Posts Tagged ‘survive’

Which Devices Will Survive a Tactical EMP Strike?

April 24 2024 Many of you know the basics of EMP’s where your electronic devices will be wiped out and you will be back in the 1800’s. But actually if you understand the technical details of an EMP, you might be surprised to find out that some devices will survive. This will make sense when […]

The Real World War – The war to survive the end of the last Empire

The Real World War – The war to survive the end of the last Empire  Tue 4:38 pm +01:00, 2 Apr 2024   posted by pete fairhurst 2 The American Empire is in decline, it can’t control events anymore because it’s power is waning It can’t even control it’s Mid East proxy, Israel, any more […]

Polish MP Dominik Tarczyński: The Soul of Europe Must Remain Christian To Survive

[CFT Note: We are republishing this article from 2018 — in the 6 years since its first appearance the divides between the “liberal” and atheistic west and the Christians to the east have intensified.  And Poland has come under attack by the EU — while their recent rigged elections installed a liberal government which intends […]

Texas fires are destroying cattle ranches – will the U.S. beef industry survive?

Texas fires are destroying cattle ranches – will the U.S. beef industry survive? In what the Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) X account is describing as a total wipeout of the American beef industry, the Texas fires have reportedly annihilated a disturbing number of cattle ranches, feedlots and grasslands in the Lone Star State. The devastation […]

From Trucker-Boycotts To Grid-Down – There’s Only One Way To Survive A Food Crisis

Authored by Brandon Smith via, If there is one reality that Americans need to accept, it’s that every system has a breaking point and there are no exceptions. Human beings are built to adapt and this has given us incredible resilience, but it also means we have a tendency to wait too long to […]

Trying to survive a mouse click away from death

Musa, Moses, fled the then all-powerful pharaohs to this side of the Sinai. Now, my daughter and I will, with God’s grace, flee the Israelis to the land of Egypt, to save our lives. Source

How to Survive a Bad Trip, According to a Psychedelic Therapist

This article originally appeared on VICE Germany. A sunny day outdoors, good friends, and an afternoon of funny, mind-expanding experiences—that’s how everyone hopes their psychedelic trip will go. Unfortunately, things don’t always turn out that way. Even if you’re an experienced drug user, chances are you might have a bad trip someday, a negative experience […]

Someone Threw Her Off The Roof Leaving Her Paralyzed And Drink Rain Water To Survive

Someone Threw Her Off The Roof Leaving Her Paralyzed And Drink Rain Water To Survive This dog is from Meerut, India. Someone threw it of the roof. After that she became paralyzed. Then they left she there fence for herself, she had nothing to eat, just dring rain water for week until we found her. […]

Bill Gates says Africans need GMO seeds, chickens to survive climate change

(NaturalNews) This year’s Africa Climate Summit, which was held in Nairobi, Kenya, from Sept. 4-6, featured the usual lineup of billionaire eugenicists pushing for… Source

EMP survival: Follow these tips to survive the first 72 hours after an EMP event

(NaturalNews) Electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) can have catastrophic and devastating effects on society. EMPs can be caused by natural sources like solar flares,… Source

Can Thanksgiving Traditions Survive a Four-Year Pause?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL For decades, I enjoyed Thanksgiving. Each year, we traveled to my parents’ or one of my brothers’, or in-law’s, houses. Twelve to fifteen people sat around two, age-defined tables and ate a hearty, redolent, mid-afternoon meal of turkey, stuffing, homemade, tangy, locally (New Jersey bogs!)-sourced cranberry sauce, yams, vegetables and […]

What It Feels Like To Survive An IED Blast

Authored John J. Waters via, (emphasis ours) The following is an excerpt from River City One: A Novel (Knox Press; November 7, 2023). I’m laughing now because I can still see him. He’s got his helmet on, the chinstrap dangling and tobacco spit coming off his lip. I tell you the right side of his face […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 34: Children who survive the bombs may die of starvation, disease, and dehydration 

UN agencies report that fuel shortages will force Gaza hospitals, desalination plants, and bakeries to close, indirectly killing many. “The situation is catastrophic. Civilians, especially children, continue to pay the heaviest price,” says Save the Children. Source

Trapped In Hell: Palestinian Civilians Try To Survive In Northern Gaza, Focus Of Israel’s Offensive

Weeks after ordering northern Gaza’s 1.1 million inhabitants to evacuate south, the Israeli army is intensifying its bombing in northern Gaza. Source

Rob Reiner: ‘Democracy’ Can Only Survive if Trump Is Convicted and No Third-Party Candidates Allowed

In one of his most ironic proclamations to date, Rob Reiner declared that “democracy” can only survive if former President Donald Trump is imprisoned and all third-party candidates are prohibited from running. Source

Politicians Too Stupid to Survive

Democrat Who Wanted Cops Abolished Beat Up By Blacks Comment:  All Politicians are prostitutes for money as are ALL HW stars, media heads, medical researchers, university scumbags, etc. By infostormer  – September 8, 2023 1 A Democrat politician in Minnesota is whining after she got carjacked and beat up by blacks. The funny part about […]

I Cannot Survive Another Day of Summer

We’re supposed to be holding on to these last sweet few weeks of summer, soaking up the remaining warmth, sunshine, and revelry we enjoyed throughout June, July, and early August. But something deeper in our DNA calls us to turn inward, for darkness is coming. Soon the trees will turn orange and wither, the berries […]

How to Survive and Thrive the NWO and the Next 10 Years!

July 29 2023 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step 2nd of July 2023. One step at a […]

Migrant Boat Breaks Apart Off Italy; Dozens Dead, 80 Survive

Th overcrowded boat smashed into rocky reefs and broke apart before dawn Sunday. Dozens more could be missing, survivors have indicated. Source

Antelope Tries To Outswim Crocodile In Pulse-Pounding Race To Survive

The chase was on in Botswana between the hungry reptile and the desperate buck. Source

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