Posts Tagged ‘change’

Right Wing Round-Up: He Was Never Gonna Change

Media Matters: Daily Wire host Matt Walsh attacks VP Kamala Harris for having a career Walsh: “She’s a woman who has chosen to dedicate her life to her own personal ambition and career advancement. She has lived a very self-serving life. The lack of children is a symptom of that.” Laurie Roberts @ AZ Central: […]

Climate change is creating so much global GREENING that even fanatics are noticing as they panic about shrinking deserts

(NaturalNews) Almost everywhere around the world right now deserts are shrinking as greening accelerates, prompting climate fanatics to change course by demanding… Source

COVID and climate change mutate into single authoritarian VIRUS for swift globalist takeover of the planet

(NaturalNews) The American Medical Association (AMA) is facilitating the merger of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and climate change, which are morphing together… Source

Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘Lunatics’ in Washington Want Regime Change In Russia

Washington’s involvement in the conflict between Moscow and Kiev is not about “defending Ukraine,” but is actually an attempt to force regime change in Russia, according to former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. Ramaswamy said […] The post Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘Lunatics’ in Washington Want Regime Change In Russia appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

South Carolina Bans Sex Change Surgeries & Hormone Therapy For Minors

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster has signed into law a ban on sex change surgeries and hormones for minors. The law became effective immediately after being signed by the governor and makes South Carolina the […] The post South Carolina Bans Sex Change Surgeries & Hormone Therapy For Minors appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

The Pope Invites Gavin Newsom To Speak About Climate Change At The Vatican

Pope Francis has invited California Governor Gavin Newsom to speak at the Vaticans annual climate change summit. The Pontiff does not seem to mind that the California Democrat’s social progressive track record includes championing transgender […] The post The Pope Invites Gavin Newsom To Speak About Climate Change At The Vatican appeared first on The […]

⚡️ May 2 2024 – Juan O Savin w/ JMC > There’s so Much in Play + Things Are Going to Change Radically

John Michael Chambers and Juan O Savin have a conversation about Lt Gen Mike Flynn. There’s scuttlebutt that Flynn is a traitor. Juan, himself hasn’t always seen eye-to-eye with the General. However, he imparts his full-throated endorsement of him, here. Or is it? Very weird that they were impelled to dedicate an entire show to […]

Cambridge Academic Says Climate Change Alarm Is Now A Dangerous Ideology

Climate change has become a dangerous ideology according to Cambridge University professor Mike Hulme. Hulme, Professor of Human Geography at Cambridge University, says climate change is NOT going to end the world and we need […] The post Cambridge Academic Says Climate Change Alarm Is Now A Dangerous Ideology appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

HOLY COW!!! The WEF just admitted the US dollar is about to change—FOREVER!


Pope Francis Says Climate Change Deniers Are ‘As Dumb as the Devil Himself’

Pope Francis has told CBS News that people who deny climate change exists are “as dumb as the Devil himself,” despite the fact that a growing number of scientists have debunked the climate emergency as […] The post Pope Francis Says Climate Change Deniers Are ‘As Dumb as the Devil Himself’ appeared first on The […]

Court in Pakistan Orders Change in Legal Marriage Age

Lahore High Court. (MariyamAftab, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – A high court in Pakistan last week ordered a provincial government to remove gender-based age distinction in its child marriage law, a move aimed at deterring forced conversions and forced marriages of girls, sources said. Lahore… Source

Change the approach from just helping Ukraine fight to letting them win the war

Everything that Putin’s regime has already done and will continue to do is a result of the weak response of the free world. Source

Iran: The age of change has begun

 April 20, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen’s Political Editor By Al Mayadeen English Despite sanctions, Iran has been transforming its economy and has succeeded in shifting the political equation against “Israel”, starting with Operation True Promise. The latest developments between Tehran and Tel Aviv reflect a shift in Iran’s previous strategy in confronting “Israel”, encompassed in the change […]

Trump has a rocky relationship with Black voters. He’s trying to change it.

Months before his criminal trial started, former President Donald Trump stood before Black conservatives in South Carolina and made a direct appeal to African American voters with a provocative — and, critics said, racist — theme: Like you, I’m unfairly persecuted by the criminal justice system. It was just the beginning of a highly calculated […]

AIPAC-endorsed Democrat calls for Israeli leadership change

Rep. Mike Levin — one of California’s few vulnerable Democratic House members — called for a change in Israeli leadership on Thursday. “It appears to me that new leaders are needed,” Levin said to a small group of reporters, adding that he thinks the current leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are not “ultimately leading […]

New Law Will Allow Germans Over 14 To Change Their Gender Once A Year

German lawmakers have approved a law that will allow children as young as 14 to change their gender at a register office without the need of any medical evaluation. The German Parliament approved the law on Friday making it easier for people to change their sex on legal documents without undergoing surgery or hormone therapy. BYPASS […]

British gov’t accused of exploiting COVID-19 pandemic to push climate change agenda

British gov’t accused of exploiting COVID-19 pandemic to push climate change agenda The government of the United Kingdom is being accused of using the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as a smokescreen to push climate change regulations. In November 2019, four months before the implementation of the Coronavirus Act that led to the national lockdown, the Engineering and Physical […]

Charlie Kirk Leads Campaign To Change Nebraska Electoral Law Explicitly To Benefit Trump

When Joe Biden won the presidential election in 2020, he managed to secure one electoral vote from the state of Nebraska thanks to a 1991 law that allocates electoral votes by congressional district rather than the “winner take all” method used by most other states. With the 2024 presidential election expected to be close, right-wing […]

Historic verdict: Right to defense against climate change enshrined in Indian Constitution

The Supreme Court of India, in a landmark ruling, has expanded the protective scope of the Constitution, embedding the right against the adverse effects of climate change within the purview of fundamental human rights. This decision, articulated by Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud and Justices J B Pardiwala and Manoj Misra, redefines Articles 14 and […]

Two Weeks to Flatten Became Eight Months to Change the Election 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In 1845, Congress established Election Day as the Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The Act sought “to establish a uniform time” for Americans to cast their ballots for president. Historically, voters needed to provide a valid reason – such as illness or military service – to qualify for […]

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