Posts Tagged ‘action’

Politicians split over Biden’s executive action tightening the border

Politicians split over Biden’s executive action tightening the border lead image Source

Block the boat – Urgent call for action

Block the boat – Urgent call for action Action Alert Last night Israel carried out one of its bloodiest massacres in its ongoing genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza yet. Military Embargo May 27, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Source

Urgent Action Alert as Israel intensifies its genocide in Gaza

Urgent Action Alert as Israel intensifies its genocide in Gaza Action Alert Israel has carried out one of its bloodiest massacres yet, in open defiance of last Friday’s explicit order by the International Court of Justice that Israel cease its military offensive in Rafah immediately. Economic Boycott Military Embargo Apartheid Free Zones Sanctions and governments […]

#Nakba76: Demand action and accountability to end #GazaGenocide and #DismantleApartheid

#Nakba76: Demand action and accountability to end #GazaGenocide and #DismantleApartheid BNC Statement As we commemorate Nakba Day, we refuse to stand idly by as mere witnesses to injustice. We demand action, accountability, and transformative change to ensure a future of dignity, justice and liberation for the Palestinian people. May 15, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National […]

FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER – at least 12 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills aggressive cancers. Why no clinical trials? Nine research papers reviewed.

(NaturalNews) Papers and Articles Reviewed:(Article republished from 2023 Jun – Movahedi et al – Repurposing anti-parasite… Source

Take Action: Urge Olympic Torchbearers To Help Stop Israel’s #GazaGenocide

Take Action: Urge Olympic Torchbearers To Help Stop Israel’s #GazaGenocide Action Alert As genocidal Israel threatens to use “extreme force” against displaced Palestinians in Rafah in the occupied Gaza Strip and the Olympic torch arrives in France, be a torchbearer for Palestinian rights. Ban Apartheid Israel from Sports May 8, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural […]

AstraZeneca Facing $320M Bill in Massive Class Action Lawsuit For ‘Defective’ Covid Vaccine

Big Pharma giant AstraZeneca is facing a $320 million dollar bill after 51 families launched a class action lawsuit against the vaccine maker after family members were injured or killed by the “defective” Covid jab. […] The post AstraZeneca Facing $320M Bill in Massive Class Action Lawsuit For ‘Defective’ Covid Vaccine appeared first on The […]

Real People Taking Action – Interview with Rosie who during Lockdown stepped up to the plate – link below Tuesday, 30th April 2024 In 2008, UK Column—which at that time was a print newspaper—published an article entitled The White Rose. We began that article by stating that it had been prompted by a recent conversation with two … Read the rest Source

New class action filed against Medibank

Australian private health insurance giant Medibank is set to face additional proceedings, with a global law firm bringing a shareholder action for alleged breach of continuous disclosure obligations pertaining to purported non-disclosures about deficiencies in the company’s cyber security defences. This afternoon (Wednesday, 29 March), Medibank (ASX: MPL) announced to the market that it was […]

Student-led climate action is flourishing in DeSantis’s Florida

The “Green New Deal for UF” is a statement of support for bold, progressive climate action put forward by students. Source

Palestine Action gets the goods

On The Electronic Intifada livestream last week we had on Huda Ammori, the co-founder of Palestine Action. Her group is waging a non-violent struggle against Elbit — Israel’s largest private arms firm. So far, they’ve forced two of Elbit’s 10 sites in the UK to shut down, and have successfully pressured four other companies to […]

Call to Action: Support academic freedom for Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian

Hebrew University’s suspension of Palestinian professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian sends a chilling message to scholars worldwide. Silencing her undermines academic freedom and the broader struggle for human rights and dignity in Palestine and beyond. Source

Palestine Action activists hit with felony charges over New Hampshire Elbit protest

Three Palestine Action US activists have been hit with felony charges over a protest targeting Elbit Systems in New Hampshire last November. Source

Biden administration’s EV policy shift: A step back for climate action

This potential policy shift, seen as a nod to automakers and labor unions, is stirring controversy amid the escalating climate crisis, marked by last year’s record-breaking global temperatures. Source

Elon Musk Claims ‘The Only Action Needed To Solve Climate Change Is A Carbon Tax’

Elon Musk has just reiterated his belief in the need for carbon taxes, backing up calls from the World Economic Forum for a “globally coordinated system of carbon taxes.” In a recent tweet, the Tesla CEO […] The post Elon Musk Claims ‘The Only Action Needed To Solve Climate Change Is A Carbon Tax’ appeared first […]

More Israeli Troops To ‘Go Into Action’ Soon At Lebanon Border: Defense Minister

As the region braces for the consequences of major US airstrikes on ‘Iranian proxies’ in Iraq and Syria, Israel’s defense minister has issued an alert saying Israeli troops will “very soon go into action” near the country’s northern border with Lebanon. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant issued the words Monday at a time of daily tit-for-tat cross-border […]

US hawks call for action against Iran following attack on troops in Jordan

Amidst escalating tensions, US lawmakers call for a strong response to Iran after a drone attack on American troops in Jordan intensifies calls for action. Source

Garcia presses Pentagon for action on veterans discharged under ‘Don’t ask, Don’t tell’

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) pressed the Pentagon for action on veterans discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in a letter earlier this week. “Our service members made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our country. ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ was a policy that should have never existed in the first place, but we’re unfortunately still feeling… […]

42% of Americans ‘Likely To Join’ Class Action Lawsuit Against Big Pharma Over Covid Vaccines

Hundreds of millions of Americans are “likely to join” a major class action lawsuit against Big Pharma companies Moderna and Pfizer over the disastrous consequences of Covid mRNA vaccines. According to a recent Rasmussen Reports […] The post 42% of Americans ‘Likely To Join’ Class Action Lawsuit Against Big Pharma Over Covid Vaccines appeared first […]

Starbucks faces NLRB action over union-linked store closures

Making workers whole for work missed,” NLRB demands Starbucks reopen closed stores. Source

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