Posts Tagged ‘class’

Billionaire-backed JD Vance claims working class support despite anti-labor record

Vance accepted the party’s vice-presidential nomination with promises to champion the interests of everyday Americans. Source

What’s the Point of the Administrative Class?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The administrative class – at all levels, in all organizations – portrays itself as indispensable. Nothing would get done without the smooth operation of the internal mechanics of a company, a government agency, any group you care to mention. Tasks must be performed, memos sent, regulations and procedures codified.  And plans […]

New era of inequality: Billionaires pay less in taxes than the working class

Economist Gabriel Zucman’s analysis reveals that for the first time, U.S. billionaires have a lower effective tax rate than working-class Americans, sparking a renewed debate on wealth tax. Source

AstraZeneca Facing $320M Bill in Massive Class Action Lawsuit For ‘Defective’ Covid Vaccine

Big Pharma giant AstraZeneca is facing a $320 million dollar bill after 51 families launched a class action lawsuit against the vaccine maker after family members were injured or killed by the “defective” Covid jab. […] The post AstraZeneca Facing $320M Bill in Massive Class Action Lawsuit For ‘Defective’ Covid Vaccine appeared first on The […]

Housing Costs Are Crushing The American Middle Class, But How Can We Fix The Problem?

Housing Costs Are Crushing The American Middle Class, But How Can We Fix The Problem? In a new poll conducted by the Financial Times and Michigan’s Ross School of Business, data shows there is a rare bipartisan agreement among Republicans and Democrats – Both sides believe that there are no housing advantages for the their […]

New class action filed against Medibank

Australian private health insurance giant Medibank is set to face additional proceedings, with a global law firm bringing a shareholder action for alleged breach of continuous disclosure obligations pertaining to purported non-disclosures about deficiencies in the company’s cyber security defences. This afternoon (Wednesday, 29 March), Medibank (ASX: MPL) announced to the market that it was […]

WEF Calls For Elimination of ‘Useless Class’ of Humans-Rothschilds?, All Politicians, Pedophile Fake “royals”?, Most Media Talking Heads?

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is “urgently” looking for solutions to the “problem” of the world being overpopulated with individuals deemed “redundant” and “useless” as the global “elite” prepare for the dominance of AI. Klaus Schwab’s right-hand-man and senior WEF advisor Yuval Noah Harari has issued a stark warning to fellow globalists, describing the emergence […]

Middle-class people are becoming homeless

19 dec 2023 “We have a new phenomenon not seen since at least the Great Depression. Middle-class people are becoming homeless. Fully employed carpenters and nurses living in parking lots in cars in Canada” They are pushing us to accept the Universal Basic Income which will come in the form of CBDCs through your digital […]

The New Class Wars

The New Class Wars There are none. There is no middle class, no labor class, no aristocratic class. Only three classes exist: 1. The Jewish Class 2. The Used Class 3. The Goyim Class Karl Marx said that “ideology” pertains to the selfish-interests of a particular class and has nothing to do with “truth.” Marx […]

42% of Americans ‘Likely To Join’ Class Action Lawsuit Against Big Pharma Over Covid Vaccines

Hundreds of millions of Americans are “likely to join” a major class action lawsuit against Big Pharma companies Moderna and Pfizer over the disastrous consequences of Covid mRNA vaccines. According to a recent Rasmussen Reports […] The post 42% of Americans ‘Likely To Join’ Class Action Lawsuit Against Big Pharma Over Covid Vaccines appeared first […]

The Destruction of the American Middle Class

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Since money-printing went into permanent high gear after the dotcom crash in 2000, the top 1% of households have gained $20 million each in inflation-adjusted net worth. Likewise, the top 0.1% or 131,000 households at the tippy top of the economic ladder have gained $88 million each in inflation-adjusted net […]

What’s It Take To Be Middle Class Now?

Can an economy in which 10% of the households qualify as middle class claim to offer widespread opportunities for secure prosperity? No, it cannot. Defining the middle class is a perpetually popular parlor game because it’s well-known that the foundation of widespread prosperity is a broad-based middle class and a sturdy ladder of social mobility that enables those below the […]

The Power of Confronting Members of the Political Class

It’s time to revive the time-honored tradition of confronting members of the political and intellectual class. On Friday, October 27, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee at a rally for her campaign for mayor of Houston. As an estimated 250 Houstonians cheered at the sight of Clinton and Jackson Lee […]

Why Democrats keep stubbing their toes on the working class vote

David Leonhardt has done just about everything at The New York Times. Today, he writes “The Morning,” The Times’ flagship AM newsletter. Prior to that, he was an opinion writer, a reporter and a podcast host. He’s also won a Pulitzer Prize. And now he’s written a new book, “Ours Was the Shining Future: The […]

Israeli Nazi Supplier Paradox – Krupp Dolphin U-Boats & Sa’ar 6-class of corvettes

Given the shambolic and underfunded armed forces of Germany  German taxpayers may well wonder why their money has been used to subsidise arming the Apartheid state of Israel rather than bolster their own defences. Given the Israeli version of history Israeli taxpayers may well wonder why their government is employing Krupp former taskmasters of Nazi […]

113 Million People Will Join The Global Middle-Class In 2024

113 Million People Will Join The Global Middle-Class In 2024 Every year, over 100 million people enter the global middle class. Defined by the World Data Lab as someone who spends at least $12 per day (measured in 2017 purchasing power parity), these individuals are typically rising up in developing regions like Asia and Africa. In this […]

Class Action Lawsuits As a Defence Against the Evil Of Zionist Corporate “governments”

Know what you call a thousand lawyers on the bottom of the ocean? A good start! Know what happens when you rub a lawyer’s head? They get taller! Know what the difference is between an armadillo run over on a road and a lawyer run over on the road? There are skid marks before the […]

Canadian class action lawsuit

3 oct 2023 Class Action Lawsuit in support of unvaccinated Canadians launched CANADIAN C0VlD-l9 LAWSUIT NEWSLETTER for September 19, 2023 LAWSUIT UPDATES: Current Status: Our Federal Action regarding mandates and lockdowns will be submitted for filing on Friday, 22 September 2023. A filed copy will be posted to our website upon receipt of same. A […]

Coming Bank Bail-in Reset Will Wipe Out Middle Class & Spark Civil Chaos

 Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 27, 2023 – An engineered bank bail-in reset will wipe out America’s middle class and spark widespread civil chaos   Comment:  Thanks to the Central Bank printing endless amounts of money backed by nothing we will all be POOR Again. Source

Ruling Class Is Using AI To Censor Posts On Social Media That Buck The Official Narrative

By Mac Slavo The ruling classes of the globe have been working hard at weaponizing artificial intelligence against the Source

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