that are clearly designed to force a larger regional confrontation. Despite the evident danger posed by such an escalation, the US […]

Amazon Is Trying to Stop a Lawsuit From Drivers Who Peed In Bottles From Going to Court

Amazon is trying to stop a class action lawsuit by a group of Colorado delivery drivers about the “inhumane” conditions they face from going to court, the drivers’ lawyers say.  Drivers first filed the proposed class action lawsuit in Colorado in May because, they said, they have to pee in bottles and defecate in dog-waste […]

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