Posts Tagged ‘settlers’

Israeli Settlers Consistently Use Arson Attacks To Burn Palestinians Alive

Videos have recently resurfaced showing the results of Israeli settler attacks in the occupied West Bank, since October of last year, displaying that aggression committed by those Israel considers to be of its civilian population, somewhat match the spirit of the horrifying atrocities we currently see being carried out by the Israeli military in Gaza. […]

Unleashed: Israeli settlers rampage through West Bank villages, kill two people, injure dozens

Israeli settlers have killed two Palestinians since Friday, in a series of rampage attacks on Palestinian villages in the region east of Ramallah. The two martyrs were identified as Jihad Abu Alia, 25, from the village of al-Mughayyir, and Omar Hamed, 17, from the village of Beitin. The attacks came following the disappearance of a […]

Six settlers injured in a shooting operation in Ramallah, West Bank

March 22, 2024 By Al Mayadeen English Israeli media reported that the operation has been ongoing for more than four hours. Israeli media reported the wounding of six Israeli settlers in a Palestinian shooting operation at the ‘Habarsa’ crossroads near the ‘Dolev’ settlement, west of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.  In more detail, the Palestinian who […]

Sayyed Nasrallah: Hezbollah Will Expand War Zone If ‘Israel’ Does, Settlers Won’t Return to the North

February 13, 2024 Mohammad Salami Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah reiterated that Hezbollah will continue its border offensive against the Israeli occupation sites near Lebanon border till the Zionist barbaric war on Gaza ends. “When the aggression on Gaza stops fire will be ceased in South Lebanon,” Sayyed Nasrallah said. Sayyed Nasrallah made his […]

Who Are The Israeli Settlers Sanctioned By The US Government?

Via Middle East Eye While pressure has continued to mount on US President Joe Biden to take action in response to Israel’s war on Gaza, he has instead set his sights on the occupied West Bank. Activity by Israeli settlers has dramatically increased since the beginning of the Gaza war on October 7 and a number of […]

Israeli media warns settlers to ‘prepare for a civil war’

January 18, 2024 Source: Israeli media Israeli settlers protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government in “Tel Aviv”, on Saturday, December 30, 2023 (AP) Israeli newspaper Haaretz says Netanyahu’s conduct is pushing the entity toward the verge of exploding. By Al Mayadeen English Israeli newspaper Haaretz warned settlers on Thursday to “prepare for a civil war,” pointing […]

Israeli Minister Calls On Jewish Settlers To Retake Gaza & Zionism Is Antisemitic w/ Robert Inlakesh

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/31/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

230,000 Settlers Evacuated from Northern ‘Israel’ for First Time since 1948

December 30, 2023 The Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday that the number of Israeli settlers displaced from north of occupied Palestine has reached 230,000. It is worth noting it is the first time that the northern settlements get evacuated since the establishment of the usurping occupation entity. The psychological and economic repercussions of Hezbollah attacks on […]

Rebuilding Gush Katif: The scheme to return Jewish settlers to Gaza

DEC 13, 2023 Source Once viewed as a fringe group, Israel’s messianic settler movement holds the reins of power today. Their plans for the ethnic cleansing and resettlement of Gaza needed only two things: a big war and an extremist government. William Van Wagenen Almost three weeks into Israel’s bloody ground invasion of Gaza, an […]

EU Moves To Sanction ‘Extremist’ Israeli Settlers, Following Biden Administration

The European Union is moving toward imposing sanctions against “extremist” Israeli settlers who are caught waging attacks on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. “I am in favor of sanctioning those involved in the attacks in the West Bank. They must be held accountable. This violence has nothing to do with the fight against Hamas […]

In Rare Action Against Israel, U.S. To Bar Extremist West Bank Settlers From America

The State Department says it will impose travel bans on extremist Jewish settlers implicated in a rash of attacks on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Source

Lions’ Den calls for confrontations with Israel occupation forces, settlers in West Bank

The Lions’ Den group yesterday called on Palestinians to confront the Israeli occupation in the occupied West Bank, in support of the brave freedom fighters in the Gaza Strip. “O free people of Palestine, you must all move from the stage of defence to the stage of offence in the West Bank,” the group said […]

Jewish settlers stole my house. It’s not my fault they’re Jewish.

Palestinians are told the words we use dwarf the decades of violence enacted against us by the self-proclaimed Jewish State. A drone is one thing, but a trope—a trope is unacceptable. No more. Source

Al-Aqsa Mosque’s courtyard stormed by settlers, IOF on Jewish New Year

Sunday 17, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English Israeli occupation forces are forcing out Muslim worshipers from inside Al-Aqsa Mosque in preparation for its eventual storming. Israeli settlers stormed the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied al-Quds on Sunday morning, under the protection of Israeli occupation forces, to mark the occasion of […]

Israeli settlers celebrate as they take over Palestinian home in Hebron

Israeli settlers are seen celebrating after taking over a Palestinian home near the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Old City of occupied Hebron. Source

Two Zionist Settlers Injured in Occupied Al-Quds Stab Attack

September 6, 2023 A stab attack injured three Zionist settlers on Jaffa street in occupied Al-Quds, according to media reports. One settler was seriously injured and taken to hospital. One other man was lightly wounded and taken for medical treatment. Two female settlers were also treated for anxiety-related injuries. The Zionist occupation forces arrested the […]

Israel settlers using Whatsapp to plot to harrass, boycott Palestinians

Israeli settlers from Ma’ale Adumim, an illegal Israeli settlement in Jerusalem, are coordinating different initiatives through a WhatsApp group aimed at diminishing the Palestinian presence in the city.   According to The Times of Israel, these efforts include boycotting and intimidating businesses serving Palestinians with work permits. An Israeli watchdog group, Fake Reporter, was the first […]

I witnessed firsthand how settlers steal Palestinian land

Israel’s High Court evicted families from Masafer Yatta in May 2022 after declaring the area a “firing zone” for exclusive military use. Israeli settlers have since established herding outposts there on the army’s watch. Source

Israeli Settlers Beg For Palestinian Blood After String Of West Bank Attacks

On Monday morning, for the first time since the early 2000’s, Israeli occupation forces used a helicopter missile strike against Palestinians in the West Bank. As the Israeli army raided the city of Jenin, they encountered an ambush that led to the injuring of 7 soldiers and later the murder of 6 Palestinians. The incident […]

Five Israeli settlers injured in ‘Tel Aviv’ shooting

9 Mar 2023 Source: Agencies Five settlers are injured during a shooting on “Dizengoff Stree” in “Tel Aviv”, and the executor is killed. Medics at the scene of a shooting on ‘Dizengoff Street’ in ‘Tel Aviv’, occupied Palestine, March 9, 2023 (United Hatzalah) By Al Mayadeen English  A Palestinian young man was killed Thursday after executing […]

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