Posts Tagged ‘letting’

Change the approach from just helping Ukraine fight to letting them win the war

Everything that Putin’s regime has already done and will continue to do is a result of the weak response of the free world. Source

Guardians & Murdered Wards: FBI Dropped the Ball on This One Letting the Massive Numbers of Perpetrators Get Away With Murder

Guardians & Murdered Wards I pulled some of the guardian papers and there was this little booklet that came out. It had a little fabric cover. All it was was essentially identifying the name of a guardian and which Osage they were in charge of. And when I opened up the book, I could see […]

The Biden-Harris Administration Is Letting Chinese Nicotine Traffickers Infiltrate the U.S.

The Biden-Harris administration doesn’t appear to be too concerned with China’s vape invasion of the U.S., but you can help stop it. Source

Lawmakers Propose Letting Massachusetts Prisoners Donate Organs for Reduced Sentences

A new bill proposed on Beacon Hill would allow Massachusetts prisoners to donate their organs for reduced sentences. Source

Connecticut police arrest parents for letting their kids walk freely

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Law enforcement in Connecticut arrested the parents of two children for simply allowing them to walk unaccompanied to a doughnut shop.Lenore Skenazy, president of the childhood independence advocacy group Let Grow, elaborated on the circumstances of the arrest in a Jan. 23 article for Reason magazine. The incident … [Read More…] Source

Video: Leftist Talking Heads Claim Letting Trump Back On Facebook Will “Destroy Democracy”

Reacting to the news that Facebook is to allow President Trump access to its platform after a two year ban, leftist ‘journalists’ on MSNBC claimed that it will “destroy democracy”. Trump derangement syndrome is well and truly back, with New York Times editor Mara Gay, Lincoln Project co-founder George Conway, and historian Jon Meacham crying […]

Poll: Majority of Americans Believe Biden Admin Is Intentionally Letting Gas Prices Skyrocket

Perhaps people believe this because members of the Biden administration keep coming right out and saying that we are “transitioning” off of oil and gas.

Pollak: Joe Biden Is Letting Babies Go Hungry in America

President Joe Biden is failing to address the acute shortage of baby formula across the country, which is resulting in panic for mothers, for whom formula is a necessary supplement or substitute for breast milk.

Supreme Court Sets Dangerous Precedent Of Letting The American People Make Medical Decisions For Themselves

U.S.—The SCOTUS has struck down Biden’s vaccine mandates on the grounds that they are unconstitutional. Experts say this sets a dangerous precedent of letting individuals make their own medical decisions. “What am I supposed to do now that I don’t have private companies working with the Federal government to force me to inject a foreign […]

Democrat Congressman: Biden Letting U.S. Play Olympics ‘Does Not Go Far Enough’

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) criticized the Biden administration’s “diplomatic boycott” of the Beijing Winter Olympics, saying it “does not go far enough” to hold China accountable. Ryan said in a statement on Monday: China has been a bad actor and everyone knows it — from continuing to stonewall on the WHO [World Health Organization] investigation of COVID-19 […]

Why is the medical profession letting us die?

Thank you, Dr. Brian C. Joondeph, for your article on aspirin as a potential part of the covid treatment regimen. And for mentioning ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as similar safe and potentially very effective therapeutics. Here are a couple more to be considered. (Please note that I am not a physician, and I am not dispensing medical advice. I’m just […]

Letting the World Burn: The Question of Governance

A home is engulfed in flames as the Dixie fire rages on in Greenville, California on August 5, 2021. (Photo: Josh Edelson/AFP via Getty Images) The sixth report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change confirms yet again that we are rapidly destabilizing the climate and making the earth a more dangerous and biologically impoverished planet. […]

DeSantis: Biden’s ‘Letting Afghanistan Burn,’ ‘Obsessed’ with Taking Away Parental Rights and Forcing Kindergartners to Wear Masks

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said President Joe Biden is “obsessed with having the government force kindergartners to wear masks all day in school” and “obsessed with taking away parents’ rights” while he’s allowing Afghanistan to fall apart. DeSantis said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:45] “[H]e […]

AL Gov. Ivey: ‘It’s Time to Start Blaming the Unvaccinated Folks’ for COVID Surge – They ‘Are Letting Us Down’

Governor Kay Ivey (R-AL) told Birmingham, AL’s CBS 42 on Thursday during a press gaggle that it was “time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” for COVID-19 cases rising in her state. When asked about mask mandates, Ivey said, “Let’s be crystal clear about this issue. The new cases of Covid are because of unvaccinated […]

Heartache and the Myth of Letting Go

April 15th, 2021 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing writer for Wake Up World The more we try to manually let go of heartache, the more we get in the way of healing. In my experience through grief work and the trenches of heartbreak, I have noticed that I don’t let go of pain as much as pain […]

Iowa Governor Signs Bill Into Law Letting Residents Buy, Carry Guns Without Permits

Individuals will still have to follow federal law and go through an instant background check to buy from licensed sellers each time they purchase a gun. People who fail to commit to the new law will be charged with a Class D felony, which is punishable by up to five years in prison. It will […]

Full Moon in Virgo: Letting Go of Perfectionism

February 26th, 2021 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World Saturday’s Full Moon comes at the end of a tumultuous month, astrologically speaking, when crucial but disruptive energies have been seeded, particularly via the stellium in Aquarius and the first of this year’s three exact squares between Saturn and Uranus. It’s a month […]

Trump may get one win as Palm Beach council leans towards letting him live at Mar-a-Lago

A meeting of Palm Beach’s town council appeared to lean towards allowing Donald Trump to live full time at Mar-a-Lago despite objections from neighbours – though no vote took place at what was an informational session. Those opposed to the former president residing at the private club cited an agreement with the town limiting the […]

Israeli soldiers expel Palestinians while letting settlers stay, military documents reveal

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Senator Manchin’s Voters Aren’t Letting Him Stop $2,000 Checks

Senator Manchin’s Voters Aren’t Letting Him Stop $2,000 Checks Above photo: Senator Manchin. Toni Sandys-Pool/Getty Images. The intense backlash to his recent comments criticizing $2,000 stimulus checks signal the growing momentum for guaranteed income programs—and the emerging power of voters who care more about substantive results than partisan skirmishes. On the same day President Joe […]

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